
zhǐ pén
  • cone
纸盆 [zhǐ pén]
  • [cone] 扬声器的锥形纸质或纤维质膜片

纸盆[zhǐ pén]
  1. 基于Windows的纸盆模具CAD/CAM系统技术分析与实现

    Analysis and Realization of System Technique in the Speaker Cone Mold CAD / CAM Software Based on Windows

  2. PA纸盆发展趋势及研发的一些探讨

    PA Paper Cone Development Trends and Some Discussions of R & D

  3. 最后针对纸盆车间的实际生产特点,建立了批量可变的模糊柔性Job-shop调度问题模型,并对某纸盆车间的调度实例进行了求解,实验结果验证了算法的有效性。

    Then , based on the actual production features of paper basin shops , the model of the fuzzy and flexible job-shop scheduling problem with various batches was given .

  4. 该方法通过对扬声器纸盆位移信号进行经验模态分解(EMD)得到内禀模态函数(IMF),计算出IMF函数的瞬时频率。

    In this method , the displacement signal of the diaphragm of loudspeakers was decomposed into a set of intrinsic mode functions ( IMF ) by a process called empirical mode decomposition ( EMD ) . The instantaneous frequencies of IMFs were obtained by using classical Hilbert transform .

  5. 用激光测振仪测量扬声器纸盆的振动特性

    The Measurement of the Vibration Characteristics of the Loudspeaker by Laser Vibrometer

  6. 纸盆模具CAD/CAM软件设计

    Design of CAD / CAM software for speaker cone moulds

  7. 扬声器纸盆材料动态弹性模量的新测量方法

    A new method of measuring the dynamic elastic modulus of paper for loudspeaker

  8. 植物纤维材料仍是扬声器纸盆用料的主流。

    Plant fiber is still the mainstream material which is used in cone speakers .

  9. 扬声器纸盆材料的研究与改进

    Study and Improvement of Radio Cone Paper Material

  10. 微波干燥扬声器纸盆的试验研究

    Research on Microwave Drying of Radio Cone Paper

  11. 微波干燥扬声器纸盆是一项新的技术。

    As a new method of drying , microwave was used for radio cone paper drying .

  12. 用激光外差测振装置测量了扬声器纸盆振动幅度与激励电压及激励频牢之间的关系。

    The relation between vibration amplitude and exciting voltage , also exciting frequencyof the loudspeaker are measured by laser heterodyne vibrometer .

  13. 本文针对扬声器及其纸盆的特性,描述了对扬声器纸盆材料的研究与改进。

    Be aimed at peculiarity of radio cone paper , study and improvement of radio cone paper material of loudspeaker are described .

  14. 且纸盆材料是非完全弹性材料,其弹性模量的测量方法和仪器还很少,已有的一些动态测试方法存在操作麻烦,误差大等问题。

    Paper material is not absolute elastic . There are few test methods and instruments for elastic module . Some methods are difficult to operate .

  15. 并且大功率设计成大功率低频配合衔接游刃有低音采用储备的大磁缸单元,采用耐高温音圈材料,加夺取纸盆提供丰满厚实的低频效果。

    With high-power and LF combination , large magnetic cylinder unit is adopted for bass , high-temperature-resisting voice coil material and paper cone , abundant low frequency effect can be obtained .