
mín jiān wán jù
  • folk toys
  1. 民间玩具的功能性与特点与幼儿园设计有很多共通性。

    Functionality and characteristics of folk toys and kindergarten design has a lot of convergence .

  2. 从中国民间玩具中汲取灵感,提高中国儿童玩具的设计水平,并指导玩具设计和开发以及品牌的建立。

    We can gain the inspiration from Chinese folk toys to instruct toys development and start brands .

  3. 民间玩具艺术从属于民间美术的范畴,是民间工艺美术的一种独特艺术形式。

    Civilian toy art is a particular one that belongs to civilian art .

  4. 中国民间玩具的当代价值取向

    Contemporary Value Orientation of Chinese Folk Toy

  5. 图案:爆竹、民间玩具,鱼或儿童抱鲤鱼。

    Pattern : Firecracker , folk toy , the fish or the children embrace the carp .

  6. 富有瑰丽文化色彩的民间玩具充分体现了中国传统文化的民俗信仰。

    Chinese folk customs and beliefs are to a certain extent embodied in the culture-rich Chinese folk toys .

  7. 中国民间玩具具有丰富的文化意蕴,是充满了人类心智的积极创造性成果。

    Abstract : Chinese folk toy has abundant cultural connotation and it is the creative production full of human wisdom .

  8. 中国历代民众以其智慧、热情和技巧,创造了源远流长、千姿百态的民间玩具。

    Depending on wisdom , passion and technique , generations of Chinese people create various folk toys of long standing .

  9. 大力保护、传承人类非物质文化遗产&中国民间玩具文化艺术资源

    To strengthen protection and promotion of intangible cultural heritages of the human being & Cultural arts resources of folk playthings in China

  10. 在现代社会,民间玩具发展困难,但是趣味化产品却发展快速。

    The development of the Chinese folk toys is more and more difficult , whereas the joyful product develop more and more faster .

  11. 我国民间玩具也呈现地域特点鲜明、类别和品种繁多、取材广泛朴实、造型简洁具有创造力,色彩丰富明快的特点。

    China folk toy also present the unique local characteristics , category and variety , range , guileless , modelling concise and creative , colorful and lively .

  12. 在现代玩具产业下中原民间玩具何去何从,如何跟上时代发展的趋势和节奏,焕发出鲜活的光彩是需要我们去研究和研讨的。

    Under the pressure of modern toy industry , how the traditional folk toys catch up with the trend and pace of time development and glow the bright brilliance ?

  13. 文章通过分析民间玩具的美韵以及民间玩具与信仰民俗之间和谐关系,归纳并总结了在市场经济下民间玩具的生存现状,并对中国的玩具产业发展进行思考。

    In this paper , we first look at the beauty of the many kinds of Chinese folk toys and also the harmonious relationship of the folk toys to the folk beliefs and customs .

  14. 传统民间玩具是中国传统文化的艺术形态表现,对其进行科技、造型、功能的现代化创新设计也是继承传统文化的途径,是课题研究的又一重点。

    Traditional folk toys is the traditional Chinese culture form of performance art , its science and technology , form , function , innovative design also inherit the traditional culture of the way , is another focus of research .

  15. 以河南为中心的中原地区,是中华文明的发祥地,扎根在这片黄土地上的中原民间玩具以历史悠久、品种丰富著称于世。

    Central China , which is centered as Henan Province , is the birthplace of Chinese civilization . The civil toys , which are rooted in this yellow ground have a long history . Their rich varieties are known for the world .

  16. 第四章是本土化视觉艺术综合课程在小学、初中、高中的三个案例,分别是《我身边的民间玩具》、《德化陶艺》、《福建土楼》。

    Chapter 4 include three cases of the compositive course of the local visual art in primary school , junior high school and senior high school , respectively 《 my nearby civil toy 》 ,《 pottery art of DeHua 》 ,《 soil building of FuJian 》 .

  17. 中国民间儿童玩具再设计研究

    Research on the Redesigning of Chinese Children 's Folk Toys

  18. 民间泥玩具收藏提要

    A Briefing on the Collection of Folk Mud Toy

  19. 中原民间传统玩具的传承与振兴研究

    The Research on the Inheritance and Revitalization of Traditional Folk Toys in Central China

  20. 陕西民间布玩具造型特征对现代玩具设计的启示与研究

    Research on Characteristics of Folk Cloth-toys in Shanxi and Its Implication to Modern Toy Design

  21. 本课题的研究重点集中在对中国民间儿童玩具再设计的研究。

    We focus on the research of redesigning of the Chinese folk children 's toys .

  22. 河南民间泥塑玩具是伴随着古老民俗而诞生,并传承至今的。

    Henan folk clay toys are born with the ancient customs and heritage so far .

  23. 日本民间猴玩具

    Japanese Folk Toy of Monkey

  24. 因此,研究河南民间泥塑玩具的传承、变异和发展是十分必要的。

    Therefore , the study of Henan folk clay toys , inheritance , variation and development is necessary .

  25. 通过对中国民间儿童玩具再设计,在形成新的中国现代玩具文化的同时发扬传统玩具文化,丰富中国玩具市场。

    By redesigning traditional toys we can develop a new Chinese toy culture and at the same time to carry forward the traditional toys so as to enrich our indoor toys market .

  26. 在老北京的胡同里,有许多从民间滋生的玩具,陪伴着一茬又一茬孩子度过快乐的童年。

    Generation after generation of children spent their childhood in the hutongs of old Beijing , playing with unique folk toys .

  27. 并希望在实际设计中加以应用求证,为民间儿竟玩具的设计开发提供科学、合理的参考和依据。

    And we hope to be applied in the actual design of confirmation , even toys for the children of civil design and development to provide a scientific and rational reference and basis .

  28. 它的制作和应用大都与民间游戏、竞技密切相关;民间玩具作为民俗生活的产物,又与节日习俗、信仰民俗、地域文化有着割舍不掉的联系。

    As the material form of folk games and sports culture , the appearance and survival of folk toys are closely linked with folk life .