
  1. 教下你怎么读Congratulations

    Showing you how to say " Gongratulations . "

  2. 在高师的严教下,韩增的技艺很快成熟起来。

    The strict division in high education , the Korean art by mature quickly .

  3. 几年来,她在杨茗茗老师授教下,用最真挚的诚和爱不断地学习、探索、进取。

    She has taught by teacher Mingming Yang for many years , with her full heart and love , she is continually studying , adventuring and enterprising .

  4. 金泰的律师詹姆斯·奥普金斯(JamesHopkins)称他是一个好学生,出身寒微,没有犯罪记录,而且还教小孩下国际象棋。

    James Hopkins , a lawyer for Kim , described him as a good student from a humble background who had no record and teaches chess to children .

  5. 罗恩还开始教哈利下巫师棋。

    Ron also started teaching Harry wizard chess .

  6. 教育的主要职能是教给下一代技能以找工作。

    The prime function of schooling is to equip the future generation to find jobs .

  7. 在禁教政策下,清政府对教会医疗事业采取了容忍的态度和政策。

    Under the prohibition of church policy Qing government was tolerant to church 's medical enterprise .

  8. 先秦儒家已给教定下了生德于中的基调。

    Confucian in Early Qin Dynasty provided teaching with a framework , namely generating virtue from teaching .

  9. 现代职教理论下高职英语教师角色的新内涵

    The New Connotation of English Teacher 's Role in Higher Vocational Education under Modern Theory of Vocational Education

  10. 沈德潜在诗教统摄下论述格调说,其意义无疑是深远的。它使历来侧重于体现体制声律的格调不至步入形式主义的老路。

    It makes always focus on the " style of poems embody system ," not enter formalist footsteps .

  11. 2006年,一些荷兰竞选者操纵投票机误报票数(还教它下象棋)。

    In 2006 Dutch campaigners rigged a device to miscount votes ( and then taught it to play chess ) .

  12. 本文将利用三次样条插值,介绍如何解决不足教据下的决策问题。

    In this paper , we introduce a method to use cubic spline functions to solve problems of making decisions with insufficient data .

  13. 高教改革视阈下的思政教育路径研究

    Research on Political Education from the Perspective of Higher Education Reform

  14. 她答应教你,下星期一开始。

    She 3 ) agreed to teach you , starting next Monday .

  15. 我还以为你要我教你怎么下呢。

    I thought you wanted me to teach you how to play .

  16. 另一个则教我写下雄心勃勃的事业规划和财务计划,进而创造创业的机会。

    The other taught me how to write strong business and financial plans so I could create jobs .

  17. 然后她指导着祥子怎样教虎妞喝下那道神符,并且给她一丸药,和神符一同服下去。

    Then she showed Xiangzi how to get Tigress to swallow the magic charm along with a pill which she gave her .

  18. 我一直在墙这边观察你。瞧,我可以教你一两下。”

    I 've been watching you from over the wall . Look , I can give you a lesson or two . "

  19. 所谓醇雅观是指乾隆在儒家诗教传统影响下,结合帝王特殊的政治地位而形成的醇正典雅、温柔敦厚的文学观。

    Mellow and elegant literary one formed under the influence of the poetic tradition of Confucians , together with special Imperial status .

  20. 产教结合模式下高职院校管理体制应变改革的研究与实践高职教育产教合作探索

    Research and Practice on How the Management System of Higher Vocational Schools Meet the Reform under the Pattern of Combination of Production and Teaching

  21. 体教结合背景下湖南省高校高水平男子足球队发展策略研究

    Research on High-level Athletics Talent of Hunan University Men 's Football Team Development Strategy under the " Combining Physical Training with Education " Background

  22. 空间曲面建模可以使焊接机器人在有限示教的条件下自动建立焊接模型并精确完成焊接和磨削操作。

    Model of spatial surface can make robot automatically build model of welding and finish the manipulation of welding and grinding in condition of being taught by people limitedly .

  23. 如果你确定你十分喜欢教英语,下学期也许你可以在周末给儿童做家教同时挣点钱。

    If you 're certain you really like teaching English , then next semester maybe you could tutor a child on the weekend and at the same time make some extra money ?

  24. 林清串众潜入北京城,在人教太监导引下,进攻清宫,因寡不敌众而失败。

    Lin Qing sneaked into Beijing with the guidance of the follower eunuch and attacked the court . But he failed because he fought against hopeless odds . But the insurrectionary army continued to fight under the leadership of Li Wencheng in Hua County of Henan .

  25. 本文以河南省太极拳队为研究对象,旨在通过对河南省太极拳队在体教结合模式下的发展现状进行研究,分析影响河南省太极拳队发展的因素,并提出对策和建议。

    This article takes Henan Taijiquan Team as the research object ; aiming to study the developing conditions of Henan Taijiquan Team which is in the combination mode of sports and physical education ; analyzing the influential factors of Henan Taijiquan Team development and giving the countermeasures and suggestions .

  26. 处于新教包围的地盘下(Menerbes,Sivergues,Buoux),当时APT在它的大部分地区都忠于天主教

    Entour é de places-fortes protestantes ( M é nerbes , Sivergues , Buoux ) , Apt demeure cependant fid è lement catholique dans sa grande majorit é .

  27. 他显然已经入读犹太人的学校,受教于教法师的门下。

    No doubt he had already attended a Jewish school under a rabbi teacher .

  28. 浅论高教产业化条件下的高校图书馆文献信息社会化

    Socialization of Library Literature and Information under the Conditions of the Industrialization of Higher Education

  29. 她在遵守这样一个传统,母亲教儿子如何善待下一代女性。

    She was following a tradition : women teach their sons hoe to treat the next generation of women well .

  30. 为了满足传教的需要,传教士们在越南教民的帮助下,创建了拉丁化越语拼音文字,也就是越南现行的国语字。

    In order to preaching , the western missionaries created the Vietnamese Latin Pinyin characters by the helping of Vietnamese believers , and that evolved into the subsequent modern Vietnamese characters .