
cè shēn
  • sideways;on one's side;work in;incline;be frightened and restless;lean to one side
侧身 [cè shēn]
  • (1) [lean to one side;incline]∶使身体处于倾斜状态

  • 排队买票的拥挤的人群使他不得不侧身站着

  • (2) [work in]∶加入;参与

  • (3) [be frightened and restless]∶形容恐惧不安

  • [on ones side] 身体侧面向前地

侧身[cè shēn]
  1. 网球正手侧身攻落点变化的训练

    The Training on Forehand Sideways Attack a Placement Shot of Tennis

  2. 我们不得不侧身穿过这狭窄的通道。

    We had to get through the narrow opening sideways .

  3. 他侧身从人群中挤了过去,跟在她后面。

    He shouldered his way through the crowd and went after her .

  4. 救生船撞上了那艘正在下沉的船的侧身。

    The lifeboat crashed against the side of the sinking ship .

  5. 他们让他侧身躺下。

    They had laid him on his side .

  6. 她侧身倚在情人的手臂上。

    She leaned on her lover 's arm .

  7. 一位成功的富达基金经理彼得•林奇(PeterLynch)说,当他告诉人们他的职业,如果市场正在走衰,他们就会侧身而退;

    Peter Lynch , a successful Fidelity fund manager , said he knew markets were in a bad way when people would edge away when he told them his profession .

  8. 黑奴贩子和黑奴追捕者们,恐怕还将侧身于我们的达官贵人之列呢。

    The trader and catcher may yet be a-mong our aristocracy .

  9. 他先是侧身倒了下去,然后再也动弹不得了。

    He fell on his side and then moved no more .

  10. 那三人从他们身边侧身走过,一声不响地下了楼。

    The three glided by , and went silently down .

  11. 他拉开工作服,看她白皙的侧身。

    He pulled the overalls aside and studied her smooth white flank .

  12. 她侧身进了屋。这里是另一个花园。

    She turns into the room which is another garden .

  13. 当你绕着垒跑的时候,稍微向外侧身。

    Swing out a little bit when you run around the base .

  14. 你不必侧身加划步,你要扔它出去!

    You don 't turn and slide , you throw it out !

  15. 猎人开了枪,那头鹿侧身翻倒在地。

    The hunter fired and the deer fell over on its side .

  16. 媚兰侧身躺在床上,脸色像白纸一样。

    Melanie lay on her side , her face white .

  17. 他设法侧身挤进大厅。

    He managed to edge his way into the hall .

  18. 请侧身一下,让其他旅客先过。

    Would you give way to other passengers please ?

  19. 然后他们侧身穿过一条狭窄的通道。

    Then they walked sideways through a narrow passage .

  20. 她从他身旁侧身而过,装作没看见他。

    She sidled past him , pretending that she had not seen him .

  21. 他侧身挤出,赶紧把门关上。

    He eased out , closing the door quickly .

  22. 他侧身挤到了人群前头。她正从人群中挤过去。

    She was threading her way through the crowd .

  23. 在打正手球时候,千万不要完全采取侧身位。

    Never stand completely sideways to the net when you hit your forehand .

  24. 他们把病人身体转向侧身躺着。

    They turned the patient on his side .

  25. 被埋葬时,他侧身向左,脸朝北。

    He was buried on his left side with his face to the north .

  26. 采取这项计划,它侧身旋转。

    Take the plan , spin it sideways .

  27. 目击者说一辆跑车失控侧身飞入人群。

    Witnesses say a car spun out of control and careened into a crowd .

  28. 趁别人不注意的时候来个侧身翻。

    Do a cartwheel when nobody 's looking .

  29. 侧身躺下,双手抱膝。

    I need you to lie on your side , and hold your knees .

  30. 老虎一中弹,就侧身翻倒在地。

    The moment the tiger got shot , it fell over on its side .