- 名member company;member corporation

Each member company is given one vote , regardless of size .
If you want to buy or sell securities in the market , you must entrust member company 's broker to make the dealing , register for the roll and open a capital account and a securities account .
Prior to WTO accession , many of SIA 's leading member firms identified China as the largest single emerging market opportunity .
The advisory service's12 member firms bring in annual revenue totaling more than $ 3 billion for KPMG .
The International Dairy Foods Association ( IDFA ), Washington , D.C. , represents the nation 's dairy manufacturing and marketing industries and their suppliers , with a membership of 550 companies representing a $ 125-billion a year industry .
The introduction of new products by5 member companies followed .
Adherence is endorsed and monitored by the leadership of each member firm .
There are sixty-nine companies serving as add-in providers , and another thirteen associate member companies .
Noms set up a corporate alliance in 2005 that now has more than 100 member companies .
But the greatest beneficiaries were the partners of the member firms of Sir Nicholas 's stock exchange .
The group recently disclosed that 81 of its members had signed up to use a new platform to trade renminbi-denominated stocks .
A general partner or voting stock holder of a NYSE member firm ; allowed to perform transactions on the exchange floor .
Regular feedback from our member companies indicates they remain profitable and will continue to expand their China operations , he says .
Other member firms picked up the offer , leaving Mizuho with a large short position that it had to unwind at great expense .
We lead by example & at all levels acting in a way that exemplifies what we expect of each other and our member firms'clients .
ICC 's advocacy has never been more relevant to the interests of thousands of member companies and business associations in every part of the world .
If the member companies differ sufficiently in their activities , the conglomerate can usually offset losses in some of its operations with profits in others .
To help national industry associations and their member companies achieve business success in the global economy through advocacy , networking , information , programs and services .
Letters from the following insurers are attached to confirm that they agree to transact business with the member when the applicant is registered as its chief executive .
The Center for Corporate Public Involvement was established in by the trade associations of the life and health insurance industry to assist member companies in expanding their social .
Thus , it currently costs SFr600000 a year to be a " strategic partner " of the WEF and about a tenth of that to be an affiliate .
A consultant to one of the alliances says he has spent two years trying to persuade its members to agree on a joint check-in desk at one airport .
During the Fair , Ijoined some meetings between members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and various Chinese counterpart organizations to discuss trade and business issues .
The survey , carried out by loyalty card company Nectar and the telecommuncations firm Talk Talk . also came up with the talkers of the towns , or rather the regions .
A company that hires only union members .
The companies employing Ashley Madison members also appeared to be more inventive and creative .
A general settlement member futures company shall not collect the deposits for settlement from non-settlement members .
A general settlement member futures company shall guarantee the authenticity , accuracy and completeness of the transaction settlement report .
A company that has not been a member of AmCham Shanghai is not eligible to apply for the program .
A general settlement member futures company may , according to the credit and market conditions of non-settlement members , adjust the deposit standard .