
  • 网络Offline activities;event;below the line;below-the-line activities
  1. 来自不同城市的志愿者被分到各个小组,并分派给他们的领队,开始组织线下活动。

    Volunteers from different cities are divided into groups and given a team leader to organize the offline events .

  2. 不过儿童仍旧对线下活动感兴趣。

    But the children remain interested in offline activities too .

  3. 如果线上活动与线下活动联系起来,会有相得益彰的效果。

    If the online and offline activities linked to the activities , there will complement each other .

  4. 随着参与者之间的关系进一步深化,他们开始从对话转为线下活动。

    As participants ' relationships deepen , they begin to move from a conversation to actually working together .

  5. 客户线下活动和在线活动的管理已经成为市场营销人员和客户活动提倡者的关注点。

    Managing the customer experience offline and online is already a key concern for marketers and customer-experience advocates .

  6. 同时结果表明用户的在线社会资本与线下活动并无明显关联。

    But the results also indicate that the users ' online social capital is no significant association with offline activities .

  7. 在此基础上,线上围观捐款和线下活动联动,形成了公众高度自主参与的局面。

    Based on that , the online crowd donation and the related off-line activities lead to situation of a high degree of public participation .

  8. 这个民间的科学传播组织一直致力于基于网络传播的科学写作,同时发展了丰富的线下活动和图书出版。

    This is a non-governmental scientific organization , which has been committed to science writing based on web , meanwhile develop activities and book publishing .

  9. 网红们不仅仅只在线上赚钱。现在也有公司付费邀请网红出席产品发布会,或者类似的合作项目、庆典等线下活动,这一情况已经越来越普遍了。

    Internet celebrities no longer limit their commercial activities to the online world . It is increasingly common for companies to pay them to attend offline gatherings like product launches and similar corporate events and celebrations .

  10. 尽管疫情带来了不确定性,电影节依然决定明年举行线下活动。两位导演在评论这一决定时强调需要“和观众保持活跃关系”。

    Commenting on the decision to hold a physical event next year , despite uncertainties due to the coronavirus pandemic , the two directors stressed the need for a " lively relationship with the audience . "

  11. 再次,广告新媒体剧的短时间、集中式的投放方式影响了受众对于新媒体剧中品牌的认知和体验,缺乏线下活动的辅助推广更难以让品牌知名度和美誉度在消费者心目中留下深刻印象。

    Moreover , the short time and centralized delivery method affected the audience for new media brand awareness and experience of the play , the lack of the auxiliary line activities to promote it more difficult for brand recognition and reputation in the minds of consumers ' impression .

  12. 再次积极开发和拓展广告新媒体剧中存在的音乐、主题等元素,结合线下活动推广传播,让广告新媒体剧累积起来的品牌内涵得以延续和传递。

    Furthermore , to develop and expand new media music , themes and other elements of the existing advertising play of actively , combined with the line activities to promote communication , so that the brand content which advertising play of new media built up can be continue and delivered .

  13. e-Learning与线下培训活动互动策略的研究与设计

    Study and Design on the Strategy between e-Learning and Off-line Training Activities

  14. 互联网广告的趋势之三:整合线上线下活动到企业的营销销售战略

    Internet Advertising Trend No.3 : Integration of online and offline activities into the marketing and sales strategy

  15. 负责线上线下活动策划、协调,部分印刷品,活动页面设计。

    Responsible for the online activities of the planning , co-ordination , and some print , page design activities .

  16. 策划与执行线下推广活动,包括:公关,路演,渠道与终端促销等。

    Plan and implement BTL marketing activities which including PR , road shows , trade and end user promotions .

  17. 企业在微博上发起的线下推广活动由于互动性高,受到较多消费者的喜爱。

    Promotion activities , launched in microblogging and conducted off-line , has the advantage of high interaction , it becomes more and more popular .

  18. 放弃社交媒体(脸书)让参与者有了更多线下社交活动的时间,这让他们提高了对社交生活的满意度。

    Quitting Facebook allowed the participants more time for social activity offline , which led to an increase in satisfaction with their social life .

  19. 超级链接将丢失。超级链接文字将带下划线,但不再是活动状态。策划与执行线下推广活动,包括:公关,路演,渠道与终端促销等。

    Hyperlink will be lost . Hyperlinked text will be underline , but inactive . Plan and implement BTL marketing activities which including PR , road shows , trade and end user promotions .

  20. 切诺特:移动产品重新定义了线上和线下的商业活动。

    Chenault : Mobile is redefining both online and offline commerce .