
tóu bù
  • head;batten;nosecone;cephalosome
头部[tóu bù]
  1. 他跌倒时头部撞上了桌子。

    As he fell , his head collided with the table .

  2. 吉米由于头部被击,仍然神志不清。

    Jimmy was still dazed by the blow to his head .

  3. 他用锤子猛击她的头部。

    He bashed her over the head with a hammer .

  4. 头部和身体不成比例。

    The head is out of proportion with the body .

  5. 他用尺子猛击我的头部。

    He cracked me on the head with a ruler .

  6. 那位摔跤手给对手来了个头部擒拿。

    The wrestler put his opponent into a head hold .

  7. 他头部中弹死亡。

    He was killed by a bullet in the head .

  8. 他头部遭到重重一击。

    He got a nasty knock on the head .

  9. 他挡开了砸向头部的一击。

    He parried a blow to his head .

  10. 司机头部受伤。

    The driver suffered head injuries .

  11. 50%的道路交通事故都会导致头部损伤。

    Fifty per cent of road accidents result in head injuries

  12. 他的头部受重击之后下颌骨折了。

    His jaw was broken after he was hit on the head .

  13. 即使是轻微的头部创伤也会对心理产生长期影响。

    Even minor head injuries can cause long-lasting psychological effects .

  14. 他低估了威廉头部伤势的严重性。

    He underrated the seriousness of William 's head injury .

  15. 一位艺术家按实际大小雕刻了一个她的头部模型。

    An artist sculpted a full-size replica of her head

  16. 他在近距离内被人用枪击中头部。

    He was shot in the head at close range

  17. 那个男孩因头部轻伤接受了治疗。

    The boy was treated for a minor head wound

  18. 头部所受的那些重击有可能出自一个女人之手。

    Those blows to the head could have been delivered by a woman .

  19. 孩子摔倒时,头部最容易受伤。

    A child 's head tends to take the brunt of any fall .

  20. 他的另一只拳头从侧面击中她的头部。

    He caught her on the side of her head with his other fist .

  21. 他头部中了从急驰而过的汽车里射出的三枪而身亡。

    He was killed by three shots to the head in a drive-by shooting .

  22. 按顺时针方向转动头部,然后再逆时针旋转。

    Rotate the head clockwise and counterclockwise .

  23. 两个女人受伤,厨师头部被人用瓶子击中。

    Two women were hurt and the chef was bashed over the head with a bottle .

  24. 他连续重击她的头部。

    He battered her around the head

  25. 现场的警察称马哈古卜医生的头部遭到了几次击打。

    Police at the scene said Dr Mahgoub had been hit several times in the head .

  26. 医生推测他死于头部受击引起的脑溢血。

    The doctors speculate that he died of a cerebral haemorrhage caused by a blow on the head

  27. 她的头部看上去像是着火了,但那只是灯光造成的幻觉。

    Her head appears to be on fire but that is only a trick of the light .

  28. 与成人相比,儿童头部占整个身体的比例相对较大。

    Children tend to have relatively larger heads than adults in proportion to the rest of their body .

  29. 还配有轮缘部分具有减震功能的新型方向盘,以在受到严重撞击时保护司机的头部。

    There is also a new steering wheel with an energy absorbing rim to cushion the driver 's head in the worst impacts

  30. 砖块击中了他的头部。

    The brick hit him in the head .