
mǎn dài
  • filled band;full filled band;full band
满带[mǎn dài]
  1. 电子被囚禁在满带中。

    The electrons are locked in the filled band .

  2. 然而山峰却留在原地,满带爱意地追忆着、依依不舍地追随着她。

    But the mountain stays and remembers , and follows her with his love .

  3. 满带泥泞地穿过门廊。

    He tracks mud through the hall .

  4. 每天晚上,他满带疲乏,全身酸痛地回到他的小屋里,觉得又是徒劳无获的一天。

    Each night the man returned to his cabin sore and worn out , feeling that his whole day had been spent in vain .

  5. 然后他静静地又满带着自信地说道:“就算我们所打算的没有真正成功看看我们忙活着一阵子有多少收获!”

    Then he said quietly and confidently ," Even if we don 't dig all the way through the earth , look what we found along the way !"

  6. 超市里满是带着孩子的神情烦恼的母亲们。

    The supermarket was full of harassed-looking mothers with young children .

  7. 车站里满是带着棕色行李的士兵。

    The station was full of soldiers with brown baggages .

  8. 港口上满是带着绿色行李的士兵。

    The harbor was full of soldiers with green baggage .

  9. 站上满是带着褐色行李包的士兵。

    The station was full of soldiers with brown baggage .

  10. 一个周日的晚上,这家餐厅里满是带着小孩的家庭顾客和一群群的中年男性。

    On a Sunday night , families with young children and groups of middle-aged men fill the restaurant .

  11. 又一个小浪滚来,撞在她的膝盖上,那双惠灵顿靴子里灌满了带泡沫的咸水,但她似乎根本没有注意到。

    Another lesser wave broke around her knees , filling her Wellington boots with foamy saltwater but she didn 't notice .

  12. 位于中国西南四川省的成都市市民,正满大街带着十分奇特的天线发夹.

    Citizens in Chengdu , the capital of south west China 's Sichuan province have been spotted sporting quirky antenna hairpins .

  13. 它满是绿化带和清新空气。

    It 's full of green belts and fresh air .

  14. 那就随身带一个空瓶子,在饮水机上灌满水再带上飞机。

    Bring an empty bottle in your carry on to fill at a water fountain and carry on the plane .

  15. 岛弧为大型背形结构,雅满苏断裂带为火山喷发的主要通道,弧前盆地生成于弧沟间隙部位。

    The island arc has a large antiform structure , the Yamansu fault belt is a main conduit for volcanic eruption , and the forearc basin was formed in an arc-trench gap .

  16. 今年46岁的米勒德和她的人生伴侣兼C.S.A.生意伙伴、BossyAcres公司的合伙人卡拉·潘科(KarlaPankow),把满脚的泥带进了车里。

    Ms. Millard , now 46 , and Karla Pankow , her partner in life and in their C.S.A. business , called Bossy Acres , tracked mud into the car .

  17. 东天山康古尔塔格金矿带位于塔里木地块东北部晚古生代阿齐山-雅满苏岛孤带的北缘。

    The Kanggultage gold ore belt is located in the northern Late Paleozoic Aqishan Yamansu island arc belt in the northeast of Tarim plate .