
  • 网络classroom order
  1. 初任职教师在建立课堂秩序方面存在显著缺陷;

    New teachers have more troubles in establishing the classroom order ;

  2. 近十年我国课堂秩序研究的回顾与思考

    Review and Reflection of the Classroom Order during the Past Ten Years

  3. 有些教师觉得难以维持课堂秩序。

    Some teachers find it difficult to keep their classes in order .

  4. 有些老师觉得维持课堂秩序不容易。

    Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in class .

  5. 他很严格,只要他走出教室一分钟,他就会要求我保持课堂秩序良好。

    He was quite strict , but if he went out of the room for a minute he 'd ask me to keep the class in good order .

  6. 保持课堂秩序是很重要的。

    It is very important to keep classes in order .

  7. 老师发现很难维持课堂秩序。

    Our teacher found it hard to keep her class in order .

  8. 有些新老师不能维持课堂秩序。

    Some of the new teachers can 't keep order .

  9. 接受老师给你分派的任务以维护课堂秩序。

    The teacher can assign you tasks to keep the classroom in order .

  10. 传统的课堂秩序是封闭的,具有机械与僵硬的特性;

    Traditional classroom order is close , it has mechanic and inflexible characteristic .

  11. 当老师不在的时候,班长就维持课堂秩序。

    The monitor maintains the order of the class when the teacher is absent .

  12. 课堂秩序包含两个层面:一是行为秩序,二是状态秩序。

    The order of classroom has two dimensions : status order and behavior order .

  13. 课堂秩序是教师在课堂教学过程中所面临的基本问题。

    The class order is a basic problem for a teacher in classroom teaching .

  14. 课堂秩序是教学的基本保障。

    Classroom order is basic assuring of teaching .

  15. 没有切实可行的强硬措施,有些教师很难维持课堂秩序。

    Without realistic sanctions , some teachers have difficulty keeping order in the classroom .

  16. 权力的控制与反控制昭示了课堂秩序的动态性。

    Meanwhile the control and anti-control of power show the dynamic state of classroom order .

  17. 它不仅能维持课堂秩序,而且能增进课堂效果;

    It can not only keep classroom order , but also enhance the classroom effect .

  18. 这个孩子不断地扰乱课堂秩序。

    The child continually disturbed the class .

  19. 在新泽西的斯普林菲尔德,多所小学的校长禁穿万圣节服饰,表示这会扰乱课堂秩序。

    In Springfield , NJ , elementary school principals banned costumes claiming it caused classroom disruptions .

  20. 重建课堂秩序

    Reconstruction of classroom Discipline

  21. 与其对扰乱课堂秩序的学生大吼大叫,不如对之微笑。

    Confronted with naughty students who disorder the class , smiling at them is better than shouting at them .

  22. 在教学生活中,教师被赋予一定权力来管理学生、维持课堂秩序和组织教学活动。

    In teaching , teachers are granted a right to manage students , maintain classroom order and organize activities .

  23. 例如,这种教学方法下的课堂秩序不太容易管理,任务的实施有时会浪费时间。

    For example , it is not so easily managed , and sometimes the task activities may be time-consuming .

  24. 在各环境因素中课堂秩序也是一个不可忽视的因素。

    And the discipline in class is also a key factor that can not be neglected in all environmental factors .

  25. 精心组织的活动所产生的所谓的“嘈杂”,并不意味着课堂秩序失控或是浪费时间。

    Carefully organised " noise " does NOT mean things are out of control or that time is being wasted .

  26. 现代的课堂秩序是开放的,秩序与混乱可以相互转换、循环上升,干扰甚至是受欢迎的。

    Modern classroom order is open , the two order and confusion can conversion and proceed systematically ; disturbing even welcome .

  27. 高校扩招后,许多地方高校都不同程度地存在着课堂秩序失范的现象。

    After colleges and universities enlarge enrolment , there exist the phenomenon of " classroom disorder " in many colleges and universities .

  28. 课堂秩序是对课堂人际关系的平衡性的表述,而这种平衡性受制于课堂中施控者和受控者的控制与应对策略。

    Classroom Order is to describe the interpersonal balance in classrooms , which is enslaved to the controlling and reactive strategies which controllers and controllees use in their classrooms .

  29. 而是把老师当成了一个不会发脾气的人,从而更加变本加厉的在课上胡闹,有几次甚至扰乱了课堂秩序。

    Instead the teacher as a person who will not lose my temper and become more intensified in the class nonsense , on several occasions and even disrupt the classroom order .

  30. 而在小学数学与科学课程中,女生人数的增加使得喜欢扰乱课堂秩序的男生们没那么猖狂了,因此男女生都能从中受益。

    Both genders perform better in maths and science at primary school when there are more girls in the class because boys tend to disrupt the class more , he said .