
  1. 根据TheVerge杂志曝光的海报:一只迅猛龙站在被掀翻的汽车上,远处高楼在建,一架直升机带着困着三角龙的笼子驶向大楼。

    According to The Verge , the poster depicts a velociraptor standing on an overturned vehicle , while a building is being erected in the far distance .

  2. 三角龙生活在哪个地质时代?

    The dinosaur triceratops lived during what geologic period ?

  3. 一只正在觅食的三角龙被霸王龙发现,成了霸王龙的晚餐!

    Is feeding a Tyrannosaurus Rex Triceratops was discovered Tyrannosaurus rex has become dinner !

  4. 三角龙被认为是最晚出现的不会飞的恐龙。

    AZUZ : Triceratops are believed to have been one of the last flightless dinosaurs .

  5. 三角龙被归类在大约65到145百万年前的白垩纪。

    Triceratops are classified under the Cretaceous period around 65 to 145 million years ago .

  6. 一位研究者表示,在此之前,没有任何显示三角龙会一起行动的证据。

    One researcher says before now there wasn 't much evidence that triceratops moved in groups .

  7. 创造一个植园守卫首先需要一丛修剪完美的熊、狮子、或三角龙造型的园艺灌木。

    Creating a topiary guardian begins with acquiring a perfectly sculpted topiary of a boar , lion , or triceratops .

  8. 我盯著厚鼻龙的口鼻部,它是只奇特的独角恐龙,是三角龙属的亲戚,不过数量十分稀少。

    I was looking at the snout of a Pachyrhinosaurus , a particularly odd horned dinosaur , a rare relative of Triceratops .

  9. 脸上三只角,前额一把铲,没有比三角龙更酷的了。

    With three massive horns on its face and a shovel for a forehead , you can 't get much cooler than a triceratops .

  10. 在世界范围内,霸王龙――以及雷龙、剑龙和三角龙――可能是最知名的已发现恐龙,这并不令人奇怪。

    Globally , T-rex -- along with brontosaurus , stegosaurus and triceratops -- may be the best-known dinosaurs out there , and no surprise .

  11. 当你画一个三角龙时,你可能会想到它头上的三个角,或者是其头颅后的一大块骨头。

    When you picture one , you probably think of the three horns on its head or that big bone in the back of its scull .

  12. 这些恐龙是食草动物,但他们是饥饿的捕食者的目标——比如说霸王龙雷克斯。科学家表示,从他们的骨头看来,这三只三角龙的死亡有可能是霸王龙所造成的。

    These dinosaurs were plant eaters , but they were targeted by hungry predators like tyrannosaurs rex and scientists say the bones indicate that a t-rex is probably how these three triceratops died .

  13. 三角龙一般长有大型额角和小一点的鼻角,而皇家角龙额角很短,鼻角巨大,就像属于一种200多万年前就已经灭绝了的恐龙种族。

    The triceratops usually had large brow horns and a smaller nose horn , whereas the regaliceratops had short brow horns and a huge nose spike , just like a separate line of dinosaurs that died out two million years earlier .