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  1. 它首先取得命令行选项的值,如果有以-D开头的选项,就将其以名-值对的形式存储在一个Properties对象中。

    It evaluates command-line options and if it finds any that begin with-D , stores them as name-value pairs in a Properties object .

  2. 以是上古汉语中一个重要的虚词,其与名词(N)的组合有以N和N以两种方式。

    " Yi ", one of the most important functional words in old Chinese , has two syntagmatic forms with a noun ( N ), i.e. " Yi-N " and " N-Yi " .

  3. PAR方法是一种实用统一的形式化程序设计方法,并有以PAR方法为指导思想的计算机程序设计ICAI模型。

    PAR method is a practical unified formal programming approach . There is an ICAI model of computer programming directed by PAR method .

  4. 该系列中既有以在线检测并进行快速二维成像的铁路货车检测系统,也有可以对集装、导弹等进行三维图像重建的集装箱(大型客体)CT检测系统。

    The series include not only the Train Cargo Inspection System , which can inspect train cargo on-line , but also the Large Container CT Inspection System ( LCCT ), which can reconstruct the three-dimensional images of containers or missiles .

  5. 目前常见的体系结构描述方法有以统一建模语言UML为代表的可视化描述方法和以体系结构描述语言ADL为代表的形式化描述方法。

    At present , common architecture to describe the methods of unified modeling language ( UML ) to represent the visual description of the methodology and architecture description language for the ADL on behalf of the formal description of the method .

  6. 他有以家工厂,为飞机制造备件。

    He has a factory that makes spare parts for airplanes .

  7. 主要有以美国和日本为例。

    Mainly in the United States and Japan , for example .

  8. 我国自古就有以和为贵的观念,调解也是解决纠纷的一种重要方式。

    Mediation is an important way to resolve disputes .

  9. 当前杀菌方法主要有以巴氏杀菌为代表的热处理杀菌技术。

    Recently , sterilization method primarily contains the representation of hot treatment sterilization technology .

  10. 当企业或消费者需要时,有以业务为关键的系统可用

    The need for business-critical systems to be available when the business or consumer requires them

  11. 本店有以旧换新服务。

    We offer old-for-new service .

  12. 不会有以经营管理和旅馆等级制度形式出现的“他们”会扫他假日之兴。

    There is no superior'they'in the shape of managements and hotel hierarchies to darken his holiday days .

  13. 在不同的历史阶段,存在符合各自条件的思想政治教育目的思想,主要有以社会统治为中心的社会本位论和以个人发展为中心的个人本位论。

    In the different moments of history , there are mainly two theories of ideological and political education aim .

  14. 认识悲剧,有以亚里斯多德等为代表的认识论和以叔本华等为代表的主体论的观点。

    There are two views to realizing tragedy : the epistemology by the representative as Aristotle and subjectivity theory by Schopenhauer .

  15. 第二特征函数体现相应的海滩过程有以第8条剖面为中心的泥沙运动,不同的高度层面有不同的短周期过程;

    The second eigenfunction has a zero at the location of profile 8 and has different variation periods in different heights .

  16. 在本虚证中阴虚贯穿始终,且有以阴虚或气虚气阴两虚阴阳两虚发展的趋势。

    Throughout this deficiency in the yin and the development trend of the Yin or Qi Deficiency-Qi and Yin-yin and yang .

  17. 穷神知化在张载那里其实就是一个成圣的过程,而且有以定的顺序性。

    The Marvelous Changes there is actually a process of sanctification of Chang Tsai , and there is a certain order .

  18. 在阴阳的概念中,既包含有以阴阳二气的融合构成宇宙万物之本体的一面,亦有注重阴阳不同属性特征的一面。

    The concept of Yin and Yang explains both the formation of the universe and the nature of Yin and Yang .

  19. 在产业创新全球化条件下,不同的行业或领域,有以用户为创新源,有以原料供应商为创新源,有的行业或领域以制造商为创新源。

    Different industries or fields are innovated by user , raw material supplier or manufacturer in the context of globalization of industrial innovation .

  20. 实例分析显示,该方法有以流动性风险抵消供应链风险实现高收益的财务实施效果。

    Case analysis shows this system could realize expected supply chain value performance with high liquidity risk resulting from avoiding the negative effects of supply chain risk .

  21. 受苏轼影响和生活环境的变化,苏门四学士都有以诗为词的创作倾向。

    The four students of Sushi have the common inclination of taking Poetry as Ci because of the affection of Sushi and the change of their living conditions .

  22. 出于抗苏战略的需要,美国有以台湾问题的妥协让步换取对华关系改善的一面;

    Out of the need of their anti-soviet strategy , they are willing to exchange compromise on the Tat Wan question for improvement in their relations with China .

  23. 现代法律秩序必须具有三个特征:有以成文法典、法令、法规或者判例方式存在的法律规则体系;

    Modern law order must have three characteristics : It has the law rule system with the presentable code of laws , ordinance , laws and regulaions or judicial precedent ;

  24. 内容丰富的神仙信仰题材作品,不仅有以神话传说为依据的神祗形象,还包括了以现实生活为基础的创造。

    Rich content of literary works about immortality faith , not only have the myths and legends of the basis for gods image , but also included in real life based creativity .

  25. 按多自由度系统对高层建筑作动力分析时,有以剪切变形为主和以弯曲变形为主的两种计算简图。

    Dynamic analysis of vibrations in several degrees of freedom for high rise buildings can have two kinds of sketches of calculation . One gives priority to shearing deformation while the other to bending deformation .

  26. 几乎国内外的相关研究都以大学生为研究对象,很少有以中学生作为被试的,而专注于农村地区基础教育的则更为少见。

    Most of the studies , home and abroad , take college students as the subjects , leaving out the high school students , and the researches focused on the rural areas are even rarer .

  27. 本篇论文最后要向世人们揭示的是:良好的社会变迁与转型需要有以先进的文化信仰为核心的精神资源为导航;

    In the last part of the thesis we try to reveal to the people that good social transfer and transition need the guidance of the spiritual resources which is centered by the advanced cultural beliefs ;

  28. 依上述理论,西方各国建立了各具特色的社会保障制度,其中比较典型的有以国家为主导的德国和英国立法模式和以私人为主导的智利和新加坡立法模式。

    Based on the above-mentioned theories , western countries established different social security with different characteristics , among which the more classical ones are national oriented German and Britain model , individual oriented Chili and Singapore model .

  29. 目前语音识别系统的研究按核心硬件来分,主要有以PC机为核心硬件的语音识别系统和以专用芯片为核心硬件的嵌入式语音识别系统。

    At present , according to the difference of hard core , the research of Speech Recognition System includes : the Speech Recognition System based PC as its hare core and the embedded Speech Recognition System based special chip .

  30. 英国的措施主要有以藐视法庭罪处罚媒体的不当报道;推迟或禁止媒体报道的法院命令;赋予被追诉者上诉权;对未成年被追诉人的信息加以保密以及对诽谤行为给予法律制裁等。

    The measures taken by the United Kingdom include punishing improper media report by the contempt of court , delaying or prohibiting media coverage by the court order , giving defendants the right to appeal and keeping secret juvenile defendants ' information .