
  • 网络Fellow;IEEE Fellow
会士 [huì shì]
  • (1) [Penitent]∶由一般教徒组成的许多兄弟会会员,他们须作苦修和善行,这类兄弟会盛行于十三至十六世纪,通常以会员所穿会服命名

  • 蓝衣会士

  • (2) [agrege]∶一种法国大学授予一个经过严格的竞争考试及格,因而有资格被任命为国立中学的最高教学职位的教师或大学某个系科的教师

  1. 沃克教授是英国皇家艺术学会会士。

    Professor Walker is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts .

  2. 联合王国医疗化验学会高级会士

    Fellow of the United Kingdom Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences

  3. 明末社会危机与耶稣会士在华传教的根本冲突

    Fundamental Conflict Between Late Ming Society and Jesuit Mission in China

  4. 清代法国耶稣会士在华传教策略

    An Analysis of the Strategy of French Jesuits in the Qing Dynasty

  5. 清初耶稣会士在江南的传教活动

    The Activities of Jesuits in Jiangnan Areas during Early Qing

  6. 从耶稣会士看澳门在中西文化交流中的地位和作用

    The Jesuits : Macao 's Position and Role in the Sino-Occidental Cultural Exchanges

  7. 从明清间耶稣会士著作看他们对佛教的反应

    The Response to Buddhism in Jesuit 's Book in Ming and Qing Dynasty

  8. 浅析法国耶稣会士在中国的活动及影响(1610-1773)

    Missionary Work of French Jesuits and Its Influence in China ( 1610-1773 );

  9. 1778年,一位耶稣会士的牧师写了第一本湖区旅行指南。

    Jesuit priest wrote the first guidebook in1778 .

  10. 他去吗,那位枯燥乏味的耶酥会士?

    Will he come ? The jejune jesuit .

  11. 北圻与中国传统文化&法国入华耶稣会士罗历山及其对东京王国的研究

    Studies On Bac ky and Chinese Traditional Culture

  12. 第四章是对江南地区耶稣会士传教方法的全面分析。

    Chapter four discusses thoroughly the missionary methods .

  13. 法国耶稣会士的中国研究及对中西文化交流的影响

    The French Jesuits Chinese Study and Influence on Cultural Communication Between China and the West

  14. 17&18世纪间,法国耶稣会士成为在华传教的主角。

    During 17th and 18th century , French Jesuits became the main missionaries in China .

  15. 方济会士建了很高的建物来保护这些橄榄树而受到感激。

    To protect the olive trees , the Franciscans were obliged to build a higher enclosure .

  16. 耶稣会士重返中国三十年后,于1872年在上海创立徐家汇天文台,记录气象。

    In1872,30 years after coming back to China , the Jesuits founded in Shanghai the Zikawei Observatory .

  17. 意大利耶稣会士利玛窦于1601年抵达北京并成立新的教友团体。

    In1601 , the Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci reached Beijing . A new Catholic community took shape .

  18. 耶稣会士作为此次事件的活动主体,采用了与传统不同的传教方式&书籍传教。

    As active agents of this incident Jesuit missionaries using the way different from traditional preaching-books preaching .

  19. 明清传教士对《山海经》的解读明清之际在华耶稣会士之《易》说

    Theories on Yi by the Jesuit missionaries in China at the turn of the Ming and Qing dynasties

  20. 因为你身上有可诅咒的耶稣会士的气质,只不过到了你身上就拧啦。

    Because you have the cursed jesuit strain in you , only it 's injected the wrong way .

  21. 明清间来华的耶稣会士首先从外表做起,利用非语言传播的种种优势,以适应、认同中国文化与习俗;

    In order to blend into the Chinese society , the Jesuits employed the benefits of non-verbal communication .

  22. 代表儒家思想的重要经典《书经》和《易经》深受法国耶稣会士和学者的重视,在十八世纪中法学术交流史上产生了巨大影响。

    These two books exerted a great influence on the history of the Chinese-French academic communication in the18th century .

  23. 摘要明末清初,随着天主教耶稣会士的来华传教,西方的解剖生理学开始传入中国。

    During the seventeenth century , the Jesuits came to China and brought the West physiological knowledge to chinese .

  24. 这说明各党派士大夫对耶稣会士的交往态度与他们在晚明党争中所属的政治派别并没有直接的关系。

    The literati and officials ' attitudes to the Jesuits had no direct bearing on their individual political party .

  25. 这种梳理带有哲学分析的性质,显示耶稣会士围绕太极之辨而突出的宗教性的哲学立场。

    This regulating is characterized with philosophical analysis , manifesting their religious philosophical standpoint around the arguments of Taiji .

  26. 明清之际入华耶稣会士与中国造园艺术在欧洲的影响

    The Jesuits Coming to China during the Ming and Qing and the Influence of Chinese Gardening Art upon Europe

  27. 晚明耶稣会士宣讲了怎样的耶稣,还有待于深入研究。

    However , what kind of Jesus preached by the late Ming Jesuits has yet to be studied in depth .

  28. “基督禅”最早出现在耶稣会士乔史顿1971年出版的专著《基督禅:冥想之道》。

    The concept of Christian Zen first appeared in Jesuit William Johnston 's Christian Zen : A Way of Meditation in1971 .

  29. 明清之际的耶稣会士来华传教是中西文化交流史上的一件大事。

    In Ming and Qing Dynasties Jesuit missionaries ' visiting China is a major event in the history of cultural exchange .

  30. 第二章主要论述在晚明第一批来华耶稣会士宣讲了怎样的耶稣。

    The second chapter mainly preaches how Jesus was by the first batch of Jesuits in China in the late Ming dynasty .