
  • 网络Intelligent measurement;smart measure;Smart Measure Pro
  1. pH智能测量技术的研究及实现

    Study and Implementation of pH Intelligent Measuring Technology

  2. 基于VB的塞尺智能测量软件的开发设计

    Programming the Measuring Software for Feeler Gauge Based on VB

  3. 带USB接口的智能测量仪表的设计

    Design of intelligent measuring instrument with USB interface

  4. 基于PCI总线的智能测量系统的设计

    Design of intelligent measure system based on PCI bus

  5. DCA准智能测量电路设计

    The Design and Analysis of Direct Current Quasi - intelligent Measuring Circuit

  6. 分析了利用炽热钢板自身发光进行光学成像,采用高精度的线阵CCD作为测量传感器,对热轧中板宽度进行智能测量的专用红外光电仪表。

    This paper presents a special infrared optoelectronic instrument for measuring the hot-rolled plate width , which uses the high accuracy linear CCD as the measuring detector .

  7. 该系统由电源层、电源及负载控制层、信号前端处理层、PC工控机层,以及上位机、发射机频率转换和智能测量模块等构成。

    The system consists of power supply layer , loading control layer , front processing layer of signal , industrial control PC layer and upper PC , converting rate of transmitter and intelligent detecting module etc.

  8. GPIB接口属于8位并行通用接口,广泛应用于智能测量仪器的程控功能。

    GPIB interface is a 8-bit general parallel interface . It is widely used in program-controlled function of intelligent test-control instrument .

  9. 应用HART协议的智能测量仪表和智能执行机构变频器,通过可编程控制器实现总线连接和通讯监控,实现流浆箱的现场总线控制方案。

    HART communication smart transducer and brainpower actuator brainpower by A PLC to field bus and communication monitoring , The way is head box field bus control system .

  10. 以西门子S7-300系列PLC为控制系统核心,采用带PROFIBUS接口的智能测量仪表作为测量器件,成功研制了一套以水为介质的流体参数测控实验系统。

    An experimental system for fluid parameters measuring and controlling was developed , in which a SIEMENS S7-300 series PLC is employed as main controller and some intelligent measuring instruments with PROFIBUS interface are used .

  11. 基于80C196单片机的角位移智能测量系统研究

    Study of angular position intelligent test system based on single chip processor

  12. 本文介绍了笔者在研制OMR时的一个光标智能测量思想,并力图以电子测量原理的角度归纳为一个新的测量方法。

    The thought of the Optical Mark intelligent measurement is introduced , and is tried to generalize a new measured method by the angle 's of electronic measured principle .

  13. 文中实现了直流电流的准智能测量,即无档测量,且在0~20A测量范围内做到内阻恒为0.01Ω。

    The quasi - intelligent measuring circuit of direct current is accomplished in this paper . This is measure circuit with scale less and internal resistance constantly is 0.01 Ω in 0 - 20A measuring range .

  14. “我们不能保证读取时间间隔是相同的,因为底层智能测量基础设施不提供精确到秒的读取操作,”Herdt说。

    " We couldn 't guarantee that the reading intervals would be identical because the underlying smart metering infrastructure did not offer readings exactly on the second ," says Herdt .

  15. 针对已提出的基于神经网络智能测量热成像系统最小可分辨温差(MRTD)的方法,简要阐述其实现方法、理论根据、神经网络算法模型以及测试结果分析。

    Aiming at the method based on intelligent MRTD ( Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference ) testing for thermal imaging system using ANN , the realized process , theory foundation , model of neural network and testing deviation were introduced briefly .

  16. 智能测量控制电路在工业测控及各类消费产品中应用极广,介绍了其基于8bit嵌入式微控制器的单芯片系统的设计及仿真。

    Intelligent measurement and control circuit is very popular in industrial control and a great variety of consumable . An intelligent measure and control system on a single chip is designed and simulated based on 8 - bit embedded MCU .

  17. 智能测量集成电路的设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of an Application Specific IC for Intelligent Measurement

  18. 机组轴系扭振智能测量系统研究

    Study on intelligent measurement system of torsional vibration for turbine-generator shafts

  19. 大气层核爆炸当量的智能测量研究

    A study on intelligent measurement of nuclear explosion equivalent in atmosphere

  20. 步进电机驱动的高精度液位智能测量仪

    A Step Motor Driven High Precision Intelligent Apparatus for Measuring Liquid Level

  21. 该方法适用于智能测量控制仪器设备;

    This method can be applied to measure apparatus and control equipment ;

  22. 智能测量仪器的自动化校准&34401A数字多用表自动校准系统

    Auto-calibration of intelligent instrument & 34401A Digital multimeter auto-calibration system

  23. 金属内部磁场智能测量仪

    Study of Instrument of Internal Magnetic Field Measurement of Metal

  24. 内置式液压缸位移智能测量系统

    Ultrasonic Wave Sensor Displacement Measuring System Embed in Hydraulic Cylinder

  25. 化学振荡反应微机智能测量系统设计

    The Design of Aptitude Measure System about Chemical Oscillating Reaction

  26. 介绍了舰炮随动系统的一种智能测量结构。

    A intelligent measurement structure of servosystem of naval gun is introduced .

  27. 电热连续结晶机温度梯度虚拟智能测量仪

    A Virtual Intelligent Instrument of the Temperature Grads of Electrorefining Successive Crystallization Machine

  28. 机械几何量智能测量仪的研究

    The Research of Intelligent Instrument on Mechanism Geometrical Measurement

  29. 便携式智能测量与故障诊断仪的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Portable Instrument for Intelligent Measurement and Fault Diagnostics

  30. 基于联邦滤波技术的吨位智能测量系统

    An Intelligent Tonnage-Measuring System Based on Federated Kalman Filter