
  • 网络Cognitive learning theory;Cognitive Theory
  1. 本研究以O'Malley和Chamot的认知学习理论为框架,通过问卷的形式对河西学院英语专科生元认知听力计划策略进行了调查。

    According to O'Malley and Chamot 's cognitive theory , the study investigates the planning strategies in listening of three-year English majors .

  2. 从CAI产生的理论依据入手,具体阐述了ICAI的理论基础&认知学习理论,并研究了认知学习理论应用于ICAI系统的特殊问题,同时论述了作为ICAI理论支撑的个性化理论在系统中的应用。

    From the theory of CAI , the author illustrated the CAI fundamental theory & the cognitive theory , studied the particular problems concerning the application of cognitive theory to ICAI system . And illustrated the application of mental characteristics of individual to the system .

  3. 阐述布鲁纳的认知学习理论并把它应用到Linux操作系统教学与实验的各个环节。

    The paper expatiates Bruner 's cognitive learning theory in details and its application to the teaching and experiment within the Linux Operating System .

  4. 认知学习理论在课程改革中的应用

    On the Application of Cognitive Learning Theory in the Field of Curriculum Innovation

  5. 多媒体认知学习理论认为:多媒体外语学习过程可视为信息获得的过程,或者是知识建构的过程。

    The process of multimedia learning can be viewed as information acquisition or as knowledge construction .

  6. 第二章认知学习理论;

    Theory on Cognitive Learning ;

  7. 任务式教学法是交际教学法的发展和进步,认知学习理论是其重要的理论组成部分。

    TBI is a development of CLT , and cognitive learning theory is its important theoretical basis .

  8. 20世纪60年代以来,受认知学习理论的影响,人们开始重视以学生为主体的学习过程的研究。

    Since 1960s , under the influence of cognitive learning theories , much importance has been attached .

  9. 用布鲁纳的认知学习理论指导教学,有助于改善课程质量,激发学生对学习的兴趣;

    With the guidance of the Bruner cognitive learning theory in teaching , course quality can be improved ;

  10. 基于建构主义的情境认知学习理论,是高职教育创设职业情境的基础。

    Situation cognitive learning theory on constructivism is the basis of building job situation in higher vocational education .

  11. 自主学习理论作为认知学习理论的新发展,是目前西方日渐流行的学习理论。

    Independent-study theory , the new development of the cognition study theories , is currently popular in the western .

  12. 本研究的理论基础包括:输入假设理论、认知学习理论和图式理论。

    The theories on which this study is based are Input Hypothesis , Cognitive Learning Theory and Schema Theory .

  13. 在建构主义思想指导下已经形成了一套比较有效的、崭新的认知学习理论。

    Guided by this theory , a series of new and efficient cognitive learning theories have already been formed .

  14. 交互教学是一种用于促进阅读理解的教学模式,备受认知学习理论和建构主义推崇。

    Advocating by cognitive studying theory and constructivism , reciprocal teaching is a prevalent teaching model of promoting reading comprehension .

  15. 基于情境认知学习理论的教学设计探究认知学习理论在网上学习中的应用研究

    Research of instructional design under theory of situated cognition An Experimental Study on the Application of Learning Theory in E-learning Environment

  16. 分析了行为主义学习理论、认知学习理论、建构主义学习理论、人本主义理论和高中生心理特点对信息技术与物理课程整合的指导作用。

    Such as the study theory of behaviorism , cognitivism , constructivism , humanism and high school students ' psychological characteristic .

  17. 从20世纪中叶开始,学习心理学,认知学习理论和人文主义等学习理论奠定了研究性学习理论的基础。

    The learning psychology , cognitive learning theory and humanistic learning theory researches have laid the foundation of research-based learning theory .

  18. 本文着重探讨认知学习理论及其在计算机辅助教学的设计原则、策略、过程和模式方面的应用。

    This paper mainly discusses cognitive learning theory and its application in CAI designing principles , strategies , process and patterns .

  19. 认知学习理论认为人能根据现有信息作出合理决定。

    The cognitive model of learning presupposes that human beings are capable of making rational decisions on the basis of available information .

  20. 认知学习理论强调有机体自身的能动作用,认为学习是认知结构的改变过程。

    Cognitive learning theory emphasizes the subjective function of organism itself , and it considers that learning is a way of altering cognitive structure .

  21. 通过对认知学习理论及建构主义学习理论的分析,指出在教育软件的开发过程中,开发者应加强对教学理论和教学规律的研究;

    Through the analysis of cognitive theories and constructivism , the paper points out the importance of software programmers to understand the theory of teaching .

  22. 本研究是在认知学习理论和行为主义学习理论指导下,结合学科教育的特点,在中学化学教学中一个非常具体的领域&物质结构部分进行的。

    The author aims at the given field-the structure of substance directed by behavioral learning theory and cognitive learning theory in chemistry education in high school .

  23. 通过客观分析当前运动学习的现状和误区,尝试进行运动学习层次分类,提出各层次学习心理模式并使之与行为主义联结学习理论、认知学习理论联系起来。

    It attempts to classify the sports leaning structure for different learning steps , and furthermore to relate them with the behavioristic association theory and cognitive learning theory .

  24. 本准实验研究以认知学习理论为基础,采用Chamot&O'Malley的认知性语言学习方法,调查了以元认知策略为基础的策略培训对语法学习的影响力。

    Based on cognitive learning theory , this quasi-experimental study adopts Chamot and O'Malley 's CALLA model to investigate the impact of metacognitive strategies-based instruction on grammar learning .

  25. 在认识网络教学的目的和意义的基础上,该文逐步分析了网络教学的认知学习理论、网络教学模式与常规教学模式的区别,以及演示型多媒体教学课件的制作与展示技巧。

    We explore the online teaching and learning theories , the differences between traditional and online teaching , and how to create and present coursewares for multimedia teaching .

  26. 梅耶认为,多媒体学习研究应该始于一个可检验的学习理论。为此,梅耶在研究中一直致力于建构一个针对多媒体学习的认知学习理论。

    Mayer thinks a good research should be grounded in a testable theory of learning , so he makes every effort to construct a testable cognitive theory of multimedia learning .

  27. 认知学习理论源于格式塔心理学的顿悟说,研究个体处理环境刺激时的内部过程,而不是外显的刺激与反应。

    Cognitive learning theory originates from the insight theory of Gestalt psychology . It studies the internal process of individual dealing with environmental stimulation , rather than explicit stimulus and response .

  28. 依据认知学习理论,设计了一个采用逐步逼近法的有学习历史继承的认知学生模型和学习过程自动导航的教学模型。

    According to cognitive learning theory , designes cognitive model of student which adopts approach method and historical inheritance of study , designs a teaching model which can navigate in learning process .

  29. 本人查阅大量的文献,从这些文献中了解了情境创设必要性及理论指导&情境认知学习理论、建构主义理论和迁移理论。

    I access to a large number of documents from these documents to understand the situation creation guidance - Situated Cognition and Learning theory , the Theory of Constructivism and Migration theory .

  30. 本文通过对教育心理学中行为主义学习理论、认知学习理论和人本主义学习理论三大教育心理学流派的总结和概括,探讨教育心理学对英语教学的影响和启示。

    This article is devoted to the brief generalization and summary of behaviorism , cognitive theory and humanistic theory in educational psychology in order to study their effect on and reaction to English teaching .