
  • 网络mucoid degeneration;Myxoid degeneration;mucoid degernation
  1. CT扫描肿瘤密度不均匀,超声显示肿瘤囊实性者6例,病理证实肿瘤内粘液样变性4例,液化坏死囊性变2例。

    In the other 6 cases , the mass demonstrated heterogeneous density on CT scans , while solid cystic mixed mass on US . Pathologically , marked mucoid degeneration was found in 4 , and liquefaction with necrosis in 2 cases .

  2. 固有层浅层可见纤维组织增生、水肿,粘液样变性,及淀粉样变性,血管可见增生性扩张,血管周围散在炎细胞浸润。

    In the lamina propria we can see fibroplasia , edema , mucoid degeneration , and amyloidosis . Vascular proliferative expansion can be seen , and the scattered inflammatory cell infiltration perivascular .

  3. PAS染色,声带小结组织上皮内糖原丰富,可见淀粉样变性粘液样变性。

    PAS staining of vocal nodules rich in glycogen in epithelial tissues , showing amyloidosis myxoid degeneration .