
  • 网络Price Quotes;price quotations;FOB
  1. 在另外一个例子里,策略从一个股票价格行情的引用里检查time-to-live的值,由这个值决定是否从服务数据库里获取股票价格来响应请求。

    In another instance a policy checks the time-to-live value from a stock market price quote to see if it can respond to a request from the stock value stored in the service database .

  2. 评介了2005年一季度钼品,如钼精矿、钼铁的价格行情及走势和进出口情况。

    Molybdenum market in the first quarter of 2005 was reviewed .

  3. 浙江废钢资源及价格行情走势

    Quotation and Trend of Zhejiang Waste Steal Resources and Price

  4. 美国钢铁工业结构调整及世界主要钢材产品最新价格行情分析

    Structure adjustment of US steel industry with an analysis of world steel market

  5. 它们的价值被低估,未被人们充分利用,而且常常湮没在人们的闲谈之中&像对老板,对工作的抱怨,对天气,牛奶价格行情的讨论。

    They are underused and underrated and are often forgotten amongst gossip , negative self-talk and complaints about the boss , the job , the weather and milk prices .

  6. IMF表示:全球经济正面临自70年代初以来最广泛、最猛烈的大宗商品价格上涨行情。

    The global economy is in the midst of the broadest and most buoyant commodity price boom since the early 1970s , the body said .

  7. 价格[行情]坚挺。

    Prices [ Markets ] are strong .

  8. 从2005年夏天到2007年夏天,精品葡萄酒市场维持了一段持续的价格上涨行情。

    The fine wine market enjoyed a sustained period of price appreciation from the summer of 2005 until the summer of 2007 .

  9. 鱼的价格随着市场行情而变化。

    The prices of fish vary according to market conditions .

  10. 很遗憾,由于你方价格与市场行情不符,我方歉难接受。

    Much to our regret , as your price is out of line with the market level , it is difficult for us to accept it .

  11. 王八借着兔窝价格上涨的行情,以更高的价格向狼买地,并转嫁到兔窝价格上,再加价后卖给兔子。

    Bastard rabbits nest by market prices , a higher price to buy land to the wolf , and passed on to the price of rabbit nest , together with price and sold to the rabbit .

  12. 针对煤炭市场混中块需求量小、价格低廉的行情,进行产品结构的探讨,以提高经济效益。

    Directing to the situation of the mixture middle lump needs is not very much on market and its price is cheaper , make an approach to the product structure so as to lift economic benefit .

  13. 我们的价格与现行世界行情是一致的。

    Our price is in line with the prevailing / ruling international market .

  14. 与股市不同的是,精品葡萄酒价格的中期上涨行情往往是持久的。

    Unlike the stock markets , medium term upward shifts in fine wine prices tend to be permanent .

  15. 下游人棉布方面,在人棉纱价格逐步回升的行情下,近日人棉布价格也有所跟涨。

    People of the lower cotton , cotton yarn prices gradually picked up in person under market , one cotton prices have risen in recent days .

  16. CBOT通过公开竞价交易形成的期货价格也成为世界玉米价格的风向标,各国生产经营者据此价格的涨跌行情来判断和预测未来市场行情的演变趋势,以调整和安排生产经营活动。

    The CBOT futures price formed in the open bidding trade has also become the direction indicator of world corn price , according to which the producers all over the world estimate and predict the developing trend of future market in order to adjust and arrange production and operation .

  17. 自2007年夏季以来,红酒投资市场的价格一直在略低于其峰值的水平整固,金融市场的不确定性使得精品葡萄酒价格的上涨行情出现意料之中的短暂修整。

    Since summer 2007 , the market has consolidated at levels a little below the peak prices attained before financial market uncertainties brought forward a not unexpected breather in fine wine price appreciation .