
  • 网络polluting enterprises
  1. 中国城市污染企业搬迁政策比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Relocation Policy of Polluting Enterprises in China

  2. 防止已淘汰的落后工业设备、污染企业向西部地区转移。

    Measures should be tightened to prevent unwarranted transfer to the western region of discarded , obsolete industrial equipment and polluting enterprises .

  3. 各国不可能两全其美:环境更清洁的代价有时可能就是污染企业就业岗位的减少。

    Countries cannot have it both ways : the cost of a cleaner environment may sometimes be fewer jobs in dirty industries

  4. 中国环境保护部(MinistryofEnvironmentalProtection)表示,从全国来看,去年上半年,中国对2.5164万家环境污染企业实施了处罚,罚金总额超过2.30亿元人民币,并将740起案件移交警方进行刑事调查。

    On a nationwide basis , China punished 25164 environmental offenders in the first half of last year , fining them more than Rmb230m and transferring 740 cases to the police for criminal investigations , the Ministry of Environmental Protection has said .

  5. 明晟(香港)副总裁赵汝贤(EmilyChew)表示,研究显示,随着中国政府加大整治环境的决心,中国监管机构正对污染企业采取更强硬的态度。

    Emily Chew , vice-president of MSCI ( Hong Kong ) , said the research showed China 's regulators were taking a more aggressive stance against polluters as official determination to repair the country 's environment builds .

  6. 方法通过对几个重点放射性污染企业周边大气、水、土壤、生物样品放射性污染因子的监测分析,计算出0~1km和1~2km范围公众剂量。

    Methods We have worked out the public doses within the range of 0 ~ 1 km as well as 1 ~ 2 km through monitoring analysis of the radioactive pollutant enterprises on the samples of its surrounding air , water , soil and organism .

  7. 重污染企业园区环境保护存在的问题及改进对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of Environmental Protection in Critical Pollutant Enterprise Zone

  8. 限制高污染企业投产并且对环境时时检测。

    Limited company of production of high pollution and environmental always detection .

  9. 有些时候,污染企业声称数据有误。

    Sometimes they claim something is wrong with the data .

  10. 利益相关者要求高污染企业进行环境会计信息披露的呼声越来越高。

    Stakeholder requirements high pollution enterprise environment accounting information disclosed growing calls .

  11. 同时将广州水泥厂等污染企业搬出市区。

    Meanwhile , Guangzhou Cement Factory will move its manufacturing from the city .

  12. 高污染企业将无法获得贷款。

    New loans to high-polluting industries to be banned .

  13. 如果真能继续,它就会推动更多污染企业做出改变。

    If it does , it will drive more polluting factories to change .

  14. 超过400家污染企业对他们的污染记录做出了公开回应。

    Through this more than 400 emitters have openly addressed their emissions records .

  15. 乡镇污染企业与政府监管的博弈分析及对策思考

    Game Analysis and Countermeasures Between the government Supervision and the Pollution Township Enterprise

  16. 上海市重点污染企业(国家级)环境保护管理的探讨

    Environmental Protection Management of Major Pollution Enterprises ( State Grade ) in Shanghai

  17. 你说污染企业将为其造成的损害埋单,然而事实并非如此。

    You say polluters will pay for their damage , but this is not true .

  18. 在这一背景下,本文关注乡村污染企业生存的逻辑问题。

    In this context , we concerned about the logic of survival of the Environmental-pollution Enterprises .

  19. 污染企业和地方腐败官员没有把扶贫款用到实处。

    Polluters and corrupt local officials in China are diverting poverty relief funds intended to avert hardship .

  20. 在北京周边,各类污染企业要么已经搬迁,要么进行了技术改造,改用能效更高的技术。

    Around Beijing , various polluting industries have either been relocated or refitted with more energy-efficient technologies .

  21. 中国针对污染企业展开的旷日持久的战斗中,中国法院已经开辟出了一条新的战线。

    China 's courts have opened a new front in the country 's long-running battle against polluters .

  22. 中国去年公布了一份列有7000家污染企业的名单,并在今年早些时候印发了长达400页的最新名单。

    China published a list of 7,000 polluters last year and issued a 400-page update earlier this year .

  23. 在所有成员国的重度污染企业被分配了排放二氧化碳的许可证;

    Firms in the dirtiest industries in all the member states are issued with permits to emit carbon dioxide ;

  24. 该机制从控制行业排污总量出发,通过对高污染企业实施惩罚,对低污染企业实施奖励,从而激励企业努力控制排污总量。

    The mechanism controls the industrial pollution gross by punishing the high polluted firms and guerdon the low polluted firms .

  25. 他们还私下通知违规污染企业他们所获得的低等级,给他们六个月的时间清理。

    Privately , they notified illegally polluting factories of their failing grade and gave them six months to clean up .

  26. 在保护环境的同时,政府还应该采取措施,减少强污染企业。

    While protecting environment , government should take proper measures to reduce the number of factories which contribute largely to environmental pollution .

  27. 哥伦比亚和菲律宾最近通过对污染企业实行收费制,在清理河流湖泊方面取得了良好进展。

    Colombia and Philippines have recently achieved success in cleaning up their rivers and lakes by imposing charges on factories that pollute .

  28. 钢铁企业作为重污染企业,是最大的污染源之一,其对资源耗竭和环境污染负有不可推卸的责任。

    The steel business is a big pollution source , so it should responsible for the drain of resource and environment pollution .

  29. 而污染企业难以承受金额巨大的环境损害赔偿责任的严峻现实,迫切需要我们从新的理论视角和制度设计来寻找救济受害人的新途径。

    And we need to find new ways and theoretical perspectives to relieve the victims in the face of the huge amount of compensation .

  30. 巴斯夫公司称,该公司之所以登上空气污染企业名单,是因为上海的一家工厂在6月份发生了短暂的泄漏事故。

    BASF said it was put on the air pollution list as a result of a temporary leak at a Shanghai plant in June .