
xiàn xìnɡ xù liè
  • linear sequence
  1. 线性序列相似度的计算

    The Calculation of Sequence Limit Similarity Calculation of Linear Sequence

  2. 语句的不同成分在线性序列中的位置分布不仅受句法规则的制约,而且受其承载的信息内容的制约。

    The distribution of the sentence elements in the linear sequence is not only affected by syntactical rules , but also by the kinds of information the sentence elements carry .

  3. 在相当大的程度上,DNA、RNA和蛋白质分子的化学性质编码在这些基本单元的线性序列中。

    To a considerable extent , the chemical properties of DNA , RNA and protein molecules are encoded in linear sequences of these basic units .

  4. 提出一种基于CP-nets模型的针对待测行为线性序列的测试例生成算法。

    A test cases generation algorithm for linear behavior sequence based on CP-nets model .

  5. 用模拟该表位线性序列的合成十肽进行抗体结合试验、噬菌体竞争抑制试验及与DEN感染患者的血清学试验,确定其为免疫优势线性表位。

    An epitope-based peptide was synthesized to perform binding assays with DEN McAb and a competitive inhibition assay with the phage clone particles . This synthetic peptide was also tested with serum samples obtained from DEN-infected patients .

  6. 分析总结出现代主义景观设计注重场地分析、开放平面取代线性序列等主要特点,进一步探讨了现代主义景观设计的发展趋势,如景观元素的更新、与当代艺术思想的结合等。

    And more , the trend of modern landscape design was discussed .

  7. 语言线性序列的理据&语义/语用层面

    Motivations for Linearity & Semantic / Pragmatic Perspectives

  8. 蛋白质是在分子级执行最基本生命功能的多肽链,多肽链被认为是二十种氨基酸字符的线性序列,它折叠成为与其功能相应的复杂的三维结构。

    Proteins are polypeptide chains of molecular level , carrying out the most basic life functions .

  9. 平稳线性序列部分和分布的随机加权逼近

    The random weighting approximation for the distribution of the partial sum of a stationary linear series

  10. 文学翻译以原作审美情感的移植为核心,这一过程可描述为情感判断、情感体验、情感移植的线性序列。

    Literary translating is essentially reproducing aesthetic emotions of the source text , which involves the translator 's judgment , experience and transplantation of them .

  11. 根据三个平面理论,话题是个语用成分,指述说的对象。它在语句线性序列中的位置分布及其形式都与它所承载的信息内容密切相关。

    According to the Three-dimension Theory , a topic is a pragmatic element , and it refers to a person or thing that is being talked about .

  12. 该策略的组合与运用存在着一个不可逆行的隐性序列现象,它具备两个特点:认知策略的线性序列禁逆性与元认知策略的相对自由性。

    There is a hidden sequence phenomenon accompanied with two characteristics in the organization and use of these strategies : the serial order in cognitive strategies and the relative freedom in metacognitive strategies .

  13. 通常所说的“语气副词”只能出现于动态的句子中,不能出现于静态的短语中,在线性序列中与同现词语之间的句法、语义选择关系极弱,它们充当的是句子的语用成分。

    In his paper entitled reconsideration on the part of speech of " hen ", Wang Jing thinks that the word " hen " which modifies verb phrases with quantitative composition should be adverb of mood .

  14. 线性递归序列模q

    On Linear Recurrent Sequence Modulo q

  15. 对用VHDL实现的分段线性混沌序列发生器进行了门级仿真;

    The piecewise linear chaotic generator is realized by means of VHDL and the simulations are made .

  16. 改进型分段线性混沌序列用作DS-CDMA系统直扩码的分析

    Analysis of Improved Piecewise Linear Chaotic Sequences as Spreading Codes for DS-CDMA System

  17. 利率构成中预期和未预期部分的分解,可以采用线性时间序列模型:ARMA模型,对其进行刻画。

    We can use linear time series model such as ARMA model for decomposition of interest rates .

  18. Galois环上的连分式与线性递归序列综合

    Continued Fractions and Linear Recurring Sequence Synthesis over Galois Rings

  19. 自回归求积移动平均(ARIMA)模型是一种目前应用广泛最的线性时间序列建模工具之;

    Autoregressive integrated moving average models ( ARIMA ) has been widely used as a famous liner time series model ;

  20. 而传统线性时间序列模型(如AR(p)或ARMA(p,q))无法刻画上述经济变量运行所表现出的多样性和不对称性的特征。

    However , traditional linear time series models ( such as AR ( p ) / ARMA ( p , q )) can not describe the properties of diversity and asymmetry of above economic behavior .

  21. 本文研究了二阶线性递归序列{wn}n∈z的倒数和的对称性,并且得出了关于{wn}n∈z的二个收敛的无穷级数,推广I。

    In this paper we study the symmetry property of reciprocals sums of 2 order linear recursive sequences , and determine two infinite series involving 2 order linear recursive sequences is convergent .

  22. 在这个基础上,本文利用线性时间序列理论上十分成熟的自回归模型(AR)建立了未来现金股利的预报模型,并通过计算机模拟技术对参数进行了估算。

    In the basis of that , the autoregressive model , which is very mature in the theory of linear time series , was used for establishing the future cash dividend predicted model . Parameters were estimated by computer simulation .

  23. 先将模型转化为模上线性递归序列的研究,并通过矩阵表示理论,进一步转化为上F2上2阶多项式矩阵性质的研究。最后讨论了这种新型线性递归序列的非奇异性。

    With the aid of matrix representation , we turn it into further study on properties of polynomial matrix of rank 2 over F_2 . Nonsingularity of this new linear recurring sequence is discussed in the end .

  24. 基于Walsh函数,建立一个新的函数系Tnn∈N.它是一个分段线性函数序列,在0,1的子区间上其函数图像呈现三角形。

    Based on the Walsh functions , a new orthogonal system T_n _ ( n ∈ N ) is presented , which is a sequence of piecewise linear functions that are of form triangle shape on subintervals of [ 0,1 ] , named triangle orthogonal system .

  25. 著名的Berlekamp-Massey(BM)算法实现对已知的一条线性递归序列快速地求出未知的生成多项式,这也是用于识别通信中常用的加扰方式的有效方法。

    The famous Berlekamp-Massey ( BM ) algorithm can fast compute the unknown generator polynomial from a linear recursive sequence ( LRS ), which is an efficient method to recognize the regular scrambling type in communication .

  26. 文章给出了F4上的一种新型线性递归序列模型,即把循环移位算子添加到F4上的线性递归序列上。

    This paper presents a new_type linear recurring sequence model over F_4 by adding cycle shift operator to linear recurring sequence over F_4 . We first transform study of the model into research on linear recurring sequence over a module .

  27. 广义线性调频序列(GCL)具有理想的周期自相关特性、最优的互相关特性和低峰均功率比特性,因而被用作训练序列来估计每个用户的时间偏移。

    The generalized chirp-like ( GCL ) sequence has the ideal periodic auto-correlation function , optimum periodic cross-correlation function and low peak-average power ratio ( PAPR ) . Therefore , GCL sequences are used as training sequences to estimate each user ' timing offset .

  28. 关于二阶线性递归序列倒数和的对称性

    The Symmetry Property of Reciprocal Sums of 2-order Linear Recursive Sequences

  29. 线性泛函序列的收敛和相应的特征超平面序列的收敛

    On Convergence of Linear Functionals and Convergence of Corresponding Characteristic Hyperplanes

  30. 有限域上线性递归序列的迹表示与周期

    Trace Representation and Period of Linear Recurring Sequences over Finite Fields