
  • 网络Price strategy;Pricing Strategy
  1. 最后,运用SWOT方法分析了国内事务所的优劣势并提出其价格战略的选择及实施对策,以期为国内事务所的战略决策者提供参考意见。

    Finally , using SWOT method , the author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of domestic audit firms and puts forward the countermeasure of them to realize the selected price strategy .

  2. 同时受3G牌照发放和WTO环境变化等因素影响,可以预期包括中国移动在内的我国移动通信行业运营商的行为方式特别是价格战略将发生重要的变化。

    Simultaneously receives the 3G license plate provide and factor influences and so on WTO environmental variation , may anticipate will move including China our country mobile communication profession operation business behavior way is specially the price strategy has the important change .

  3. 企业竞争理论与价格战略的应用与研究

    Research and Application of Enterprise Competition Theory and Pricing Strategy

  4. 企业应用产品价格战略的理论思考

    Analysis of the price strategy applied by the enterprises

  5. 对酒产品价格战略市场反映效果评估方法研究

    Study on Evaluation System of Market Feedback about the Price Strategy of Wine

  6. 文章首先阐述了价格战略的定义、重要性及其决定因素。

    Firstly , the author explicates the definition , the essentiality and the determinant of price strategy .

  7. 一项实验室研究对工商管理学硕士与电脑设计的赚取最大利润的价格战略表现进行了比较。

    One lab study compared the performance of mba students with that of computerized profit maximizing pricing strategies .

  8. 沃尔·玛特低价格战略的成功实施,在于其核心竞争能力的培育。

    The successful realization of low price strategy by Wal-Mart lies in the cultivation of the core competence .

  9. 实施低价格战略的企业,其核心竞争能力的培育,实质是低成本核心竞争能力的培育。

    Firms with low price strategy pay more attention to the cultivation of the core competence with low cost .

  10. 公司主要采取成本领先战略、购并战略、价格战略以及品牌战略。

    The company will mainly adopt cost leading strategy , consolidation by purchasing strategy , pricing strategy and trademark strategy .

  11. 价格战略在企业经营决策中是最重要同时也是最错综复杂的决策。

    The price strategy manages in the decision-making in the enterprise is most important simultaneously also is the most intriguing decision-making .

  12. 日本零售业正通过商品战略与价格战略,努力摆脱经济不景气的影响。

    Japan 's retail industry is striving to get rid of the influence from economic depression by commodity strategy and pricing strategy .

  13. 将普通用户和低端用户这两个细分市场,做为次要的目标市场,采取价格战略和促销战略。

    Ordinary users and low-end users are as the secondary target market of Tianjin CTT , take the pricing strategy and promotional strategy .

  14. 因此,出口企业一定要制定出正确的价格战略,这是在反倾销应诉中取胜的关键因素之一。

    Therefore , the export enterprises must make correct pricing strategies , which is one of the key factors to win in anti-dumping litigation-responding .

  15. 本文以审计产业为背景,采用理论分析与实证研究相结合的方法,对会计师事务所的价格战略进行深入的研究。

    The thesis studies the price strategy of audit firms by the means of theory analysis and demonstration research in the background of audit industry .

  16. 价格战略是否成功关系到企业能否在激烈的市场竞争中生存、赢利潜力是否最大化、品牌是否能够建立。

    Whether the price strategy does succeed relates the enterprise whether to survive in the intense market competition , the profit potential whether maximization , the brand whether can establish .

  17. 该模型得出的结论为:竞争战略的典型模式有三种:低价格战略,即无差异/低成本/低价格;矿产品价格偏低;

    It can be concluded from the model that typical models of competition strategy are as follows : low - price strategy , that is " undifferentiated product - low cost - low price ";

  18. 随着目前国内汽车市场竞争的不断加剧,消费者对于汽车性能及质量要求的不断提高,以往以质量为代价的低价格战略已经很难再取得良好的效果。

    Together with increasing competition of automotive industry and higher function & quality expectation from final customer , lower-price-strategy , at the cost of bad quality , to win the market share cannot achieve good result any more .

  19. 提出了一系列的营销战略:产品战略、价格战略、广告战略、渠道战略、品牌战略等,并提出了其实施措施及保障措施,为公司的发展提供了良好的决策支持。

    Put forward a series of marketing strategy : brand strategy , pricing strategies , advertising strategy , channel strategy , as well as its proposed implementation measures and protective measures for the development of the company provided a good decision support .

  20. 接着,利用中国审计市场2006年的年报数据对两大战略的关系进行了实证研究,结果发现差异化战略有助于实现价格战略制定的自主性。

    Thirdly , the author makes demonstration research on the relation of two basic strategies by using the annals data of Chinese securities auditing market in 2006 . The result finds that the differentiation strategy help to achieve self-determination in establishing price strategy .

  21. 价格歧视战略与福利效应分析

    Tactics of Price Discrimination and Welfare Effects

  22. 在一定市场上占据优势地位的企业,可以通过有选择性地实施价格歧视战略,从而实现控制市场、获取超额利润的目的。

    A monopolizing enterprise can control a market and get superprofit by taking price discrimination .

  23. 这笔资金将使烟农协会能够在拍卖期间购买烟草,这是一项旨在迫使国内和国际烟草购买商至少要支付最低支持价格的战略。

    The money will allow farmers'associations to buy tobacco during the auctions , a strategy aimed at forcing national and international tobacco buyers to pay at least the minimum support price .

  24. 石油价格关联金融战略

    Petroleum Price Links up Financial Strategy

  25. 中小企业应对市场需求和价格的经营战略系统基模分析

    The Modelling of Strategic Management System for Small and Medium Enterprises to Deal With Market Demand and Price

  26. 其实现代营销渠道是产品的展示地,是价格、促销战略的实施地。它应该是企业营销组合中其它三个方面战略成功的坚强后盾,是企业的重要无形财产。

    But , the Marketing Channels are the strong backup to the success of the strategy in product , price and promotion carried by companies .

  27. 但由于存储容量不足,中国无法充分利用较低的国际原油价格来充实战略储备。

    But the country has been unable to fully take advantage of low international crude prices to build strategic reserves because of insufficient storage capacity .

  28. 结合海尔的经营策略,利用博弈论的方法,对我国家电企业价格战的战略误区作进一步的论述。

    This paper further discusses the strategic mistakes about differential strategy in price war among the household electrical appliance enterprises by using game theory and the business strategy of Haier .

  29. 从其历史演进角度分析,价格联盟作为战略联盟的初级形式,已逐渐被淘汰,代之以产品联盟与知识联盟为一体的技术方面的战略联盟,正在蓬勃发展。

    From history , price union as the early form of the strategic union has been eliminated , and the product union and knowledge union are being used as strategic union of technology .

  30. 通过提高环境意识、重视环境评估、降低环境成本等战略重点,树立企业环境价值,追求最优价格差异性战略,不断持续改进,创造和维持企业竞争优势,使企业获得长期成功。

    It is argued that an enterprise can obtain sustained success only by means of raising environment awareness , emphasizing environment assessment and lowering environment cost to create , maintain and improve its advantages for competition .