
xiàn tiáo
  • line;figure;stripe
线条 [xiàn tiáo]
  • (1) [line]∶绘画时描画的线

  • 粗线条

  • (2) [lines]∶人体或艺术品外形的曲线,多用于外在的形状、样子

  • 她的线条很美

线条[xiàn tiáo]
  1. 只有手不发抖并多加练习才能画出完美的线条。

    It takes a very steady hand and plenty of practice to paint a perfect line .

  2. 红色线条随火炬转动,似无限延伸,表达了人类生生不息、向往光明与和平、追求卓越的期望和奥林匹克运动的力量。

    As the torch turns , the whirling red line hidden in the crack seems to stretch endlessly , representing mankind 's relentless and the values promoted by the Olympic Movement .

  3. 本季时装主要流行暖色调和柔和线条。

    This season 's fashions focus on warm tones and soft lines .

  4. 线条垂直相交。

    The lines intersect at right angles .

  5. 这是一张透着精明的面孔,但是线条柔和,女人味十足。

    This is a smart , yet soft and feminine look .

  6. 画家可能会对线条和形状进行夸大或扭曲。

    A painter may exaggerate or distort shapes and forms

  7. 线条被蚀刻得如此精细,在远处看都看不见。

    The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance

  8. 这些肖像作品线条简单流畅,毫无繁琐之感。

    The portraits are simple , uncluttered compositions .

  9. 板上画着横纵的线条。

    The board consists of vertical and horizontal lines

  10. 他欣赏夏克家具流畅的线条。

    He admires the clean lines of Shaker furniture

  11. 那件睡衣显露出她优美的(身段)线条。

    The gown showed off her lovely figure .

  12. 这幅画的线条非常柔和。

    The contours of this painting are very soft .

  13. 一贯传承的线条,倾注的是多元的艺术格调。

    What the traditional lines concentrate on is the variedly artistic styles .

  14. 这些线条被画成斜线。

    The lines are drawn on a slant .

  15. 结果通过B样线条的生成原理拟合出了颅颌面硬组织的三维表面,并可以作出基本的旋转及缩放。

    RESULTS : Model of 3D-surface of skull was made by B-Spline curve .

  16. line函数接受四个参数,代表的是要在其间绘制线条的点。

    The line function takes four arguments , representing the points between which a line is drawn .

  17. DOG线条检测器在三维轮廓光切法测量中的应用

    The Applications of DOG Model-Based Line Detector in 3D Profile Measurement

  18. 基于DOG模型的线条检测算法

    DOG Model-Based Algorithm of Line Detection

  19. 最后我在GoogleEarth上发现了这条穿越戈壁滩南部的模糊线条。

    And then eventually I looked on Google Earth and found this faint line crossing the south Gobi .

  20. 软X射线投影光刻能够制作出特征线宽小于0.1μm的线条。

    Feature size of less than 0 . 1 can be produced using soft X-ray projection lithography ( SXPL ) .

  21. stroke指定您的条形图和柱形图的线条或边界的颜色和宽度。

    Stroke covers the color and width of your line or the border of your bar and column graphs .

  22. 脊髓MRI示脊髓变细,周边见线条状等信号;

    Spinal MRI had shown spinal cord thinning , line-like equal signal was found in the periphery of the lesion .

  23. 基于Hough变换的任意时频分布线条特征提取

    Hough Transform Based Time-Frequency Representation Curve Character Extraction

  24. 会徽上用色彩鲜艳的线条勾勒出“NANJING”的字样,象征着青年人的激情与活力。

    The emblem , with the letters of NANJING standing out in bright colors , showcases the energy and vibrancy of the youth .

  25. 早在上世纪50年代,哈里伯托埃(HarryBertoia)与夫妻档设计师查尔斯及蕾伊默斯(CharlesandRayEames)就已推出线条形家具。

    In the 1950s , both Harry Bertoia and Charles and Ray Eames launched wire furniture .

  26. 梅格•惠特曼已经把PC和打印机两个部门合并到一块,也许这只是第一步,你能看到惠特曼的改革线条已经开始画出来了。

    Maybe the move MEG has made in combining the PC and printer groups is the first step & you can see the lines beginning to be drawn .

  27. 椭圆表示服务(取自UML用例图标),而线条则是控制和消息的流(同上)。

    The ellipses indicate services ( taken from the UML use-case icon ) and the lines are flow of control and messages ( roughly ) .

  28. 单纱经过捻线工序能改善条干,不同的捻线工艺路线对纱线条干CV值产生不同的影响。

    Through twister process , single yarn can improve evenness , and different twister technology route have different influence on yarn evenness CV value .

  29. UST条干仪测试的影响因素及控制纱线条干均匀度分析装置

    Analysis and control of the influential factors on UST yarn evenness tester determination

  30. Ronchi线条法检验大非球面镜的理论计算

    Theoretical computation of testing large aspheric surface mirror with Ronchi curved bars method