
  • 网络UPTREND CHANNEL;ascending channel;Ascending Passage;Up Channel
  1. 以季度衡量,储蓄率一直处于上升通道,直到去年末才逐渐稳定。

    On a quarterly basis , the savings rate had been rising before levelling off towards the end of last year .

  2. 垂直上升通道内气液两相绕圆柱流动旋涡脱落频率和脉动升力的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of vortex shedding frequency and the oscillation lift based on gas-liquid two-phase flow around circular cylinders in the vertical pipeline

  3. 中国经济开始进入较快增长的上升通道&2002年回顾与2003年展望

    The Chinese Economy Is Entering into the Rising Channel of Relatively Fast Growth & The Review of 2002 and Outlook of 2003

  4. 这款音乐播放器一经推出就迅速风靡全球,苹果公司的业绩也一下子重回上升通道。

    Of course , the music player became a near-instant hit around the world , and suddenly Apple was back on the upswing .

  5. 关注员工成长需求,为员工职业生涯规划多渠道上升通道,实现员工的成长需求。

    Employees concerned about the " growing demand " for the Career Planning staff increased multi-channel access to achieve the growth of demand for staff .

  6. 此期间中国刚刚从世界经济危机的阴影中摆脱出来,中国股市企稳回升,基金市场的走势进入上升通道。

    In this period , Chinese economic shake off the shadow of world financial crisis and recover steadily . Both the stock market and fund market are rising .

  7. 在他短暂的任职期间,公司股票上涨了60%,并从此开始进入上升通道。

    The stock has gained 60 % during his short tenure , a period that ended up being the beginning of a long upward trend for the stock .

  8. 当地观察人士相当乐观,认为这里不会出现大规模崩盘。他们表示,房价会下跌10%左右,然后将重回上升通道。

    Local observers are optimistic that a big crash will be avoided – prices will fall about 10 per cent , they say , before resuming their upward path .

  9. 2005年7月21日,我国实行人民币汇率制度改革,人民币由此进入上升通道,到2009年累计升值20%以上。

    July 21,2005 , adopted the reform of RMB exchange rate system , the RMB rose into the channel , by 2009 , the cumulative appreciation is up to 20 % .

  10. 而我国情况有所不同,住房价格自房改以来一直处于上升通道中,股市在经历了泡沫破灭以后增长乏力。

    But it is different in China , housing prices have been in a rising channel since the housing reform , and the stock market has experienced weak growth since the bubble burst .

  11. 这些能引起我们的关注的问题,不论是我们的需求、还是其他一些社会现象,只要产量是足够并处于上升通道中的,我们就能比较容易的解决这些问题。

    Whatever want , need , or social problem engages our attention , we ordinarily can more easily find resources to deal with it when output is large and growing than when it is not .

  12. 形成一个良性的低投入高回报的发展上升通道,摸索清如何创建该上升通道的规律并加以运用可能才是新业务拓展中最核心的问题。

    Create a healthy low-input high returns rise from the development , exploration-how to create the increased access to and use of the law may be new business development in the core of the problem .

  13. 近年来,由于房地产和信托行业都进入了国家宏观调控的上升通道,房地产信托行业的投资者遭遇道德风险的形势变得更加严峻。

    Recently , as real estate industry and Trust industry have being in the rise channel of macro Economic Control , it is more hardly that investors in Real Estate Trust deal with risk of moral .

  14. 他说,在中东,真正能达成稳定的途径是,政府提供社会的上升通道和机会,又说,他相信那些政府已开始明白,靠高压政策是维持不了统治的。

    What will achieve stability in the Middle East , he said , is for governments to provide avenues for mobility and opportunity , adding he believes governments are starting to understand that they cannot maintain power through coercion .

  15. 中基性岩(500~1000Ωm)包括辉长岩相和闪长岩相呈漏斗状分布于辉石岩相外围,漏斗状形态预示岩浆上升通道可能在矿区西南部。

    Basic rock mass including gabbro and diorite facies ( 500 ~ 1000 Ω· m ) displays a funnel shape and is distributed around the pyroxenite facies , and indicates a magma passage occurring in WS of the deposit area .

  16. 介绍了同忻井田煌斑岩的岩性及产状、时代,分析了岩浆上升通道,研究了煌斑岩侵入特征及其对煤层、煤质的影响。

    It is introduced that the lithologic features and occurrence and intrusive geologic age of lamprophyre in Tongxin mine field , and analyzed the magma intrusive passage , and studied lamprophyre intrusive features and its influence on coal seams and coal quality .

  17. 这有助于调整收入分配结构,促进社会公平,也会让更多的年轻人,尤其是贫困家庭的孩子有更多的上升通道。

    This will also help us adjust the income distribution structure and promote social fairness . In particular , we want to ensure that young people , especially children from poor families , will have equal access to opportunities for upward mobility .

  18. 当今整个世界的经济发展处于上升通道,资源的利用效率越来越高,人均产能也是不断提升,资产的价值在这种大发展时期也是迅速升值。

    As the economic development , the world is in a rising channel today . Because increasingly efficient use of resources , capacity per capita production is rising and the value of the assets is appreciation in this period of great development .

  19. 黄子骅表示,尽管短期内存在不确定性,但到2008年第二季度,当美国经济前景和中国不断加剧的通胀能否得到遏制等问题都更为明晰后,中国股市有望重返上升通道。

    While there will be uncertainty in the short term , equities could resume their climb in the second quarter of 2008 when there is more clarity over both the US outlook and whether rising Chinese inflation can be curbed , Mr Wong says .

  20. 拿过会计师或律师资格的女CEO一般没有MBA学位:其他人进入一个快速上升的职业通道,从不回头。

    Women who qualified as accountants or lawyers do not generally have MBAs : others got into a fast-paced career and never looked back .

  21. 轨道开关的场分布调整及触发脉冲上升陡度对通道数的影响

    Adjustment of the field distribution of rail switches and the influence of the gradient of the trigger pulse on the number of the channels

  22. 而如果欧元不经调整就再度大幅上升并突破加速通道的上边线则是开创了技术上的先河,我们能参与其中也算三生有幸。

    If not adjusted to the euro surged again accelerated and breakthroughs on the sideline channel is created a technical ground , we can also count Sanshengweinie involved .

  23. 利用该程序,研究不同瞬态条件下上升流裂变燃料通道、下降流裂变燃料通道、再生区燃料通道中的最大包壳温度变化及其安全性。

    Using this code , study the most clad surface temperature change and its safety characters in different transient conditions , upward fuel fission channel , downward flow fission fuel channel and blanket fuel channel .