
  • 网络Customer oriented;customer-friendly
  1. “以人为本,以客为尊”是本公司的服务宗旨。

    " Human assets and customer oriented " is our service aim .

  2. 奉客为尊,甘当幕后英雄。

    Respect our customers and be willing to become a hero behind in the scenes .

  3. 格林纸业的承诺就是以客为尊,提供给客户物美价廉的产品以及最优质的服务。

    The Green Paper commitment is to put our customers first by providing excellent products and great services .

  4. 我们提供的所有项目相关服务均以客为尊,这使我们方案的竞争性在这场竞标大战中大为提升。

    All project-related services we offer are customer-driven , which significantly boosts our solution 's competitiveness in the bidding war .

  5. 信保局提供的专业服务,以客为尊,力求达到促进并支持出口贸易的宗旨。

    The ECIC 's mission is to encourage and support export trade through the provision of professional and customer-oriented services .

  6. 麦顿始终坚持以客为尊&客户的需求就是我们发展与改进的方向。

    Med persists throughout as reveres take the guest & We develops with the improvement direction is the customer demand .

  7. 公司以客为尊、以人为本、品质一流、信誉第一的经营宗旨是公司赢得广大客户的根本。

    It is the customer-the-god , people-oriented , top quality and credit standing the first operating purpose of this company to win customers .

  8. 树立长期发展和竞争意识,在竞争前提下,以客为尊,制造适应客户的市场战略。

    Operation strategy : To foster a long-term development and competitive spirit , respect the customer , and draft a customer-oriented market strategy .

  9. 公司确立了“以客为尊,以质取胜”的质量方针,追求一流的品质,一流的服务,确保产品高档优质。

    It sets its quality policy " Guests first , best quality ", pursuits first quality and first service , ensures high quality and competitive price .

  10. 企业经营哲学:以人为本,以客为尊,科技为导,诚信为基。

    Company Management Philosophy Human as the root , guests as the respectable , science and technology as the guide , and faith as the ase .