
cè tǐ
  • lateral body;lateral element
  1. 桑天牛(Aprionagermari(Hope))成虫内分泌器官主要由脑神经分泌细胞、心侧体、咽侧体组成。

    The endocrine organs of adult Apriona germari ( Hope ) mainly consisted of brain neurosecretory cells , corpora cardiaca and corpora allata .

  2. Macro-ASTA全长为2855bp,编码一个由701个氨基酸残基组成的咽侧体抑制素前体多肽。

    One encodes an allatostatin precursor of 701 amino acids and is 2,855 bp in full length ( named as Macro-AST A ) .

  3. 1日龄飞行处理咽侧体活性在36h后明显高于对照,60h后已是对照的10倍,在108h达到其峰值;

    For 1 day-old female , the rate of JH biosynthesis was significantly higher than that of control after 36 hours flight , increased to 10 times of the control when flying for 60 hours , and peaked when flying for 108 hours .

  4. 单侧肢体的外周神经损伤通常导致对侧体感皮层的功能重组。

    Peripheral nerve injury of a limb usually causes functional reorganization of the contralateral somatosensory cortex .

  5. 本研究中联会复合体均由两条平行排列的侧体组成,其中央轴隐约可见;

    In this study synaptonemal complexes diaplayed two lateral elements in parallel , but central element was indistinct .

  6. 最后,阐述了侧体波系研究在实际应用中的重要性。

    Finally , it is elaborated that research on the lateral wave family is of importance in practical applications .

  7. 而处理试虫的脑、咽侧体和心侧体的体积和结构无明显变化。

    Vulume and structrution of Brain , corpora allatum and corpus cardiacum of Treated test insect did not changed apparently .

  8. 通过在主船体与侧体之间的水面加入粘性项,来解决高频异常峰值问题。

    Thus the artificial viscous is introduced into the free surface between main and side hulls to solve the problem of abnormal peak .

  9. 本文在实验结果基础上讨论了锥-柱体跨声速飞行时物面上产生的侧体激波系。

    Based on the experimental results , this paper discussed lateral shock wave family generated on the surface of a cone-cylinder fiying at transonic speeds .

  10. 高速三体船通常采用瘦长中体和侧体,使其在获得良好兴波阻力性能的同时,又可以提高其横向稳性。

    To get a good wave resistance , generally , trimaran adopts long and thin body between two additional sides which can increase its transverse stability .

  11. 咽侧体抑制素是无脊椎动物中最大的神经肽家族之一,在昆虫中它不仅可以抑制保幼激素的合成与释放,还可以通过调节肌肉的收缩影响其它生理过程。

    Allatostatin is one of the largest neuropeptide families in invertebrates . In insects , they can not only inhibit the biosynthesis and release of juvenile hormone , but also affect some physiological process through modulating the muscle extraction .

  12. 试验中通过系列变化侧体横向布置位置,并对侧体安装舭龙骨进行对比试验,研究侧体布置和舭龙骨对三体船横摇运动的影响。

    In the test the side hull transverse position was systematically varied and bilge keels were fitted on each side hull , in order to investigate the effect on the trimaran roll motion of side hull transverse position and bilge keels .

  13. 在实验条件下,发现同侧体感皮层上存在双侧前爪代表区;双侧代表区起初重叠,然后分离,但未观察到跨半球的功能重组。

    A dynamic reorganization occurred . Under the experimental condition , we found that there is the overlapped representation of bilateral forepaws in the ipsilateral somatosensory cortex , and then separated . However , we did not find that the trans-hemispherical reorganization .

  14. 侧体的存在使船体周围流场变得十分复杂,同时也使三体船水动力发生很大变化,如何优化侧体布局、改善三体船体水动力性能一直是研究的热点。

    The flow field around the trimaran becomes more complicated due to the existence of the side hulls , and the hydrodynamics of trimaran has been changed considerably . It is of great interest that how to optimize the configuration and improve the hydrodynamic performance of trimaran .

