
  • 网络meaningful learning;meaning learning;significant learning
  1. 语文阅读教学中的有意义学习研究

    A Research on Meaningful Learning in Chinese Reading Teaching

  2. 迁移在有意义学习中占有重要地位。

    Transference plays an important role in meaningful learning .

  3. 有意义学习理论在英语课堂教学中的运用

    How to Use the Meaningful Learning Theory in English Class Teaching

  4. 在物理教学中,科学探究与知识建构统一于有意义学习理论:学习者通过科学探究活动获取有意义的学习材料,体现了认知主体与客体的互动;

    In physics teaching , it can be united in meaningful learning .

  5. 有意义学习理论在医学教育中的应用体会

    Experience in application of " meaningful learning theory " in medical teaching

  6. 有意义学习是素质教育对课堂教学提出的要求。

    Meaningful learning in class is required by quality-oriented education .

  7. 数学解题的有意义学习

    On the Meaningful Learning of Mathematics Problem Solving

  8. 历史概念教学中的有意义学习

    Meaningful Learning in Teaching of Historical Concepts

  9. 浅谈认知结构变量对有意义学习及迁移的影响

    The influence of the variable of the congnition structure upon the meaningful study and remove

  10. 建构主义学习理论、有意义学习理论、协作学习与研究性学习理论是着手进行本研究的理论基础。

    There are three learning theory basises for this research : constructivism , International and cooperative .

  11. 在一些国家,概念图作为有意义学习的一种有效策略被广泛研究和应用。

    In some countries , Concept Map has been extensively used as a meaningful strategy for learning .

  12. 有意义学习过程是意义赋予过程,其本质就是理解。

    The process of meaningful learning is one in which meaning is acquired , whose essence is comprehension .

  13. 数学学科的特点,决定了数学学习必然是有意义学习。

    The features of the subject of maths determine that the learning of maths is to be meaningful learning .

  14. 科学学习的本质&有意义学习与机械学习,与学习者建构的学习通道有关。

    The nature of students learning-that is , meaningful or rote-is related to the construction of " learning approaches " .

  15. 德国三分制教育模式及其对我国教育的启示奥苏伯尔的有意义学习理论对课堂教学改革的启示

    German Secondary Education and Its Enlightenment Ausubel 's Meaningful Learning Theory and Its Enlightenment to the Reform of Classroom Instruction

  16. 由此,研究者运用凯恩夫妇提出的有意义学习理论中所涉及的三个相互作用的要素,分析了这些因素的特点。

    Therefore , the author cites the three interacted factors in the Caines ' significant learning theory to analyze their characteristics .

  17. 在教学过程和教材编排中,这种策略的有效使用,无疑能促进学生的有意义学习和认知培养。

    In the process of teaching and the compilation of textbooks , this strategy is effective for the students in cognitive training .

  18. 第二部分论述了探究教学的理论基础:认知结构理论、有意义学习理论和现代建构主义学习理论;

    The second part describes the theoretical foundation of inquiry-based teaching : cognitive structure theory , meaningful learning theory , modern constructionism learning theory ;

  19. 动机直接影响着学生的课堂表现、学习方法和效果,进而促进学生的有意义学习。

    Motives directly influence students ' classroom behaviour and their studying methods and results . Moreover it promotes students to go in for meaningful studying .

  20. 知识建构作为一种有意义学习,强调知识的获得不是简单的传送、接受和复制,而是学习者积极地在原有知识的基础上,将新旧知识进行相互作用和联系的过程。

    Knowledge construction is a kind of meaningful learning , Though which the gain of knowledge is not just simple transfers , Acceptance and copies .

  21. 首先从马克思主义哲学理论、情境认知与学习理论、建构主义理论和有意义学习理论等方面构建了情境教学的理论框架。

    Firstly according to Marxs ' philosophies and the theory of cognition and constructivism and meaningful learing , the frame of situational teaching is formed .

  22. 课堂教学是中学化学教学的重要组成部分,如何提高高中化学课堂教学的教学效果,促进学生的有意义学习是高中化学教学研究的重要课题。

    How to improve class teaching of chemistry and how to lead students to meaningful learning are important tasks in chemistry teaching in senior middle schools .

  23. 现今,教育研究者都在积极倡导以思维为核心的理解性学习,使学习者获得真正知识的有意义学习。

    Today , educators and researchers have advocated meaningful learning which is based on thinking and understanding . It allows learners to gain the true knowledge .

  24. 本文认为引入概念图的教学过程可以促进学习者的有意义学习和师生、生生之间的交流与合作,更有利于教育者的教学反思。

    It argues that concept map can improve learners ' meaningful learning and the communication and cooperation among teachers and students , which can lead the teaching reflection .

  25. 从有意义学习理论看,学生所学的任何知识,都不是零碎的、彼此孤立的,而应按知识之间的关系,通过不同层次来构成知识的结构,建立知识之间的相互联系;

    Viewing from meaningful study theory , any knowledge that students have learned is not fragmentary or isolated but constitute knowledge structures and build mutual relations between knowledges ;

  26. 其理论要旨是:有意义学习可以促进知识的长时保持,让学生进行有意义的学习应该是课堂教学的首要任务。

    From the perspective of this theory , meaningful learning leads to better long-term retention , and the primary task of classroom instruction is to enable the learners to have meaningful learning .

  27. 同时,还从元认知学习策略、建构主义学习理论、有意义学习理论、主体性教育理论、终身教育理论等方面阐述了探究教学的理论基础。

    Meanwhile , it expounds the theoretical basis of inquiry teaching from the perspectives of leaning strategy of metacognition , leaning theory of constructionism , meaningful learning , subjectivity education ane so on .

  28. 本文从信息技术的认知工具角度出发,介绍在学习和教学中使用的多种信息技术工具,并探讨利用认知工具进行有效学习的基本原理,以支持学生的有意义学习和知识建构。

    In a perspective of cognitive tool , the article introduces the info-technology tools , probes the principles of how to use these tools to support the study and knowledge constructing for students .

  29. 认知法是建立在有意义学习而非机械性学习概念上的语言学习理论,在教学中强调以学生为中心、师生互动的教学方式。

    Cognitive approach is the language learning theory on the concept based on " positive learning not negative learning " . In teaching it focuses on " student-centered , teacher and student co-responded " methodology .

  30. 从研究的结果上看,概念图作为先行组织者能够支持学生的有意义学习,能够为学生建立起新旧知识的有意义连结,使学生不必采用机械记忆的方式学习。

    Through the results of research , and as an advanced organizer , it can sustain students'meaningful learning , and make a meaningful combination with old and new knowledge inorder to avoid students ' mechanical memory .