
  • 网络example teaching
  1. 案例教学与教学中举例说明和范例教学存在着深刻的区别。

    Case teaching is obviously different from exampling with distance and example teaching .

  2. 创设于范例教学理论基础的模拟法庭教学模式,在经济法学教学中发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Under the guidance of example teaching theory , the teaching model of moot court plays an important role in the teaching of economic law .

  3. 论范例教学思想在成人高师教学中的应用

    On the Application of Model Teaching in Higher Teachers'Training

  4. CAD/CAM软件课程中典型范例教学法的实践

    Practice of the CAD / CAM Software Applications Course Teaching by Typical Example

  5. 倒立摆调节器的范例教学

    Example Pedagogics Based on Inverted Pendulum Regulator

  6. 因此,作为范例教学的教学内容一定包含着内部逻辑。

    Therefore , the teaching contents in " Exemplary Teaching Theory " must contain some " internal logic " .

  7. 受行为主义和人本主义的影响,在外语教学发展的历史上出现了“范例教学”和“个人为本”的教师培养模式。

    Based on behaviorism and humanism , model-based approach and human-oriented approach are used in teacher education in foreign language teaching history .

  8. 范例教学在高校武术专业腾空动作教学中的应用研究马表演的腾空飞跃的动作。

    Research on Application of the Example Teaching in the Teaching of Flight Movement Teaching to Martial Arts Major in Colleges and Universities ;

  9. 范例教学是实践证明很成功的教学方法,为了达到教学目的,设计了一个倒立摆调节器范例。

    Example Pedagogics is proved to be a good method , so an example of inverted pendulum regulator is designed for this purpose .

  10. 在相关文献资料的通读基础上,结合范例教学理论和支架学习理论,对范例学习支架的内涵进行了梳理。

    Based on reading through relative literature , and combines the Exemplary cases theory and Scaffolding Instruction theory with it , the meaning of Exemplary cases Scaffolding for learning has teased .

  11. 本文通过酒包装艺术设计范例教学实践解析,阐述了中国传统文化与酒包装艺术设计有机结合的可行性创作思路。

    The paper elaborated the practical creative train of thought of the organic combination of Chinese traditional culture spirit packing art by analyzing example teaching practice of art design of spirit packing .

  12. 本文以情境教学、活动教学和范例教学等三种教学理论,阐释了中职法律基础知识课案例教学的理论基础。

    The paper , based on the Situated Teaching , Verbal Teaching and Paradigmatic Teaching theory , details the theoretical foundations of case methodology of elements of law in secondary vocational schools .

  13. 最后,本文总结了范例教学法的应用启示,同时指出了在应用中的存在问题,并对实施范例教学提出了必要的建议。

    Finally , This article summarizes the application and enlightenment of the model teaching method , points out some questions existed and puts forward some essential proposals for operating the model teaching method .

  14. 第四部分具体论述了校本课程在课堂教学中的实践应用,同时给出了范例教学过程中应该引起注意的问题及课程的评价与反馈。

    Part IV specifically addresses the practice and application of the school-based curriculum in the classroom teaching , and presents the problems that should be paid an attention in the paradigm teaching process and the course evaluation and feedback .

  15. 范例教学遵循从学生存在的问题或提出的问题出发,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性来组织教学,充分展现了学生在教学过程中的主体地位。

    Examples of teaching follows the existing problems or issues raised by the students , to mobilize the students ' enthusiasm and initiative to organize the teaching , fully demonstrated the dominant position of the students in the teaching process .

  16. 第四章从学生的学习态度与兴趣、学习方式和效果、学习能力、教学方法和范例教学应用等五个方面,对范例教学在高中化学教学过程中的应用现状进行了调查。

    Chapter IV according the students ' attitude and interest , learning styles and effects . learning ability , teaching methods and apply examples of teaching to conduct survey on the status of the examples of teaching in high school chemistry teaching process .

  17. 现阶段大多数学校都没有专门的汉字教学课,汉字教学主要是在综合课中进行的,所以我们选择在综合课的汉字教学环节应用范例教学方法,并对教学过程进行录像。

    At present most schools do not have Chinese character courses , and the characters are mainly taught in comprehensive class . Therefore , we select the Chinese character teaching part in comprehensive class to apply " Exemplary Teaching Theory ", and we also videotape the teaching process .

  18. 范例式教学模式在高职院校计算机专业课程教学中的应用

    The Application of Model - teaching Method in Specialized Courses of Computer

  19. 排球普修课运用掌握与范例相结合教学模式实验研究

    Experimental research of improving teaching effects by combining mastering with demonstrating in Volleyball Courses

  20. 范例结合任务教学法在信息技术教学中的实践探究

    " The Example Combines the Task " the Teaching Method Inquired into in the Information Technology Teaching Practice

  21. 以及各阶级中教师与学生的角色,并说明范例结合任务教学法对范例、任务、教师、学生的要求。

    And the roles of the teacher and student , state the requisition for example , task , teacher , student of teaching method that " the example combines the task " in every class .

  22. 用绿色化学实际生动的范例充实化学教学内容,按照“适时、适度、适量”的原则渗透绿色化学知识和意识。

    Vivid and practical illustrations should fill chemical teaching , in the meantime , green chemical knowledge should be permeated in it on the principle of " proper time , proper degree , proper amount " .

  23. 第一章界定了案例与案例教学的定义和内涵,比较了案例与范例、案例教学与范例教学,说明了案例教学的功能意义与局限。

    Chapter one defines the concepts of case and Case ' leaching deliberately , contrasts case with example , Case Teaching with Example ' leaching , and explains the function , significance and limitation of Case Teaching .

  24. 基于多语言范例的形式语义学教学辅助系统

    Multi-paradigm Based Instruction Assistant System for Formal Semantics Course