
  • 网络Repraesentationstheorie;representative character;Representative Theory
  1. 传统公司人格理论为实在说与拟制说,其关于公司与公司机关的关系分别引申为一体说与代表说。

    The traditional corporation derivative litigation is the imitation theory and the reality theory , and their relationship between corporation and corporation agency is said to be integrated theory and representative theory .

  2. “社区居民开始不耐烦了,”居民协会的一位代表说。

    ' The community are getting impatient , ' said a representative of the Residents ' Association

  3. 3、由于有些句型不同于汉语的思维方式,常常需要进行倒译。一位纤维厂家代表说,由于许多原因,纺织物整理剂在今天的市场上已经到无人的问津的地步。

    Textile finishes have in general become a " no-no " in today 's market place , thanks to many reasons , says a represen tative of fiber producer .

  4. 曼哈顿画廊“大卫·兹沃纳”(DavidZwirner)的一位代表说,画廊把最好的东西留给巴塞尔。

    A representative for the Manhattan gallery David Zwirner said that it saves its best material for Basel .

  5. 一名苹果代表说,ApplePay的“一个重大优势”是该服务使用了能确保广泛兼容性的标准NFC技术。

    An Apple representative said that " one big advantage " was that the service used standard NFC technology , ensuring widespread compatibility .

  6. 在IOD,一名电力公司代表说他的公司计划使用Informix每分钟为每个房间收集用电度数。

    At IOD , an electrical company representative said his company plans to use Informix to collect electrical usage readings every minute for each house .

  7. Facebook和微软公司代表说周五晚上在与国家安全局官员谈判后,他们公司已经得到允许可以披露新的但仍然非常有限的关于政府命令提交的用户数据。

    Facebook and Microsoft Corp representatives said Friday night that after negotiations with national security officials , their companies have been given permission to make new but still very limited revelations about government orders to turn over user data .

  8. 这代表说该是让世人再度融合的时候了。

    It means it 's time to rejoin the planet .

  9. 非洲与会代表说,他们希望向越南的农业范例学习。

    African delegates said they hope to learn from Vietnam 's agricultural example .

  10. 一位巴西代表说这是个有益的尝试,但是美国的农业补贴上限仍然太高。

    Brazilian delegate says it is a nice try , but still too high .

  11. 但这并不代表说阳光对于体重减轻有直接作用。

    But that fact did not prove that light has a direct effect on weight .

  12. 马来西亚航空一位代表说,该公司要先了解一下这个电视报道,再做评论。

    A Malaysia Airlines representative said the company wanted to review the television report before commenting .

  13. 克鲁尼的代表说,他已经与人权律师阿拉姆丁在一个私人结婚典礼上结婚了。

    Clooney 's representative says he 's married human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin in a private ceremony .

  14. 韩国首席谈判代表说这项协议开辟了美韩之间贸易的新篇章。

    The lead negotiator for South Korea said the agreement opens a new era of trade between the U.

  15. 这次课程作业有点多了,有些同学一看就晕了,代表说太累了。

    The course work a little bit more , some students see a halo , said too tired .

  16. 高级代表说世界并且面对有怎样的问题它处理人由冲突偏移。

    The high commissioner says the world also faces problems with how it deals with people displaced by conflict .

  17. 惊慌失措的莫汉和他的销售代表说了此事,同意以分期付款的形式支付1.8万美元。

    Panicking , Mohan spoke to his sales agent at Axact and agreed to pay $ 18000 in installments .

  18. 搜狐公司的代表说,这一行动是公关的噱头,而不是法律诉讼。

    Sohu representative says this action is more of a public relationship stunt other than a serious law suit .

  19. 松下的一名代表说:我们相信,中国空气污染问题会给我们的空气净化器销售带来很大影响。

    We believe the impact of the air pollution problem in China on sales of our air purifiers is huge .

  20. 从实际效果考察,大陆法系的代表说与英美法系的代理说并无实际的不同。

    According to the actual effect , there is no actual difference between the Continental law system and Anglo-American ' s.

  21. 奥的斯公司的律师代表说该县议会的决定是迈出了很大的一步,但不是最后一步。

    A lawyer representing the company says the county council 's decision is a big step , but not the final step .

  22. 知识产权正义组织的代表说,该组织是促进平衡的知识产权法律的国际公民自由组织。

    The representative of IP Justice said that IP justice was an international civil liberties organization , promoting balanced intellectual property law .

  23. 伊朗首席核谈判代表说,伊朗已经准备好和世界强国就伊朗有争议的核项目恢复谈判。

    Iran 's top nuclear negotiator says the country is ready to resume negotiations with world powers over its controversial nuclear program .

  24. 阿什顿夫人的一个代表说,欧盟委员会将认真考虑各成员国的立场,但拒绝进一步置评。

    A representative for Lady Ashton said the Commission would carefully consider the member states ' position , but declined to comment further .

  25. 工人代表说如果他们不得不接受工资增加50%(或者更多),一些小型企业将会崩溃。

    Employers'representatives say some small businesses could collapse if they have to accept a50 % rise ( or more ) in their wages bill .

  26. 那位代表说他们不仅在会议期间应该同霸权主义政策作斗争,而且会议之后也应该同霸权主义政策作斗争。

    The representative said they should not only struggle against the hegemonist policy during the meeting , but should go on doing so after it .

  27. 星期二,该联盟公布了据称在中国境内紧邻朝鲜的图门拍摄的照片。该联盟的代表说,这些照片是该联盟成员一月12号在图门的海关拍摄的。

    Tuesday the group released photographs it says were taken by its members at customs stations in Tumen , on the Chinese side of the border .

  28. 你有生活,做许多重要的事情,也会影响其他人,但是,那不代表说你必须要有爱情。

    You can have your life many things you do that are important and could affect other but that doesn 't mean you have to love .

  29. 这位代表说:将由每家公司来决定是否要与其它公司协作,或者企图居于垄断地位。

    " It is going to be up to each company to decide whether they are going to cooperate or try to dominate ," the representative said .

  30. 对此,历史至今形成了委托说、代表说、冲突博弈说等众多的选举理论流派。

    So far there have been many election theory genres on it , such as commission theory , representation theory , conflict-game theory , and so on .