
xīn xué
  • new learning
新学 [xīn xué]
  • (1) [new learning]

  • (2) 初学;亦指初学的人

  • (3) 特指汉末王莽新朝时的古文经学;又指北宋王安石的经学

新学[xīn xué]
  1. 康有为与戊戌新学的形成

    Kang Youwei and Development of the Wu-Xu New Learning

  2. 关于近代新学的文化模式

    On the Cultural Pattern of Modern New Learning

  3. 在这个过程中你可能还得新学几招。

    You may have to learn a few new skills along the way .

  4. 重要的是,不要过度练习新学的动作。

    It is important never to overdo new exercises

  5. 现在,继续前进并使用新学到的知识来创建插件和基于Eclipse的应用程序。

    Now , go forth and use your newly found knowledge to create plug-ins and Eclipse-based applications .

  6. 在旧金山州立大学(sanfranciscostateuniversity)读完语言学硕士之后,阿尔热开始寻找一份能用上自己新学知识的职业。

    On completing a Masters in linguistics at San Francisco State University , he searched for a career to use his newly acquired knowledge .

  7. 稷下黄老新学与中医理论的本质特征

    Ji Town Huang Lao Neodoxy and Essential Qualities of TCM Theory

  8. 尽可能多读用这种新学的语言写的东西。

    Read as much as you can in the new language .

  9. 我每天新学二十个左右的意大利字。

    I am learning about twenty new Italian words a day .

  10. 李老师建议复习新学的词组和短语。

    Teacher Li suggested going over new phrases and expressions .

  11. 以新学的语言知识来娱乐是很少发生的。

    Simply playing with new elements of language seldom happens .

  12. 马格达利亚没有浪费时间,就将她新学到的技能应用到实践之中。

    Nor has MS maagdalia wasted time putting her newfound skills into practice .

  13. 我想给你展示一下我新学的动作。

    I want to show you my new moves .

  14. 让学生把新学的歌曲唱给家长或朋友听。

    Sing the song to your parents or friends .

  15. 在日常生活中尽可能多地使用新学的单词。

    Use new words as many times as possible in your daily life .

  16. 关于近代中国新学的民族定位

    On the National Orientation of Modern Chinese School

  17. 每晚睡觉前,我都要背诵新学的英语单词。

    Every evening before going to bed I usually recite the new English words .

  18. 您可以在做测试的同时将新学的单词或复杂的单词储存起来。

    You can store new or difficult words you run into during the test .

  19. 走出荆公新学&对王安石学术演变形态的再勾勒

    Going out of " Jinggong Xinxue " & redraw Wang An-shi 's scholarship forms

  20. 即使你不一定说得对,你经常试着讲某种新学的语言吗?

    Do you always try some new language even though it might not be correct ?

  21. 熟练的催眠治疗师能够转换这些正面的信息,新学到的及新的见解等于催眠后的提示上。

    Skillful hypnotherapists will convert these positive messages , new learnings and understandings into Post-Hypnotic Suggestions .

  22. 当孩子们尝试着自己新学的英语技能时,自己就会更正。

    By trying out his new English skills , the pupil will improve on his own .

  23. 他们使用了新学的句子。

    They used new sentences .

  24. 新学童初上学时,感到很不自在。

    A new boy feels like a fish out of water when he first goes to school .

  25. 对新学的数学概念、问题、符号、方法和证明的理解和记忆;

    To understand and recall the newly-learned mathematical concepts , issues , symbols , methods and proofs ;

  26. 论中医遗传学新学特点及实验初阶对建筑与环境的新探索

    Exploration of new TCM Genetics

  27. 去找一些新学外语中最棒的书来读、有必要时用用字典。

    Start reading the greatest books in your language and use a dictionary when you need to .

  28. 以往单一的分层次教学方式及单纯的合作学习已无法适应这些新学情。

    The past simple hierarchical teaching methods and cooperative learning become unable to suit the new situation .

  29. 其次,西学乃近代新学构成要素之一,但不是惟一要素。

    Secondly , the western learning is one part of the new learning but not th only one ;

  30. 篮球教学与训练要使学生尽快地、合理地掌握新学的知识、技术与技能,必须处理好练习方法和技术动作;

    Students should master the knowledge , skill and technical ability quickly and reasonably they 've been taught .