
  • 网络palm beach;West Palm Beach;Palm Bay
  1. 玛丽安·贝克特尔独自坐在西棕榈滩的路易酒吧柜台旁,一边静静地读着她的电子书,一边等待沙拉。

    Marian Bechtel sits at West Palm Beach 's Bar Louie counter by herself , quietly reading her e-book as she waits for her salad .

  2. 在西棕榈滩市中心工作的贝克特尔有时会和同事共进午餐,但和我们许多人一样,她也经常在办公桌旁工作到忘记吃午饭。

    Bechtel , who works in downtown West Palm Beach , has lunch with coworkers sometimes , but like many of us , too often works through lunch at her desk .

  3. 麦肯锡在《华尔街日报》主办的“女性与经济”(WomenintheEconomy)会议上发表了这份报告。此次会议在佛罗里达州的棕榈滩举行。

    McKinsey plans to release its report during a'Women in the Economy'conference sponsored by The Wall Street Journal in Palm Beach , Fla.

  4. 劳尔表示,将捐款给棕榈滩县安养院(HospiceofPalmBeachCounty)。

    Mr. Lauer said that he would donate money to the Hospice of Palm Beach County .

  5. 最近他要带着两个孩子到佛罗里达州的棕榈滩(PalmBeach)度假,他很期待能跟孩子在那里游泳嬉戏,唯一的问题是:现年39岁的佩斯还从没学过游泳。

    Rob Pace is excited to go swimming with his two kids on their upcoming vacation in Palm Beach , Fla. One problem : The 39-year-old never learned to swim .

  6. 所有的慈善组织都忧心忡忡,因为它们都损失了一大笔钱,理查德•伯恩斯坦(RichardBernstein)表示。他是棕榈滩高净收益人群和慈善组织的保险顾问。

    All the charities are worried , because they 've lost so much money , said Richard Bernstein , a Palm Beach insurance adviser to high-net-worth people and charitable organisations .

  7. 但佛罗里达州西棕榈滩专攻老年法的律师马克・夏洛威(G.MarkShalloway)说,遗产规划“不只关系到死亡和税赋,也关系到你活着的时候生大病的问题”。

    But planning ' isn 't just about death and taxes ; it 's also about what happens if you get very sick and live , ' says G. Mark Shalloway , a West Palm Beach , Fla. , attorney who specializes in elder law .

  8. 11月,棕榈滩(PalmBeach)的阿鲁巴丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-Carlton,Aruba)将庆祝开业一周年。这里的特大床有限海景房2月份的价格是每晚近729美元,5月份的价格是每晚339美元。

    A stay at the Ritz-Carlton , Aruba on Palm Beach , which celebrated its first anniversary in November , costs nearly $ 729 a night in February versus $ 339 a night in May for a room with a king bed and limited ocean view .

  9. 确认棕榈滩酒店套房在东部的宣�

    to confirm the eastern exposure on his Palm Beach Hotel suite .

  10. 棕榈滩本不该有这种事情发生。

    Things like this are not supposed to happen in Palm Beach .

  11. 关于棕榈滩投弹手我们有最新消息。

    We have new information about the palm beach bomber .

  12. 但他们没有一个人是在棕榈滩。

    But none of them were in palm beach .

  13. 布伊在棕榈滩展出了她们的作品。

    Ms Bouis exhibited their works at Palm Beach .

  14. 你带一些年轻的共和党人去棕榈滩的投票站

    Bus some young Republicans down to the polling stations in Palm Beach .

  15. 两起都是在棕榈滩的居民区。

    Both in residential neighborhoods in palm beach .

  16. 该雪茄被卖给了美国佛罗里达州棕榈滩的一位收藏家。

    It was sold to a collector in Palm Beach , Florida in the US .

  17. 他的知交来自哈佛大学、海军、马萨诸塞州的政界以及棕榈滩。

    He had his chums from Harvard , the Navy , Massachusetts politics and Palm Beach .

  18. 相应的,棕榈滩县的学区将会播放和录制总统的讲话。

    Accordingly , the Palm Beach County School District will air and record the President 's message .

  19. 在棕榈滩,人们将宾利轿车开上街道之前,都会左右顾盼一番。

    In Palm Beach , people look both ways before easing their Bentleys out into the street .

  20. 我们也许真的是动物,但我们需要在飞往西棕榈滩的航班上证明这一点吗?

    We may be animals , but need we prove it on a flight to West Palm Beach ?

  21. 在长岛,一个旧的砖作坊曾经是我们的家;在佛罗里达州,我们的加就是棕榈滩上的码头。

    An old brick mill was our home in Long Island , versus a boat dock in Palm Beach Florida .

  22. 然而,他在佛罗里达州棕榈滩的海湖庄园俱乐部的价值在一年中增长了1000万美元。

    However , his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach , Florida , increased by 10 million dollars over the year .

  23. 是遭劳苦大众忿恨的形象:肥猫一只,懒懒地坐在游艇上或佛罗里达州棕榈滩的屋前廊下。

    There is the populist version : the fat cat sitting lazily on his yacht or Palm Beach , Fla. , veranda .

  24. 纽约的有钱人就会买火车票到佛罗里达的棕榈滩或飞往法国的里维耶拉。

    Rich people in New York bought their train tickets to Palm Beach in Florida or flew to the Riviera in France .

  25. 评论:包括劳德代尔堡和西棕榈滩在内的迈阿密地区,一季度的抵押贷款逾期竟然达到90天甚至更糟糕。

    Comment : In greater Miami , including Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach , one-quarter of mortgages are90 days past due or worse .

  26. 这款宾利敞篷车皮实而不招摇,不过它们正淡出格林威治和棕榈滩,在其它某个角落静静地诉说自己曾经的荣耀。

    Substantial without being ostentatious , the Bentley fades into the background in Greenwich and Palm Beach and makes a quiet statement everywhere else .

  27. 肯尼迪家族1995年卖掉了这处产业,而棕榈滩在卡斯尔购房后不久宣布该豪宅的一部分为地标性建筑。

    The Kennedys sold the property in 1995 , and Palm Beach declared part of the mansion a landmark after Mr. Castle bought it .

  28. 价格下跌的地区还包括西班牙的伊比沙岛及美国的棕榈滩、佛罗里达、圣地亚哥与加州等黄金地区。

    There were also falls in Ibiza and in prime US locations such as Palm Beach , Florida , and San Diego , California .

  29. 今年一月,一个专门为残疾人设计的训练综合场地在佛罗里达洲的棕榈滩投入使用,该场地设计新颖、设施先进。

    In January of this year , a brand new , state-of-the-art training complex for disabled children and adults opened in Palm Beach County , Florida .

  30. 有报道称,马多夫的某些熟人可能因为帮他介绍新生意而获得酬金。这个消息让棕榈滩的居民十分愤慨。

    Reports that certain acquaintances of Mr Madoff may have taken fees for bringing him new business has put the Palm Beach community up in arms .