
  • 网络Course Adoption;curriculum adoption
  1. 所有课程采用全英文教学模式及国际(AMI)蒙台梭利教育理念及方法。

    AMI Montessori Pedagogy and English Immersion Methodology are adopted in all courses .

  2. 人际沟通课程采用双语教学的实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking on Double - language Teaching of Human Communication

  3. 这门课程采用双语教学的方式进行。

    This course adopts bilingual teaching way to go on .

  4. 《机械设计基础》课程采用多媒体教学的可行性

    The Feasibility of 《 The Basic of Machine Design 》 Course with Multimedia-teaching

  5. 《矿山机械》课程采用案例教学研究与实践

    Study and Practice About Using Case Teaching to " Mining Machinery " Courses

  6. 实施新课程采用新教法

    Implementing New Curriculum and Adopting New Teaching Method

  7. 虽然本课程采用基督宗教的术语,所瞩目的却是普遍的灵修课题。

    Preface-what-it-is-2 Although Christian in statement , the Course deals with universal spiritual themes .

  8. 还就不同层次的学生和不同网络实验课程采用该方法的教学方式和效果进行了讨论。

    The paper also discussed the results of applying this method to diverse courses .

  9. 健美操课程采用竞赛考评法的实验研究

    The Experimental Research of " Competition Testing Method " in the Course of Callisthenics

  10. 课程采用学分制,便于学生尽快完成学业。

    To adopt academic credit system enables students to finish their study as soon as possible .

  11. 本科护理专业学生对不同类型课程采用双语教学的效果评价

    Evaluation on effects of adopting bilingual teaching in different types of curricula for college nursing specialty students

  12. 目前远程教育条件下的外国文学课程采用自主学习模式和探究性教学模式教学,对于学生能力的培养具有重要的探索意义。

    At present , Foreign Literature Teaching adopt models of self-control and research study has researching significance to forster student 's ability .

  13. 2011年,米兰理工的研究生课程采用英语教学之后不久,我对这个现象就早早有过体验。

    I had an early taste of this mood in 2011 , soon after the university adopted English for graduate degree courses .

  14. 由于新课程采用标准取向型改革策略,设计教学只能是教师的一项创造性劳动。

    Since the new curriculum adopts the " standard-orientated " reforming strategy , designing the teaching is the teacher 's personal creative labour .

  15. 本课程采用理论的模型以及「经济」产业研究来协助了解电子商务的成长性及未来性。

    This course uses theoretical models and studies of " old economy " industries to help understand the growth and future of electronic commerce .

  16. 课程采用专题学习与活动探究的教学方式,内容分为全球及我国的主要环境问题、水环境、大气环境、固体废弃物、能源、绿色生活六大专题。

    The contents are made of six topics of main global environmental problems , water , air , waste , energy and green life .

  17. 那场比赛双方水平悬殊环境工程微生物学课程采用双语教学,可促进师生了解国外教学内容,提高英语水平。

    The application of bilingual teaching in environmental engineering microbiology can promote both teachers and students to know foreign teaching contents and improve English standard .

  18. 当美国公立学校的理論课程采用全观的建构主义方式时,在纪律部分则坚持传统外部控制的方法。

    While holistic , constructivist approaches have gained currency in American public school academic curriculum , traditional , external control methods persist with regard to discipline .

  19. 现在最快的车只用6天就可以驶完全程。课程采用学分制,便于学生尽快完成学业。

    These days the fastest cars can do it in six days . To adopt academic credit system enables students to finish their study as soon as possible .

  20. 高校本科重点专业课程采用双语教学,是教育改革的一个方向,是评价专业办学水平的一个标准。

    Bilingual teaching of major specialized courses for undergraduates is a trend of educational reform and one of criteria in the evaluation of level of running colleges and universities .

  21. 虽然欧洲知识经济与管理学院提供的课程采用英语教学模式,但其中,中国社会经济制度学和亚洲商业模式这两个课程则是采用汉语进行集中授课。

    While the language of instruction in the Skema program is English , intensive Chinese lessons and courses on China 's socioeconomic system and Asian methods of business are mandatory .

  22. 师范院校社科类课程采用口试的优势职业师范院校中教育类课程的解构&以广东技术师范学院为例

    The Advantage That the Sort of Social Science of Teachers College Use the Oral Test ; Reformation of Pedagogy Curriculum in Vocational Teachers ' College & The Case of Guangdong Teachers ' College of Technology

  23. 该课程采用基本色彩知识讲解+作品欣赏分析+实践写生或创作的模式,打破传统的摆好静物以后,学生按部就班绘画写生的教学模式。

    This course USES the " basic knowledge of color on + practice painting or art appreciation analysis creation " model , break the traditional set the still life , students painting sketch teaching mode step by step .

  24. 为了适应新世纪提升层次、拓宽专业、提高素质、面向工程的人才培养要求,在教学中我们对电类技术基础课程采用课堂讲授、实践环节训练与考试方式改革相结合的教学方案。

    To meet the requirements of improving hierarchy , broadening specialty , enhancing quality and being engineering-oriented in cultivating talents , a new approach has been adopted to combine lecturing , practice training and reform of testing forms in our instruction of basic electrical technology courses .

  25. 论述了《电路分析原理》多媒体课件制作的必要性及开发方式,介绍了课件的内容和特点;总结了《电路分析原理》课程采用多媒体教学与传统媒体教学相结合授课的效果及前景。

    The necessity and developing mode of multimedia courseware for circuit analysis theory are discussed . The content and feature of the courseware are introduced and the effect and future brought by combining multimedia teaching with traditional media teaching for circuit analysis theory are summarized in the paper .

  26. 在大学推行科研化会计教学模式需要加强学生科研化理念教育、在教学大纲中明确科研化目标、在教学中采用多种科研化教学方式并对不同课程采用不同的教学方法。

    Carrying out college accounting teaching mode focusing on scientific research needs to strengthen students ' ideas about scientific teaching , to make the objective of scientific teaching in syllabus definite , to use multiple methods to solve the problems in teaching and adopt different methods in different courses .

  27. 本系统制作出的精品课程网站采用Flash技术。

    Flash technology is adopted by the High-Quality Course Website which is made by this system .

  28. 关于VFP课程中采用案例教学法的探讨

    Uses the Case Teaching Methods about the VFP Curriculum in the Discussion

  29. 爱德华•波士在波士顿大学开设的广告课程就采用了Lore,据他表示,Lore使得教学更具互动性,将教学的范围扩展到课堂之外,激发学生互相学习,而不是跟着只老师学习。

    Lore , says Edward Boches , who uses it for his advertising classes at Boston University , makes teaching more interactive , extends it beyond the classroom and stimulates students to learn from each other rather than just the professor .

  30. 爱德华•波士在波士顿大学开设的广告课程就采用了Lore,据他表示,Lore使得教学更具互动性,将教学的范围扩展到课堂之外,激发学生互相学习,而不是跟着只老师学习。“

    Lore , says Edward Boches , who uses it for his advertising classes at Boston University , makes teaching " more interactive , extends it beyond the classroom and stimulates students to learn from each other rather than just the professor . "