
  • 网络handouts
  1. 以下阅读资料是文本精选及课堂讲义。

    Readings below are selections of texts and handouts used in class .

  2. 课堂讲义可以在当堂课中拿到。

    Current handouts will generally be available in lecture .

  3. 本课程中大部分的主题也提供课堂讲义和作业模本之PDF版本。

    Sample homework Assignments and Lecture Notes are also in PDF versions for most of the topics in the subject .

  4. 以下的课程讲稿包含了教学笔记与课堂讲义。

    The lecture notes below include both detailed teaching notes and class slides .

  5. 课堂讲义在这里。

    So there 's the class notes there .

  6. 课程当中会使用课堂讲义及所有的阅读书目。

    Lecture notes and a bibliography of all readings are available for this course .

  7. 本课程特色是编选了一些有机光电方面的课堂讲义和实验。

    This course features a selection of lecture notes and labs related to organic optoelectronics .

  8. 让我们转到课堂讲义上来看看这意味着什么。

    So let 's switch back to our class notes and look at what this means .

  9. 除了教科书以外,本课程会发课堂讲义要求学生在上课前预先阅读。

    In addition to a textbook , this course assigns Course Notes to read in preparation for class .

  10. 这里提供了这门课程中课堂讲义的连结,包括了相对应的指定阅读材料以及补充教材。

    This section provides links to lecture notes for the course , along with corresponding reading assignments and supplementary materials .

  11. 更多由每个团队当周所报告的进展消息列在课堂讲义的网页中。

    More information on the progress reports that teams give in the weekly " breakout sessions " can be found on the lecture notes page .

  12. 但是由于我们刚刚开始介绍它,因此让我们回到课堂讲义来解释一下,为什么这个是正确答案。

    But we 've just introduced it , so let 's go back to the class notes and explain why this is the correct answer .

  13. 最后,课堂讲义将在课堂上分发,用于课堂讨论,这不包括在课程包。

    Finally , the materials under the Class Handout category will be distributed in class to support the class discussions ; these readings are not supplied through the course-packet .

  14. 作业的范围通常涵盖该周课堂上探讨的讲义内容。

    They normally cover the material discussed in class during the week they are handed out .

  15. 此份行事历包含了课堂及指导课程讲义的连结,指定阅读,专案的重点时程,及考试日期。

    This calendar contains links to lecture and tutorial notes , reading assignments , and key project and quiz dates .