
  • 网络intelligent system
  1. 污水处理智能化系统的Multi-Agent通信技术与实现

    Multi-Agent Communication Technology and Implementation of Wastewater Treatment Intelligent System

  2. 用NAT技术构造小区智能化系统安全体系

    Design of Security Architecture of District Intelligent System Based on NAT

  3. 本文介绍了一个基于RS-485总线的家居智能化系统。

    This article introduces a system of smart home based on RS-485 bus .

  4. 该智能化系统中各Agent对实时数据库的读写操作都是通过数据服务Agent提供的相关服务来实现。

    The reading and writing operation of the agents in the MAS to the real-time database are realized by using the correlative service provided by the agent of data service .

  5. 基于PIC的社区智能化系统

    An Intelligent Community Network System on PIC

  6. 以开设建筑智能化系统综合实验和实现实验室智能化管理为目标,采用系统集成的方法构筑基于Intranet的建筑智能化系统综合实验平台。

    For performing comprehensive experiment of building intelligence systems and managing laboratory intellectually , this paper presented a comprehensive experiment platform based on the Intranet of laboratory .

  7. 第二部分讨论了设计基于网络的交互式智能化系统时所借鉴的主要技术,包括智能检索系统处理技术、智能代理、Coach系统和推送技术。

    The second part discusses the main technology that is used in the design of the system of network-based interactive and intelligent reference service , including intelligent retrieval technology , intelligent agent , Coach system and push technology .

  8. 重点介绍了专题地图设计生产智能化系统(MAPKEY)的系统构成、功能、工作流程以及产生的效益。

    Then , an intelligent system ( MAPKEY ) for map design and production is introduced . Its structure , functions , working process and benefits are discussed in detail .

  9. 住宅小区智能化系统工程设计及其关键技术问题分析

    Residential District Intelligence System Project Design and Its Key Technology Analysis

  10. 某政府办公楼智能化系统设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of Intelligent System in Certain Government Office Building

  11. 智能化系统在新火车站的应用&福州火车站智能化系统设计总结

    Designing summary of the intelligentized systematic design for Fuzhou Railway Station

  12. 粮食仓库设计标准使用的智能化系统模式研究

    Study on the intelligent use of criteria of grain storehouse design

  13. 牡丹江市农业智能化系统集成与应用研究

    Research on Integration and Application of Agricultural Intelligence System in Mudanjiang City

  14. 建筑智能化系统专业教学综合实验创新基地的研究与实践

    Comprehensive experiment and innovation base for specialty of building intelligence

  15. 上海铁路南站公共交通枢纽智能化系统研究

    Study of Transit Hub Intelligence System for the Shanghai Southern Railway Station

  16. 舟山市行政中心主体建筑智能化系统方案设计

    Intelligent System Scheme Design for Main Buildings of Zhoushan Municipal Administration Center

  17. 终端信息板在家庭智能化系统中的设计

    The design of terminal information panel in home intelligence system

  18. 关于电信枢纽智能化系统建设的几个问题

    An Overview of the Intelligent Project for Telecommunications Building

  19. 智能化系统的知识表达与推理机制

    Knowledge express and integrated reasoning mechanism in intelligent system

  20. 智能化系统项目管理要点解析

    Analysis of Management Essentials of Project Installed Intelligent System

  21. 建筑智能化系统节能综合评价

    Synthetic evaluation for energy efficiency in building intelligence system

  22. 物业管理公司要通过建筑智能化系统对物业管理的支持,以及应用网络化、信息化和自动化等高新科技来促进和提升物业管理水平。

    The level of property management is improved through applying high technology management way .

  23. 南京中信大厦建筑智能化系统

    Building - intellectualizing System of Nanjing CITIC Mansion

  24. 建筑智能化系统工程设计标准

    Standard for design of building intelligent system engineering

  25. 集中供热的智能化系统研究

    The Research of Intelligent System of Centralized Heating

  26. 某别墅工程中智能化系统的应用

    Application of Intelligentized System in Villa Engineering

  27. 运动中心电监护的智能化系统

    An intelligent system for exercise ECG monitoring

  28. 浅谈五星级宾馆的智能化系统设计

    Intelligent system design of Five Stars Hotel

  29. 岩土工程智能化系统研究是岩土工程领域前缘问题。

    The intelligent system of geotechnical engineering is an important research interest in geotechnical engineering field .

  30. 图书馆智能化系统设计初探

    Design for Intelligence system for libraries