
  • 网络Effective potential
  1. 用有效势方法研究一个CI相变模型

    Using the effective potential method to study a CI transition model

  2. 从有限温度场论出发,算出了SU(2)×SU(2)线性σ模型在有限温度和密度下的单圈有效势;

    The effective potential of SU ( 2 )× SU ( 2 )σ model at a finite temperature and density is calculated .

  3. QCD手征对称性动力学破缺的有效势研究

    Effective-potential study of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in quantum chromodynamics

  4. 计算结果表明:当Z很小时,经典像势和半经典有效势分别与量子像势和量子有效势相差较大;

    The result shows that differences between classical image potential and quantum image potential , semi-classical effective potential and quantum effective potential are very large when Z is very small .

  5. 本文采用SGⅡ型有效势(包括SGⅡ势和RATP势)计算了不对称核物质的声速。

    The speed of sound in asymmetric nuclear matter with SG ⅱ - type potential ( including SG ⅱ and RATP potential ) is calculated .

  6. 利用相干态有效势方法,本文重新研究了Gross-Neveu(GN)模型,对于任意分量N的费米场得到了一个非平凡的Autonomous理论。

    By means of the coherent state effective potential method , we re-examine the Gross-Neveu ( GN ) model . A nontrivial autonomous theory is obtained for any N ( N is the number of the fermion fields ) .

  7. 使用一个具有实际意义的双阱势作为原子间作用势、受扰余弦势势作为外势,引入一个新的FK类模型,用有效势方法研究其相图。

    A generalized FK model is presented for treating phase transition problem with double well interatomic interactions and a perturbed sinusoidal external potential , in which the interatomic interaction is of realistic significance .

  8. 模拟表明,采用Fumi-Tosi形式的两体有效势与Dixon和Sangster给出的势参数,可很好地重复EXAFS和中子散射实验结果。

    Adopted the Fumi-Tosi pair potential and the potential parameters given by Dixon and Sangster , the simulation results are coincident very well with the experimental result given by EXAFS and neutron scattering .

  9. 本文探讨了荷电的BTZ黑洞的热辐射与非热辐射,给出了Hawking辐射谱及相应的温度表达式,并给出了非热辐射的有效势和粒子的能量公式。

    This paper is devoted to study the thermal and nonthermal radiation of the charged BTZ black hole , the thermal spectrum of Hawking radiation and the radiation temperature are obtained , and the effective potential and the particle energy formula of the nonthermal radiation are given .

  10. 讨论了经验性的Hansen-Verlet结构函数方法结合单组分粗粒化的有效势,能预言多组分电荷稳定的胶体分散体的凝固,但不适宜于非对称的双组分硬球混合物的原因。

    The reason why by the empirical Hansen-Verlet structure function approach , the single-component coarse-grained effective potential is valid for the freezing description of the many-component charge-stabilized colloidal solutions , but not valid for the case of asymmetric binary hard sphere mixtures , is discussed .

  11. 有效势与非惯性系中的机械能守恒

    Effective potential and conservation of mechanical energy in noninertial reference frames

  12. SO(10)大统一模型的有效势

    The effective potential of so ( 10 ) the grand unite theory

  13. 量子电动力学中有效势的积分表示式

    Derivative to Express on Effective Potential in Quantum Electrodynamics

  14. 广义相对论有效势与伪牛顿有效势的比较

    Comparing general relativistic effective potential with pseudo-newtonian effective potential

  15. 超形变下基于不同有效势单粒子能谱间的一致性

    The consistency between single nucleonic spectra resulting from different effective potentials for superdeformation

  16. 自发对称性破缺与量子电动力学中有效势的积分表示式

    Spontaneous symmetry Breakdown and an Integral Expression of the Effective Potential in Quantum Electrodynamics

  17. 吸附氦(~4He)薄膜准二维运动的有效势近似

    The effective potential approximation of adsorbed ~ 4he film in quasi two dimensional motion

  18. 在求得有效势的基础上,采用相对论分波法,计算了极化电子与无自旋原子弹性碰撞的散射振幅,进而计算了微分截面和散射电子自旋极化参量。

    Scattering Parameter Elastic scattering amplitudes are calculated by relativistic partial - wave expansion method .

  19. 用高能核子非弹性散射研究核力有效势

    Executive force scattering parameter the study of two-nucleon potential in nuclei by means of inelastic scattering

  20. 极性晶体内表面电子的量子像势及其极化子的有效势

    Quantum image potential of inside surface electrons in polar crystal and its effective potential of polarons

  21. 用有效势方法讨论汤川核力场中圆轨道的稳定性

    The Stability of the Trajectory of a Circle Motion in Yukawa Potential and the Effective Potential Method

  22. 带电粒子与库仑复合原子碰撞中有效势的研究

    The Study of the Effective Potential in the Scattering ofa Charged Particle by a Coulombic Complex Atom

  23. ~4理论,本文不仅讨论了树图近似,还计算了一圈图近似下的有效势。

    For the 4 theory , the tree diagram approximation is discussed and the effective potential in one-loop approximation calculated .

  24. 一个有效势模型的选取,一方面要考虑到它对计算量的简化,另一方面要考虑它的物理效果。

    For calculating the physical quantities in quantum wires , it is important to choose a good effective potential model .

  25. 通过比较粒子在恒星压力参数β和宇宙常数参数a取不同值时的有效势曲线。

    By comparing the particle effective potential curves for different values of the stellar pressure parameter β and the cosmological constant parameter α .

  26. 本文就双阱中弱耦合的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体系统在位相空间中的有效势进行了研究。

    We also investigate the effective potential of the system in phase space , which is consisted of two weakly-coupled BECs through a double-well .

  27. 本文首先在标量场论的情形下,用最速下降法对有效势的泛函形式作了简要的评论。

    The functional formalism for the effective potential is briefly reviewed for the case of a scalar field theory by using the method of steepest descents .

  28. 有效势倾斜等效于一个平均力的作用,而这一平均力的存在体现了两态跃迁细致平衡的破坏。

    The slope of the effective potential corresponded to an average force . Therefore existence of the average force incarnated that detailed balance was broken in two-state transition .

  29. 采用非对称周期势来描述马达蛋白与具有周期性和极性的微丝轨道之间的相互作用,计算了马达蛋白两态模型的几率流和有效势之间的关系。

    Asymmetric and periodic potential was used to describe the interaction between motor proteins and filaments that were periodic and polar . The current and effective potential in the two-state model were calculated .

  30. 在平面极坐标系下,导出电子在半圆型量子线中运动的等效薛定谔方程,与一维自由电子运动的不同之处,方程中含有一有效势Veff。

    From plane polar coordinates , drive the equivalent schrodinger equation electronic transport in semicircular quantum wire , compare with one dimensional free electronic motion , see that the equation have a effective potential .