
jià zhí hán shù
  • cost function
  1. 基于严格∪性价值函数的DF结构的盲均衡方案

    A New Scheme of Decision-Feedback Blind Equalization Based on Strictly Convex Cost Function

  2. 期望理论及价值函数的实证研究

    Empirical research on prospect theory and cost function

  3. 然后根掘价值函数的性能曲面,对改进的BP算法的各参数(因子)在几种特殊情况下进行了讨论,并给出了迭代过程中最优参数的计算方法。

    Especially the improved various parameters in several special circumstances are discussed and the methods of calculating the optimal parameters given .

  4. 文中给出以L1精确罚函数和光滑精确罚函数为价值函数的两种形式。

    The algorithms with the merit function of both the nondifferentiable exact penalty function and the smooth exact penalty function are discussed .

  5. 从大型复杂武器装备系统的具体特点出发,运用基于TOPSIS主成分价值函数模型的主成分分析法(PCA),构建了大型复杂武器装备质量综合评估模型。

    Considering the characteristics of large and complicated weapons and equipments , a synthetic quality evaluation model is built in this paper based on TOPSIS principal component valuation function model .

  6. 分别运用主成分价值函数法、均权TOPSIS方法对这三类指标进行评价,并运用欧氏距离价值函数法进行综合评价。

    The principal components valuation function method and the even power TOPSIS method are applied to evaluate these indexes , and Euclidean distance valuation function method is applied to comprehensive evaluation .

  7. 在一致Cartesian-P性质下,证明此价值函数可为SCCP提供一个全局误差界。

    We also show that this merit function can provide a global error bound for SCCP with the uniform Cartesian P-property .

  8. 流程的不易测量性降低了奖惩强度。(4)在BPO交易价值函数为柯布道格拉斯生产函数的两项业务流程外包中,使用了激励机制。

    The measurement difficulty of business process lowers the R & P Intensity factor . ( 4 ) In two business processes outsourcing with Cobb-Douglas production function , incentive mechanism is used .

  9. 研究了O-U过程的最优投资问题,得到了最优投资策略和最优投资的价值函数的显示解。

    This paper considers the portfolio optimisation problem for the O-U process . We get the explicit expressions for the optimal trading strategy and the value function .

  10. 在对BHS(2001)的线性价值函数进行修正的基础上,考虑了价值函数的非线性形式,构建了一个两阶段幂函数型价值函数模型。

    On the basis of amending the linear value function , this paper considers a nonlinear form of the value function , constructing a two-stage model of power function value function .

  11. 第二,本文采用Fischer-Burmeister函数把非线性互补问题转化为非光滑方程组,进而得到价值函数。

    Second , the nonlinear complementarity problem is transformed into nonsmooth equation by using Fischer & Burmeister function . Meanwhile merit function is obtained .

  12. 利用动态规划方法通过HJB方程得到最优投资组合价值函数的显式解,并给出最优投资策略。

    Using the dynamic programming approach , an explicit solution to the value function of the optimal portfolio problem is obtained by the HJB equation , and the optimal investment strategy is given .

  13. 通过分析Fischer-Burmeister函数及此价值函数的性质,对非线性互补问题提出一PRP-型共轭梯度法。

    A PRP Type conjugate gradient method for solving nonlinear complementarity problem is presented by analysing the properties of Fischer Burmeister function and this merit function .

  14. 主要工作如下:1.本文在新定义的加权价值函数的基础上提出了加权TOPSIS方法,并把它扩展到模糊环境。

    A weighted TOPSIS method is presented on the basis of the weighted TOPSIS valuation function that is newly defined , and the method is extended under fuzzy environment in which the fixation attribute fuzzy linguistic values and the normalizing method for the fuzzy number are given .

  15. 通过对数变换将最优问题的HJB方程转化为半线性偏微分方程,证明了最优投资组合解的存在性,给出了价值函数和最优投资策略。

    The HJB equation associated to the optimal investment problem becomes the semilinear partial differential equation by the logarithmic transformation . The existence of optimal portfolios solution is proved and the value function and optimal strategies are given .

  16. 第三章对一般的非线性约束优化问题提出了几种修正的信赖域算法,这些算法都是以L∞精确罚函数为价值函数,对是否接受试探步的判别准则进行了修正。

    In the last chapter , we present three modified trust region algorithms for general nonlinear constrained optimization problems . For these algorithms we choose exact penalty function as the merit function and modify the rules for accepting the trial step .

  17. 通过选择参照点,建立了价值函数。

    After choosing the reference point , value function is established .

  18. 基于价值函数理论和材料性能指数,提出了薄壁梁部件材料选择方法。

    The method for material selection using material performance indices is presented .

  19. 采矿系统多目标决策的价值函数研究

    Study on the Value Function of MADM in Mining System

  20. 离散无记忆信道的容量价值函数和信道编码定理。

    The capacity-cost function of discrete memoryless channel , and channel coding theorem .

  21. 三种主要类型价值函数的曲线图。

    Graph the three major types of cost functions .

  22. 非线性互补问题的一种新的光滑价值函数及牛顿类算法

    A new smooth merit function for nonlinear complementarity problems and a Newton-type method

  23. 前景理论模型包括了3个方面的内容:1、价值函数。

    Prospects theoretical model includes three aspects : 1 , the value function .

  24. 所建立的价值函数具有较强的实用性。

    This value function has higher suitability and practicability .

  25. 资产优化中价值函数的一些基本性质

    Basic Properties of Value Function on Asset Optimization

  26. 讨论互补问题的两个新的乘子价值函数。

    Two new multiplier merit functions are discussed .

  27. 对称锥互补问题的一类价值函数及其性质

    A Class of Merit Function and Its Related Properties for Symmetric Cone Complementarity Problems

  28. 线性互补问题的一类新的带参数价值函数的阻尼牛顿法

    A New Parameterized Merit Function for Linear Complementarity Problems and a Damped Newton Method

  29. 箱约束变分不等式的一个简单光滑价值函数和阻尼牛顿法

    New Simple Smooth Merit Function for Box Constrained Variational Inequalities and Damped Newton Type Method

  30. 不确定性与企业价值函数

    Uncertainty and function of the enterprise value