
mǎn táng guàn
  • cramming education;cramming method of teaching;spoon-feed
满堂灌 [mǎn táng guàn]
  • [cramming method of teaching] 一种填鸭式的教学方法。教师主观地将众多的教学内容在课堂上向学生灌输,而不管学生是否能够接受

满堂灌[mǎn táng guàn]
  1. 而实际的教学过程中依旧是满堂灌、机械式讲授的传统教学,从而导致教师教得辛苦,学生学得无趣。

    But , as a matter of fact , during the processes of teaching , we still follow the traditional patterns of teaching . Such as : cramming education , mechanical education , which lead to a result that teachers work hard but their lessons are boring .

  2. 他们的知识是以满堂灌的方式传授给他们的。

    They had information spoon-fed to them .

  3. 这儿的学生不希望教师满堂灌。

    The students here do not expect to be spoon-fed .

  4. 教师仍是满堂灌学生。

    Teachers still lecture toor spoon-feed the students .

  5. 同样,这种划分也可用于理解大学英语课堂教学。目前国内大多数大学英语教学课堂都是老师的一言堂,满堂灌。

    This is also applicable in college English classroom as the English class is also a context .

  6. 我国高校英语专业教学深受传统的教师满堂灌和应试教育做法之不利影响。

    The current EFL pedagogical system used in China suffers seriously from the traditional teacher fronted and test oriented practice .

  7. 他们开始摒弃原来的满堂灌的教学模式,试着采用交际教学的方法,以给予学生更多的课堂参与的机会。

    They rejected the traditional teaching method and try to adopt the communicative method to provided students with more opportunities to interact with others .

  8. 但全课堂多媒体教学则会扼杀教师教学中的即兴创造,成为典型的电脑“满堂灌”。

    But it can also strangle the improvising creation of different teachers in teaching and then lead it to be typical " computer teaching " .

  9. 科技写作教学具有实用性强、教学内容程序化的特点,因此,传统的“满堂灌”式教学既显得枯燥无味,又不利于提高学生的科技写作能力。

    The traditional teaching approach of scientific and technical writing always makes students feel boring in class , and it can not benefit to improve their scientific and technical writing ability .

  10. 朝鲜在学校教学中努力克服“满堂灌式的教学方法”、“死记硬背式的教学方法”以及“抄写式的教学方法”,代之以“启发式的教学方法”。

    In North Korean schools , the teaching methods such as " force fed duck "," mechanical reciting " and " copying " are replaced by " the teaching method of elicitation " .

  11. 而当今我国中学生物学教育仍存在着满堂灌、重知识轻能力、推崇竞争学习等弊端,合作型生物人才的培养呼吁合作学习教学模式。

    Nowadays in the field of biology teaching in our country , however , there really exits many defaults such as teacher-centered methodology , paying too much attention to knowledge rather than ability and overvalue competitive learning etc.

  12. 进入二十一世纪,语文教学中的费时多、效率低的局面还没有得到有效的改观。语文课堂上,填鸭式教学、满堂灌教学等不合理形式比比皆是。

    In twenty-first Century , in the language teaching more time-consuming , inefficient situation has not been effectively improved , the language class , cramming method of teaching , traditional teaching unreasonable forms meet the eye everywhere .

  13. 近年来,大学英语教学的模式仍以教师为中心。教师上课满堂灌,学生被动接受知识,因此课堂气氛不佳,最终导致学生英语成绩不高。

    In recent years , the teaching model in college English is still " teacher-centered " . The teacher continues speaking while students passively accept knowledge . Therefore , the classroom atmosphere is not relaxed so that students ' English academic progress isnot high .

  14. 这种教学方法,就教师的教而言,要求教师突破以前那种满堂灌的课堂教学形式,为学生创造一种历史情境,引导学生在这种历史情境中分析历史、思考历史、体验历史。

    This kind of teaching method , teachers ' teaching , requests the teacher before the breakthrough that cramming method of teaching form , for the students to create a historical situation , guide the students in the historical context of history , history , historical experience .

  15. 本文着眼于市场经济和知识经济对职业技术学院毕业生的基本要求,提出了替代传统满堂灌和散沙式教学法的景情景模式教学法。

    It is put forward in the article that the teaching mode " Situation-Feeling-Situation " should replace the conventional teaching methods " Spoonfeeding " and " Scattered teaching ", based on the basic requirements of market economy and intellectual economy to the graduates from vocational technical colleges .

  16. 这种试验,可以改变满堂灌的传统教学方法,更好地体现教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,有利于学生分析问题、解决问题能力的提高。

    This kind of experiment , generally speaking , may change the tradition teaching method " the full house fills ", of manifest teacher 's leading role and student 's main body function well , promote the student to analyze the question , to solve the problem .

  17. 确认启发教学的三种存在形式,对于克服目前仍盛行在各级各类课堂教学中满堂灌的教法和教师问,学生答的假启发等均具有重大启示作用。

    Confirming the three existing forms of Confucian heuristic teaching plays a very important role in such fields as improving the teaching method of full-class instillation which is popular in various classroom teaching and pseudo-elicitation teaching method of " the teacher asks a question and the students answer it " .