
  • 网络The Wisdom Literature
  1. 记住我说过的,我提到过《西拉书》,以及其它提及穷人的智慧文学。

    I mentioned Sirach and these other wisdom literature that mentioned the poor .

  2. 可见智慧文学并非总是积极向上的。

    Notice wisdom literature isn 't always very cheery .

  3. 民间故事是一种浓缩的智慧文学,每看一次都能获取更多信息。

    Folklore is compacted wisdom-literature that yields more information with each reading .

  4. 《圣经》中多数智慧文学是这种类型,看起来也像民间智慧。

    That 's what a lot of wisdom literature in the Bible also looks like folk wisdom .

  5. 在希腊智慧文学领域,也能很容易发现来自东方美索不达米亚的原型。

    In Greece " wisdom " literature field , can easily be found from the East in Mesopotamia prototype .

  6. 《雅各书》的其中一个特征是,它反映出典型犹太智慧文学。

    One of the things that James is , the letter of James is a representation of typical Jewish wisdom literature .

  7. 早期的智慧文学既有对古巴比伦宗教哲理诗的借鉴,也有对古埃及教谕文学的吸收;

    In the later wisdom literatures , the conception of wisdom was turned from phenomenalism to ontology , from epistemology to ethics .

  8. 《圣经》中智慧文学接受了古代两河流域的古巴比伦文明以及古埃及文明的浸润与影响。

    The early wisdom literatures not only imitated the religious philosophic poems of ancient Babylon , but also absorb instructive literatures of ancient Egyptian .

  9. 这是一个永恒的主题。在智慧文学中它一次又一次地出现--静下心来,反思,暂停,然后回归正常!

    This is a recurring theme , again and again , in the Wisdom literature , be still , reflect , pause , stop it .

  10. 在《约伯记》中也有,在《诗篇》之前,第14章1节1,《约伯记》也是一种智慧文学。

    You get it also in Job , look at Job , it 's before Psalms , Job14:1 Job is also one version of wisdom literature .

  11. 这些是箴言,智慧文学,也就是说犹太人的经文中有一整本,是智慧文学,学者会用这个术语。

    These are wisdom sayings , and this is wisdom literature , so in the Jewish scripture you have whole books that are basically wisdom literature , and scholars will use that term .

  12. 作为《圣经》智慧文学中最杰出的作品之一,《约伯记》以其独特的叙事技巧吸引了无数学者对其进行文学研究。

    The Book of Job , as one of the most outstanding works of the wisdom literature in the Bible , has also aroused a large number of critics ' attention with its distinctive narrative techniques .

  13. 从文学的思维特征而言:古希腊神话的诗性智慧孕育了文学的自由象征本质,影响着文学实践活动本身;

    From the literary thinking way , the poetic wisdom of the ancient Greek myth endows the literature with the symbolic nature and the essence of pursuing freedom while making influence on literary practice .

  14. 这将是最荒谬的约束下降至一个狭窄的一套词汇和作家这样的智慧的活力和文学的多功能性作为圣保禄。

    It would be most absurd to bind down to a narrow and set vocabulary a writer of such intellectual vigour and literary versatility as St.