
  • 网络line project;railway line engineering
  1. 某电网线路工程EPC总承包的管理实践

    Management Experience on EPC of Some Power Grid Line Project

  2. 500kV送电线路工程水土保持设计

    Water & Soil Conservation Design in 500 kV Power Transmission Line Project

  3. 基于GIS的铁路线路工程图库操控信息管理系统

    The Railroad Project Library Information System Based on GIS in Visual Basic

  4. 手持式GPS在送电线路工程中的应用

    Handheld GPS to the Construction of Transmission Line Project

  5. 超高压输电线路工程航测GPS像控测量的原则和方法

    Principle and Method of GPS Control Surveying of Photograph in Transmission Line Aerophotogrammetry

  6. 本文结合送电线路工程的特点,介绍了航测GPS外控测量的原则和方法及注意事项。

    According to the specialities of the transmission line engineerings , This paper introduces the principle and method of GPS control surveying of photograph in transmission line aerosurveying .

  7. 3S技术在电力线路工程勘测设计中应用的探讨

    Discussion on Application of " 3S " Technology in Reconnaissance and Design for Power Transmission Line Projects ground cable EM survey

  8. 我院设计的500kV送电线路工程造价分析

    Analysis on Cost of 500 kV Transmission Lines by Our Institute

  9. 500kV输电线路工程驰度达标的办法

    Guarantee method for the sag of 500 kV transmission line in Engineering

  10. 提高500kV输电线路工程张力架线速度的措施

    Measures to Increase Stringing Speed under Tension for 500 kV Transmission Line Projects

  11. 影响500kV送电线路工程造价敏感因素分析

    500 kV Transmission Line Project Cost Sensitivity Analysis

  12. 750kV送电线路工程OPGW的结构设计

    Design OPGW structure for 750 kV transmission line project

  13. 根据送电线路工程测量的具体特点,介绍在开展CAD工作中,保证绘图质量,减轻劳动强度,提高工作效率的一些做法。

    In this paper , according to the characteristic of transmission electricity line engineering , introduce developing CAD drawing , be able to assure the quality of drawing , relieve the strength of working , raise the efficiency of working .

  14. 500kV架空送电线路工程房屋拆迁简易判定法

    Simple estimate the method for 500 kV overhead transmission lines to house - dismantle to move

  15. 介绍了GDM系列全站仪与计算机的连接及常用通信命令,以一个通信实例程序说明了该系列全站仪在线路工程中的应用

    Principal communication commands of GDM series total station are presented An example program illustrates the application of GDM series total station in the road engineering

  16. 500kV花都&博罗输电线路工程,采用ACSR-720/50大截面导线,四分裂,同塔双回路。

    4-bundled , ACSR-720 / 50 large-section conductor and double-circuit towers were used in Huadu-Boluo 500 kV transmission line project .

  17. 久隆变&玉林变500kV线路工程(Ⅱ标段)插入式基础的施工

    The Project Construction of Insert - type Foundation of 500 kV Line ( bid-section ⅱ) from Jiulong Substation to Yulin Substation

  18. 通过三峡第一条500kV输电线路工程角钢插入式科柱基础的施工,对国内首次使用的全方位高低腿角钢插入式斜柱基础的施工方法给予了全面的介绍。

    The construction method for the base of inserted lean column of angle iron was a new technique applied first in China .

  19. 本文科学、合理地对承姜双回500KV输电线路工程项目管理方案进行分析和项目前期综合评价,为今后输电线路工程项目管理的策划和评价提供了宝贵的经验和科学、合理的依据。

    The achievement of this paper provided valuable experience and scientific , reasonable basis for plan and evaluate of project management for power transmission lines .

  20. 以500kV高新变&德岭变送电线路工程项目的公众参与与实践为例,对公众参与过程中所面临的一些普遍问题进行探讨。

    Taken public involvement of 500 kV Gao Xin-De Ling electricity transmission project as case study , the common problems faced in public involvement processes are discussed .

  21. 故预绞式悬垂线夹AGS-5129完全能够满足该线路工程要求。

    Therefore the pre-twisted suspension clamp AGS-5129 meets the engineering requirements of the project completely .

  22. 根据我国各地区已运行的500kV线路工程的运行经验,分析了OPGW在工程中遭受雷击断股的原因,提出了防雷的措施。

    The reason of OPGW suffering lightning and broken strands is analyzed , which was based on the running experiences of the existing 500 kV transmission line projects in various areas of China , and then the way of lightning-protection is found .

  23. 通过500kV增城至东莞Ⅱ回送电线路工程实例,介绍送电线路水土保持的具体措施及发展动向。

    Taking the 500 kV Zengcheng ~ Dongguan two circuits power transmission line project as an example , the introduction is made to the detailed measures and development trends of water and soil conservation in power line projects .

  24. 论述了影响500kV送电线路工程造价的各种因素,得出影响造价因素中最敏感的几种因素,提出了控制这些敏感因素的方法,有效地控制500kV送电线路工程造价。

    In this paper , the factors that affect the cost of 500 kV transmission line project , are discussed and several most sensitive factors have been identified . In order to effectively control the project cost , methods that can control these factors are proposed .

  25. 论文第二章第一节对J-B输电线路工程施工质量管理现状进行了分析,首先介绍了本工程概况,其次分析了本工程施工质量管理的特点,然后概括了该工程施工质量管理中存在的问题。

    The first quarter of chapter 2 of J-B Transmission Line Project analyzes the status of quality management , which firstly gives a whole introduction to the project , then analyzes the characteristics of quality management in construction and finally concludes the construction quality problems .

  26. 送电线路工程投资模糊估算的探讨

    Research on the Investment Fuzzy Estimation of Projects Conveying Electric Power

  27. 全寿命周期设计理念在输电线路工程设计中的应用

    Application of Total-Life-Cycle Design Idea in Project Design of Transmission Line

  28. 某输油管道线路工程地质问题及其防治

    Geologic problems of a petrol pipeline route project and its prevention

  29. 线路工程中线的组件式坐标计算数学模型

    The Component Coordinate Computational Mathematics Model of the Line-type Project Centre-line

  30. 兰勃特投影在线路工程控制测量中的应用

    Application of Lambert projection to the control survey of route engineering