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  • flanking sequence
  1. 侧翼序列是指染色体中特定位点两侧的DNA序列。

    Flanking sequence refers to DNA sequence on the given site in chromosome .

  2. Nodal基因5′末端侧翼序列启动子的分析

    Analysis of the Mouse Nodal Gene Promoter on Its 5 ' Flanking Sequence

  3. 用PCRwalking扩增了328个筛选出的突变体基因组的T-DNA侧翼序列,对其中82个序列进行了测序,作了初步分析。

    The T-DNA flanking sequences of 328 mutant lines have been amplified by PCR-walking .

  4. Ds侧翼序列的扩增及Ds标签基因的结构和功能预测。

    Amplification of Ds-flanking sequence and structural and functional prediction of the Ds-tagged gene .

  5. 分析了Nodal基因的侧翼序列。

    The flanking sequences of Nodal were dissected .

  6. 共获得116个阳性克隆,测序结果显示37个包含布氏田鼠微卫星DNA序列,28个具完整的侧翼序列。

    A total of 116 positive colonies were obtained , the sequence testing indicated that 37 of those colonies contained a microsatellite insert and 28 contained full flanking sequence .

  7. CMV启动子与艾美耳球虫基因侧翼序列对黄色荧光蛋白表达调控作用的研究

    Regulation of Yellow Fluorescent Protein Expression by CMV Promoter and Genetic Flanking Sequences of Eimeria

  8. 水稻Ac×Ds后代基因组DNA中Ds侧翼序列的扩增及其Ds插入分析

    Amplification of Ds Flanking Sequences from Rice Genomic DNA of Hybrids of Ac × Ds Lines and the Analysis of Ds Insertions

  9. 转基因水稻t-dna侧翼序列的括增与分析。

    Amplification and analysis of T-DNA flanking sequences in transgenic rice .

  10. 转抗草甘膦基因烟草T-DNA侧翼序列的扩增与分析

    Amplification and Analysis of T-DNA Flanking Sequence in Transgenic Glyphosate-resistant Tobacco

  11. 猪肌细胞生成素基因3'端侧翼序列PCR-RFLP分析

    PCR-RFLP Analysis of 3 ' - UTR of myogenin Gene in Pigs

  12. 根癌农杆菌介导灰葡萄孢遗传转化及T-DNA侧翼序列分析

    Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Botrytis Cinerea and Analysis of Flanking Sequences

  13. 扩增T-DNA插入位点侧翼序列的方法及其应用进展

    Advances in the Amplification Methods and Application of T-DNA Insertion Site Flanking Sequence

  14. 利用热不对称交错PCR(TAILPCR),对200个含TDNA插入的转基因水稻株系进行分析,获得了159个TDNA右边界侧翼序列。

    A T-DNA tagged rice population was generated for functional genomic analysis . Using thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR ( TAIL-PCR ), 159 sequences flanking the right border of T-DNA were obtained .

  15. 对T-DNA侧翼序列的分离方法和共分离验证进行了讨论。

    The measure of separating flanking sequence and the co-segregation test were discussed . 2 .

  16. 应用Tail-PCR扩增蓝猪耳T-DNA侧翼序列

    Amplification of Tail-PCR in Amplifying Flanking Sequence of T-DNA in Torenia

  17. 运用TAIL-PCR(热不对称交错PCR)技术获取和分析T-DNA侧翼序列。

    Meanwhile , Using TAIL-PCR ( Thermal Asymmetric Interlace PCR ) technology obtained and analyzed Transferred-DNA flanking sequences .

  18. 水稻T-DNA插入叶绿素缺失突变体筛选及侧翼序列分离

    Screening of Rice Chlorophyll Deficient Mutants from T-DNA Insertion Pool and Isolation of Flanking Sequences of T-DNA

  19. 鼠疫耶尔森菌pgm位点及其侧翼序列遗传变异的比较分析

    Comparative analysis of genetic variations of pgm locus and its flanking regions in Yersinia pestis

  20. 起译密码子AUG侧翼序列对水稻基因表达水平的影响

    Effect of the Flanking Sequence Architecture of AUG , a Initiator Codon on Gene Expression Level in Rice

  21. 利用PCRwalking技术从这212个样品中分离扩增T-DNA插入位点的侧翼序列,共得到127条水稻基因组侧翼序列,并对T-DNA的插入位点和整合模式进行了详细的分析。

    Using PCR walking method , 127 T-DNA flanking rice sequences were rescued from 212 samples . Insert locations and integration patterns of the T-DNA insertions were analyzed in detail .

  22. 为了鉴定这些SSR位点,在重复序列的两侧侧翼序列设计引物,并通过化学荧光检测法对6个板栗样品进行检测,共检测到20个多态性位点,每个位点的等位基因数为2~6个。

    For the identification of SSR loci , primers were designed on each side flanking the repeat region and they were initially tested on 6 chestnut samples using chemiluminesence detection .

  23. 水牛促卵泡素受体(FSHR)基因5′端侧翼序列的克隆与分析

    Cloning and analyzing the 5 ′ region of follicle stimulating hormone receptor ( FSHR ) gene on buffalo

  24. 在进行TAIL-PCR的过程中发现,采用3个特异引物结合5个AD兼并引物只能扩增出30%左右的突变体的侧翼序列。

    Besides , flanking sequences in only about 30 % of the mutants could be successfully amplified with 3 special primers and 5 AD random primers .

  25. 牛FSHR基因5′端侧翼序列的分析和多态性研究

    Characterization and Polymorphism of the 5 ′ - flanking Region of Bovine Follicle-stimulating Hormone Receptor ( FSHR ) Gene

  26. 序列分析表明,克隆到的基因序列与GenBank中的序列同源性为96%,长1039bp的5′端侧翼序列在GenBank数据库中没有同源片段。

    DNA sequence analysis and homology comparison indicated that it had 96 % homology with the proteinase omega gene which had been submitted to GenBank .

  27. 根据插入位点的侧翼序列信息预测基因和启动子,并随机挑选了10个预测的启动子进行表达模式分析,有6个启动子表现出与原增强子捕获标签系相同的GUS表达模式。

    Putative genes and promoters were predicted from rice genomic sequences flanking the T-DNA insertion sites , and 10 candidate promoters were randomly selected for expression pattern analysis .

  28. 方法比较分析现有4株菌的pgm位点及其侧翼序列的变异,采用PCR、等位基因特异性PCR扩增260株中国自然分离株和7株假结核耶尔森菌。

    Methods We analysed the sequence variations of pgm locus and its flanking regions by using PCR-sequencing and allele-specific PCR among 260 strains of Y. pestis isolated from different foci and 7 strains of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis .

  29. 方法从80例行脊柱融合术患者的术前空腹静脉血中提取DNA,采用聚合酶链反应&单链构象多态性分析(PCR-SSCP)及测序技术,检测其BMP-2基因部分编码区及其侧翼序列的突变。

    [ Methods ] Totally 80 patients were included in this study . DNA was extracted from the venous blood before operation and identified by single stranded conformation polymorphism ( SSCP ) analysis and direct sequencing .

  30. TNRs在5'-UTR区域出现的频率最高,其次是编码区和基因上游侧翼序列区域。

    The highest frequency of TNRs occurs in 5-UTR regions , followed by in coding and 5 . - flanking regions .