
  1. 在新闻集团英国的报业分支爆出窃听门丑闻之后(该案件目前仍在接受上诉法院大法官莱维森的调查),该集团不得不放弃收购英国天空广播公司(BSkyB)以实现完全控股(新闻集团目前已拥有该公司39%的股份)。

    After the phone-hacking scandal at News Corp 's British newspaper arm-which is still being investigated by Lord Justice Leveson , a senior judge-the group had to drop its bid for full ownership of BSkyB , a profitable satellite broadcaster ; it already owns 39 % .

  2. 对于国家完全控股(100%国有)的国有企业的法定代表人;

    The head of State-Owned enterprises , which refers to those enterprises wholly ( 100 % ) owned by government ;

  3. 如果沃尔玛完全控股好又多公司,那么,它将成为中国最大的超市连锁企业。

    If Wal-Mart takes full control of Bounteous , the company that operates Trust-Mart , it would become the biggest hypermarket chain in China .

  4. 他表示:“我们没有排除外国矿业公司参股的可能性,但我们首选国家完全控股。”

    He said : " we have not ruled out foreign mining companies having a stake but our preferred option is complete state control . "

  5. 针对不同的分类,设计不同的股份同期所有权突破规则,如将完全控股、部分控股等特殊情况加以区别对待等。

    Special rules of shares contemporary ownership shall be designed according to different classifications . For example , the special conditions such as entirely holding and partly holding shall be treated distinctively .

  6. 就构建自身qfii业务而言,完全由内资控股可能是华夏基金的一个不利因素。

    Being purely locally owned could be a setback for China AMC in terms of building its QFII business .

  7. 上市公司业务应完全独立于控股股东。

    A listed company 's business shall be completely independent from that of its controlling shareholders .

  8. 不过,你是完全自由的管理控股如意。

    However , you are totally free to manage the holding as you wish .