  15. 侧脑室体旁放射冠区脑梗塞的临床和CT对照分析

    Clinical and CT control analyses in infarction of the corona radiata adjacent to the body of the lateral ventricle

  16. 观察卒中偏瘫患者在先针刺后运动与先运动后针刺这两种不同干预次序组合下,患侧半球体感诱发电位(SEP)波幅的即刻变化。

    Purpose : To investigate transient change on the hemisphere brain somatosensory evoked potential ( SEP ) in the patients of stroke under the different order of interference : exercise after acupuncture or acupuncture after exercise .

  17. 脑室扩大:侧脑室体部31例,三角部扩大8例。

    Ventricular enlarged : body of lateral ventricle 31 cases , triangular part 8 cases .

  18. 颞下颌关节侧位体层片属于或关于颞颥(眼眶颅骨后头骨两侧)有关。

    Of or relating to the temples ( the sides of the skull behind the orbit ) .

  19. 收集从侧膝状体到视觉皮质的轴突传递。

    Refers to a collection of axons coursing from the lateral geniculate body to the visual cortex .

  20. 结果经额角入路观察侧脑室体部、枕角,三脑室底部、后部;

    Results The body and occipital horn of the later ventricle could be observed via front horn approach .

  21. 研究认为,在高含水的情况下,侧积体内部存在剩余油局部富集区。

    The study also shows that there are remaining oil in the lateral accretionary body in extra-high water situation .

  22. 雏鸡投射向外侧膝状体腹侧核的视顶盖细胞形态研究

    Morphological Studies on the Tectal Neurons Which Project to Nucleus Geniculatus Lateralis Ventralis ( GLv ) in the Chick

  23. 3级界面为点坝内部侧积体分界面,实际上是点坝砂体的侧积面,其限定的构型要素为点坝侧积体。

    The interfaces of the lateral accretion bodies were defined as the third-order and the architectural element was lateral accretion bodies .

  24. [结果]多发性硬化症斑块多发生于侧脑室体部旁和大脑半球半卵圆中心,胼胝体和脑干也是好发部位。

    RESULTS Multiple sclerosis plaques located in the periventricular area , central of cerebral hemisphere and also at the corpus callosum and brain stem .

  25. 通过相似模拟试验,对大段高开采条件下顶煤体靠底板侧煤体弱化程度不同情况下的工作面采出率进行了模拟研究。

    With the similar simulation test , a simulation study on the mining rate of a coal mining with the top coal weaken in different degree and under the high cutting mining condition was conducted .

  26. 经额角入路观察侧脑室体部、枕角,三脑室底部、后部;经枕角观察到从颞角到额角的脉络丛。

    We observed the body of lateral cerebral ventricle occipital horn , bottom and posterior part of the third ventricle via frontal horn approach ; and choroids plexus which extends from temporal horn to frontal horn via occipital horn approach .

  27. 结果3只斜视猫斜视眼投射到同侧外侧膝状体A1层细胞的细胞色素氧化酶活性降低,而投射到对侧外侧膝状体A层细胞的酶活性未见降低;

    Results The cytochrome oxidase activity in the neurons of lamina A 1 of the ipsilateral projecting side of LGN was decreased and no change was found in the contralateral projecting side .

  28. 目的比较单次(45min)经皮电神经刺激(TENS)不同部位治疗脑卒中患者患侧肢体对体感诱发电位(SEP)的影响。

    Objective To compare the effects of two stimulating methods with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation ( TENS ) on somatosensory evoked potential ( SEPs ) of stroke patients .

  29. 改良Kromer氏法治疗腓侧副韧带体部严重撕裂伤

    Treatment of Severe Splited Injury in the Body of Fibular Collaterale lig . by the Reforming Kromer 's Technique

  30. 目的体外培养近交系大鼠胚胎腹侧中脑前体细胞(VMP)并诱导其分化为多巴胺能神经元(DN),为研究DN定向分化的分子机制提供细胞模型。

    Objective To establish a cell model for studying the molecular mechanism of committed differentiation of dopaminergic neurons ( DNs ), by means of in vitro culturing ventral mesencephalic precursors ( VMPs ) from inbred rat embryos .