
yǒu suǒ sī
  • be thinking of someone
  1. 基于现阶段通过GoogleEarth收集到的大量关于浙江传统聚落形态的图像资料,通过对图像资料的分析、归纳和比较,从图中若有所得,然后有所思。

    At present , a lot of traditional settlement-form of Zhejiang province which is collected through Google earth , it seems like we have got something through the analysis of the data of image , summarized and compared , and then we think about something .

  2. 他显得平静而又有所思。

    He was in a calm and reflective mood .

  3. 贝辛妮若有所思地说,外出购物时带着他不过意味着“我俩少吃一个格兰诺拉燕麦卷而已。”

    While grocery shopping , Bethenny muses that having him around would just mean " one less granola bar for the both of us . "

  4. 她继续着有所思地打量着他,仿佛不想漏掉他话中的任何一点含义似的。“这么说,你认为还有个极限?”

    She continued to consider him thoughtfully , as if not to miss any shade of meaning in what he said ," Do you think , then , there is a limit ?"

  5. 在视频片段中,这名女子说,“我正在拍摄的视频不是为了制造轰动效应,而是要让人们有所思,有所行,就是这样。”

    In the video excerpts , the woman said , " The video I am doing right now is not made to create buzz , but rather to make people react , to open minds , and that 's it . "