
  • 网络classroom environment;Classroom Setting;class environment;classroom context
  1. 美国ADHD儿童课堂环境管理策略及启示

    A Probe into Classroom Environment Strategies for ADHD Children in America

  2. 课堂环境研究的现状、意义及趋势

    The Actuality , Value and Trend of Research on Classroom Environment

  3. MinecraftEdu仅适用于桌面电脑、苹果Mac电脑和Linux系统,而且可以很好地融入课堂环境中。

    MinecraftEdu is only available for the PC , Mac and Linux , which fits in nicely with the classroom setting .

  4. 由此观点,作者进一步提出要在EFL课堂环境里培养师生课堂交际能力。

    This suggestion is further backed up by the proposition of fostering communicative competence in EFL classroom setting .

  5. 本文试图在自然课堂环境下对ESL阅读元认知策略意识如何影响阅读效果及元认知策略本身能否通过训练被提高进行实验研究。

    In this essay , author tries to employ experimental method to study how metacognitive awareness influences reading effect and whether metacognitive reading strategies can be improved through training .

  6. 苹果公司已经引入了三种教育软件,好让iPad适应课堂环境:一种是称为iBook2的更新版在线书店,学生可在这里下载更多的互动教材;

    Apple has already introduced three types of educational software intended to make the iPad a fixture in the classroom : an updated electronic bookstore called iBooks 2 that allows students to download more interactive textbooks ;

  7. “课堂环境下”的英语学习“少有习得”(acquisition-poor)。

    EFL learning in the classroom setting is " acquisition-poor " .

  8. 课堂环境下的第二语言习得:理论框架与分析单位

    Second Language Acquisition in Classroom Setting : Conceptual and Analytic Framework

  9. 大班课堂环境下高职高专英语教学的交互性模式探索

    The Interactive English Teaching Mode in Large Class in Vocational Colleges

  10. 传统课堂环境下的外语学习策略已得到了广泛的研究。

    EFL learner strategies in traditional classroom settings have been widely investigated .

  11. 课堂环境下外语自主学习的过程模式

    Process Model of Autonomous Language Learning in EFL Classroom Setting

  12. 外语课堂环境下的口语非语言方面的发展

    Non-linguistic Development of Oral Ability in the FL Classroom Setting

  13. 但在当前中学课堂环境下,学生对语言的习得方式主要是阅读。

    However high school students still mainly learn a language in reading .

  14. 在以学校为基础的环境中,课堂环境具有至关重要的作用,同时,个体因素中的思维风格也不容忽视。

    Classroom environment plays an important role on the basis of school .

  15. 试论大学英语积极课堂环境的创建及策略

    On Creating a Positive Classroom Teaching Environment for College English

  16. 课堂环境包括各种物理环境与社会心理环境,如果能研究出其中对探究教学影响最突出的几个因素,为探究教学的深入展开和提高探究教学的质量,具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。

    Classroom environment includes physical and social & psychological environment .

  17. 创造以学生为中心的英语课堂环境

    Trying to create student - centered English classes atmosphere

  18. 课堂环境目标影响学生成就目标的实验研究

    The Effects of Classroom Goal Structures on Students'Achievement Goals

  19. 课堂环境下二语词汇能力发展的认知心理模式

    A Cognitive Psychological Model of L2 Lexical Competence Development in the Classroom Setting

  20. 本文从课堂环境、课堂教学过程及课堂评价等方面探讨了对学生创造性人格的培养。

    Teaching surroundings , teaching process and classroom evaluation .

  21. 课堂环境下英语专业学生主动词汇发展调查研究

    Study of English Majors ' Development of Active Vocabulary in the Classroom Setting

  22. 教师的非言语行为和课堂环境的关系

    The Teacher 's Nonverbal Behavior and Classroom Environment

  23. 课堂环境下的师生对话与面子理论

    The Employment of Face Theory in Classroom Conversation

  24. 论课堂环境下的自主英语学习

    Autonomous Learning in the Foreign Language Classroom Setting

  25. 课堂环境的语言输入有系统、有条理,但有一定的局限性。

    The language input in the classroom environment is systematic and methodical but limited .

  26. 课堂环境作为一种特殊环境,它有自己的环境特征:教育性、目的性和可塑性。

    The classroom environment is a special environment .

  27. 大学英语课堂环境评价研究

    A Study on Assessing College English Classroom Environment

  28. 他们通常被稿纸这些孩子需要的只是一个正常的课堂环境。

    They are usually told that all that 's needed is a Normal Classroom Environment .

  29. 那么,现实中小学课堂环境的状况如何,还需要我们到教学实践中去了解和分析。

    Well , we need to quest for the situation of the truly classroom environment .

  30. 课堂环境下的语用能力培养教学探索

    On the Pragmatic Teaching in Classroom Environment