
  1. 城市污水处理率达到65.3%,提高2.4个百分点;

    City sewage treatment rate was65.3 percent , up2.4 percentage points .

  2. 分解协调法在区域污水处理率优化计算中的应用

    Application of decomposition coordination method to optimal calculation of wastewater treatment efficiency

  3. 污水处理率偏低;

    The handling rate of drainage is relatively low ;

  4. 柳州市政府已采取措施解决水污染问题,制定了到2010年和2020年城市污水处理率将至少分别达到70%和90%的目标。

    The Liuzhou Municipal Government has taken steps to address its water pollution problem .

  5. 从2001年以来,城市污水处理率提高了一倍。

    Urban sewage treatment has doubled since 2001 .

  6. 随着污水处理率的逐步提高,污泥产量正在持续增加。

    Along with the rise of wastewater treatment ratio , the sludge output is increasing continually .

  7. 2008年市区污水处理率达到90%以上。

    By 2008 , about 90 % of the urban sewage will be collected and treated .

  8. 城市生活污水处理率和处理效果从根本上影响节能减排目标的实现。

    Urban sewage treatment rate and effect radically influence the target of energy-saving and emission reduction .

  9. 随着城市污水处理率的提高,城市污泥的产量也急剧增加。

    With the improve of municipal sewage treatment rate , the output of sewage sludge increased rapidly .

  10. 尽管城镇污水处理率不断提高,但目前中国污水处理行业仍处于发展的初级阶段。

    However , the industry of the sewage treatment in China was still in the initial stage .

  11. 济南市的单位产值用水量逐年降低,污水处理率逐渐提高。

    Water using of unit output value is decreasing , the rate of polluted water handling is improving .

  12. 最后,对涪江绵阳段水环境整治提出了初步对策,包括提高生活污水处理率;

    At last , the primary measures on the water environmental treatment in Mianyang section of Fujiang river were put forward .

  13. 随着城市污水处理率提高导致的污水污泥产量的增长趋势也使得污水污泥的处理问题更为突出。

    The amount of the sludge becomes more and more following the increasing tendency of the domestic wastewater collection and treatment ratio .

  14. 随着污水处理率的提高,城市污泥产量将逐年增加,如何有效处理这些污泥已经成为全球关注的课题。

    With increasing of sewage treatment , the amount of sewage sludge will increase rapidly and its disposal has been a global concern .

  15. 随着我国污水处理率的大幅提高,每年有大量城市污泥急待处置。

    With substantial increase in the sewage treatment rate , each year , China needs to dispose of a large number of sewage sludge .

  16. 我国城市污水处理率尚不到15%,全国30%~40%的水源已不符合灌溉水质标准。

    Less than 15 % sewage are treated and about 30 % to 40 % of irrigation water resource are unsuitable to irrigation in China .

  17. 目前城市污水处理率还不高,农村地区尚缺乏必要的生活污水排除和处理设施。

    Moreover , there are not enough facilities to collect and treat the wastewater in the rural area while sewerage treatment rate in the urban area is still low .

  18. 我国污水处理率不断提高,随之而来的污泥处理与处置问题亟待解决,厌氧消化在污泥稳定化与资源化等方面效果显著。

    With the increase of sewage treatment rate , sludge treatment and disposal problems urgently need to be solved . Anaerobic digestion is remarkable in sludge reuse and stabilization .

  19. 结果表明,福州市区环境质量总体状况良好,但城市污水处理率、环境噪声达标率离标准值都有一定的差距。

    The results showed that the environment quality in Fuzhou urban area was good in general , but the urban sewage disposal and noises decreasing lagged behind the standard values .

  20. 十五期末,50万人口以上的设市城市,污水处理率应达到60%以上;

    At the end of " 15 ", the setting of the city more than 500,000 people , the rate of sewage treatment plant should be more than 60 % ;

  21. 市区和卫星城城市污水处理率(二级)达到90%,回用率力争达到50%。

    The sewerage treatment rate ( secondary treatment ) in the urban area and the satellite towns should be increased to 90 % , and the reclamation rate should come close to 50 % .

  22. 为了提高城市污水处理率,减少向沿海排入的污染负荷量,烟台市辛安河污水厂进行了二期工程的实施。

    In order to reduce the pollution load discharged into coast , the second phase project of Yantai Xin an river wastewater treatment plant was carried out to improve the citys wastewater treatment rate .

  23. 近年来,随着生物处理系统的发展我国污水处理率也在不断提高,但是由于氮磷引起的水体富营养化问题仍不能得到有效解决。

    In recent years , the sewage treatment ratio is rising ceaselessly with the development of the biological treatment system , but the eutrophication problem caused by the nitrogen and phosphorus still could not be solved effectively .

  24. 随着我国污水处理率的逐年提高,污水处理过程中产生的城市生活污泥量日益增加,污水污染问题引发了污泥污染问题。

    As the ratio of sewage water treatment in our country increases year after year , municipal sludge volume brought by the sewage treatment process grows larger , thus sewage pollution results in the formation of sludge pollution .

  25. 随着污水处理率的提高,剩余污泥产量迅速增加,由于缺乏合理有利的处置技术,大量污泥堆积造成二次污染。

    With the increasing number of wastewater treatment plants , more and more municipal sewage sludge is produced . Due to the lack of reasonable and effective disposal technologies , large amounts of sewage sludge accumulated caused secondary pollution .

  26. 包括需水保证率,水资源开发利用率,万元产值水资源用量,人均水资源使用量,废污水处理率,生态环境用水率和人均水资源量。

    The proposed indicator system includes water demand satisfying ratio , water resources development ratio , water consume per 10000 Yuan GDP , water consume per capita , waste water treated ratio , water consume of ecosystem , available water usage per capita .

  27. 但工业化城市化进程加快以及人口迅速膨胀,城镇基础设施建设滞后,生活污水处理率平均不到20%,使污水排放总量逐年增加。

    But because of quick process of urbanization and industrialization , rapid increase of population and lag urban infrastructure construction , the average domestic sewage treatment rate does not reach to 20 % . This causes the discharge capacity of sewage go up yearly .

  28. 渭河水污染防治工作在水质改善、污水处理率、限建限排、农村面源污染治理以及饮用水水源地保护等方面取得了一定的成效。

    Secondly , Water Pollution Control in Weihe River has achieved some results in many aspects , such as water quality improvement , swaging treatment rate , limiting construction and pollution discharge , management of point source pollution in rural areas and taking care of drinking water sources .

  29. 根据国家环保总局要求,在2010年前全国主要城市的污水处理率要达到70%,这将使我国的水环境得到明显改善,另一方面也带来了污泥的处置和利用问题。

    Water environment in the major cities of our country would have been greatly improved by 2010 when the sludge treatment rate reaches 70 % for the requirements of China National Environment Bureau . On the other hand the disposition and utilization of sludge will become a big challenge .

  30. 分解协调法可对污水处理率进行协调优化分析,确定各点源的最优策略,从而实现整个河流的处理费用最小的目标,为决策部门对河流污染控制方案进行管理提供科学依据。

    Through the analyses of coordination and optimization of the treatment efficiency by decomposition coordination method , the optimal tactics on each point source were obtained respectively , minimizing treatment costs of the whole river . It provides a basis for the management of pollution control programs for administrative departments .