
  1. 虽然大多数受虐者想方设法去打破这个暴力循环,但有仍有很多人深陷其中,且数量惊人。

    While the majority of people who are abused do manage to break the cycle , there is a cycle and the amount of people who get caught up in it is rather alarming .

  2. 当前的一些成果是学术界根据中央的有关精神作出的积极探索,为学习型政党建设的理论研究奠定了重要基础,但也有仍有许多研究的空间。

    Some of the current academic achievement is made in accordance with the spirit of the central active exploration for learning the theory of party building laid an important foundation , but there are still a lot of space .

  3. 有一些仍能使我哭出来

    Some can even make me cry

  4. 本周其他11支IPO股的前景也是喜忧参半;有一些仍可能上市。

    The outlook for the other planned 11 IPOs of the week is mixed ; some may still go through .

  5. 要学会怎么写Product,您还得阅读更多文档(其中有很多仍在完善之中),坦率地说,还要研究已有的Product,看看它们是怎么做的。

    To learn how to write Products , you 're going to have to read much more documentation ( most of it still in progress ) and , frankly , study existing Products to see how they 're done .

  6. imf表示,虽然市场迄今似乎积极看待这一过程,但“有可能仍存在一些关于测试严格程度的不确定性”。

    The IMF said that while the markets seemed to have taken a positive view of the process so far , " some uncertainty regarding the stringency of the tests is likely to remain " .

  7. 利比亚反对派过渡国民委员会信息主任ShamsuddinBenAli表示,他们相信卡扎菲上校很有可能仍在的黎波里范围内。

    Shamsuddin Ben Ali , director of communications for the opposition National Transitional Council , said they believed that Colonel Gaddafi was most likely still in the Tripoli area .

  8. 尽管前景黯淡,但是也有人仍保持乐观。

    But , despite the gloom , there is optimism .

  9. 17你在世的日子要比正午更明,虽有黑暗仍像早晨。

    Life will be brighter than noonday , and darkness will become like morning .

  10. 尽管如此,有人仍质疑巴西的信贷能否保持如此之高的扩张速度。

    That said , some question whether credit in Brazil can continue to grow so rapidly .

  11. 没有金融创新,经济和金融发展有可能仍在低层次、低水平的阶段徘徊;

    Without financial innovation , our economy and finance might still linger in a low level .

  12. 在这之后的几周内,伊朗如有需要仍有足够时间掩盖其军事联系。

    In the intervening weeks Iran will have had time , if needed , to cover up any military links .

  13. 然而,固定针吸入部分胞质的变形是否会对胚胎的后期发育有影响仍值得进一步研究。

    However , whether the part of cytoplasm distortion sucked by holding pipette effect later development or not is deserved study .

  14. 但有人仍会反对:那些诚实的工人已缴纳了税款,其中一部分就会用于支付监狱的养护费,囚犯凭什么赚得和他们一样多呢?

    Some will still object : why should prisoners earn the same as honest workers whose taxes are paying for their prison upkeep ?

  15. 叶顶端缓尖或急尖并且尖端模糊;冬天芽鳞片提早脱落或有一些仍残留在枝条的基部。

    Leaf apex gradually acuminate or abruptly tapered and indistinctly mucronate ; winter bud scales early deciduous or some persistent at base of branch .

  16. 我认识的人里,现在有人仍在购买股票但到了我这个年纪的人更不喜欢风险,因此黄金可能更好。

    I know people who are still buying stocks at this moment but gold may be better for people my age who are more risk-averse .

  17. 在美国等地,这一比例甚至更高。在美国,70多岁的人有19%仍在工作。

    The figure is even higher in some places like the US , where 19 per cent of those in their 70s are still working .

  18. 其结果就是,今年底,油价很有可能仍在目前每桶大约70到80美元的区间内。

    The result is that oil is most likely to end the year within its present trading range of about $ 70 - $ 80 per barrel .

  19. 它被认为是在第一,美国赢了,由一个单一的点,但它宣布有三秒仍发挥。

    It was thought at first that the United States had won , by a single point , but it was announced that there were three seconds still to play .

  20. 这是否会有效果仍有待观察(我个人很难相信刺杀行动会赢得人心)。

    Whether this will work remains to be seen ( personally , I find it hard to believe that hearts and minds can be won easily amid a campaign of assassinations ) .

  21. 她说,由于这些台湾企业有许多仍在中国大陆经营有工厂,他们或许希望避免发表任何可能会被解读为对大陆当地商业环境持负面看法的言论。

    She said that since many of these companies continue to run factories in China , they likely want to avoid saying anything that might come off as negative toward the business environment there .

  22. 而且近几年来在国际社会的援助下(目前政府预算差不多有50%仍依赖于外来援助),卢旺达取得了非洲大陆最快的经济增速。

    And , with the help of international aid , on which the government still depends for nearly 50 per cent of its budget , Rwanda has seen some of the highest growth rates in Africa .

  23. 第一节将北京和上海作为典型的城市样本来进行论述,指出新世纪的都市文学作品中,对于这两座城市书写和想象的既有主题仍在继续。

    The first section carries on the elaboration Beijing and Shanghai as the model urban sample , pointed out new century in metropolis literary work , regarding these two urban writing and imagination already had the subject still to continue .

  24. 结果①调查显示我省县级以上医院有74.8%仍用普通玻片(或加盖玻片)直接镜检进行尿液沉渣分析检查,只有25.2%的医院采用商品化尿液沉渣检测系统。

    All laboratories were asked to test them and give the feedback . Results The survey clearly demonstrate 74.8 % of district hospitals still use the glass slide ( or with coverslip ) with microscope to do urinary sediment test . The rest of 25.2 % groups use commercial systems .

  25. 主要通过三个方法进行评估,首先看那些仍在工作岗位上的老年人,这是第一个统计量,我们在21个国家进行的调查中,70岁老年人中有10%仍在工作,通过交税的方式做出贡献;

    We measured in three ways , you look at those who remain in employment and so to give you one more statistic and in across our survey in these twenty one countries , ten percent people in their seventies are still working , so they make a contribution by way of tax ,

  26. 大运河有几段仍可以行船。

    The Grand Canal is still navigable in certain sections .

  27. 近年来国外的MEMS加速度传感器技术发展很快,但是国内在加速度传感器技术上尚未有突破,仍沿用传统的压电技术等,精度上大体处于10-4-10-5g的水平。

    In recent years , MEMS acceleration sensor foreign technology has developed rapidly , but the domestic acceleration sensor has not yet been a technical breakthrough .

  28. 有许多人仍钟意于到苹果公司(AppleInc.)的iTunesStore音乐商店购买音乐,不受网上收听或订阅与否的限制。

    Plenty of people still prefer purchasing music a la Apple Inc. 's iTunes Store , where there aren 't restrictions due to streaming or subscriptions .

  29. BCL-2蛋白的表达能否作为膀胱肿肿瘤标志物志物及与膀胱肿瘤患者存活有否关系仍需进一步深入的研究。

    Whether BCL-2 protein expression can be considered as a bladder tumor marker and if it was correlated with the patient survival , it should be further studied .

  30. 至目前为止,虽然对DX中心的物理起源、精细结构等进行了许多讨论,但有许多问题仍有待解决。

    Until now , in spite of many investigations about DX centers ' physical origins and energy levels ' fine structures , there are still many problems that have not yet been classified .