
  • 网络INFINEON;Infineon Technologies
  1. 据德国《世界报》本周五披露,Intel将收购英飞凌公司的手机芯片业务部门。

    Rumors that Intel would buy Infineon 's cellular chip business gained fuel on Friday as Germany 's Die Welt claimed that a deal is close .

  2. 例如,微型芯片制造商英飞凌(infineon)的生产就滞后于需求的复苏。

    Infineon , the chipmaker , is for instance lagging behind on its production .

  3. IBM与德国英飞凌技术公司合作,在其位于纽约东费什基尔的实验室开发出一块1兆(百万位)MRAM芯片。

    IBM , collaborating with Germany 's Infineon Technologies , has developed a one megabit ( million bit ) MRAM chip at its laboratories in East Fishkill , New York .

  4. 陈杰,英飞凌科技(中国)有限公司,系统应用工程师。

    Willion Chen , System Application Engineer , Infineon Technologies China , Ltd.

  5. 莱因哈德·普洛斯是英飞凌公司的首席执行官。

    Reinhard Ploss is the Chief Executive Officer of Infineon .

  6. 德国芯片制造商英飞凌科技公司周二证实存在芯片短缺。

    German chipmaker Infineon Technologies confirmed the shortage on Tuesday .

  7. 英飞凌表示,生产问题也将影响到英飞凌的汽车客户。

    The production problems will also affect Infineon 's automotive customers , the company said .

  8. 这是霍尼韦尔公司连续两年获得这项由英飞凌颁发的荣誉。

    It is the second year in a row the Honeywell has received the Infineon honor .

  9. 2004年,飞思卡尔加入旨在推动无铅封装的一个财团意法半导体,英飞凌科技和飞利浦电子公司。

    In2004 , Freescale joined STMicroelectronics , Infineon Technologies and Philips Electronics NV in a consortium intended to promote lead-free packaging .

  10. 德国电子制造商英飞凌科技公司表示,预计其位于马来西亚工厂的关闭将造成数百万美元的损失。

    German electronics maker Infineon Technologies said it is expecting losses of millions of dollars from shutdowns at its Malaysia factory .

  11. 更糟糕的是,英飞凌公司的产品还有可能已遭老客户苹果的逐步弃用。

    A move could also be necessary as Infineon may have lost some business from Apple , one of its core customers .

  12. 事实上这种想法早就出现了,德国英飞凌公司早些时候已提出了上述想法。

    In fact , this kind of opinion has long appeared , German Britain flies to Ling company , have put forward above-mentioned opinion earlier .

  13. 一直有传言说,英特尔有意收购英飞凌的手机部门,一旦收购成功,英特尔就重回手机领域。

    It is said that Intel intends to acquire Infineon 's cellphone division , and Intel will return to the cell phone field once it succeeds .

  14. 英飞凌科技公司颁发的“杰出供应商奖”是授予其优秀供应商的年度奖项,其评选标准基于五个方面:采购,质量,物流,技术以及管理。

    Infineon Technologies'Supplier Excellence Award is an annual recognition presented to its top suppliers based on five areas : purchasing , quality , logistics , technology and management profile .

  15. 英飞凌科技公司的业务遍及全球,在美国圣何塞、加拿大、亚太地区的新加坡和日本东京等地拥有分支机构。

    With a global presence , Infineon operates through its subsidiaries in the US from San Jose , CA , in the Asia-Pacific region from Singapore and in Japan from Tokyo .