
  • 网络Education Ordinance
  1. 政府在二零零零年全面检讨《教育条例》及《教育规例》。

    A comprehensive review of the Education Ordinance and the Education Regulations was conducted in 2000 .

  2. 学生资助办事处也管理其他由私人捐赠的奖学金及资助计划,其中多项受《教育条例》规管。

    The Student Financial Assistance Agency administers other privately funded scholarships and assistance schemes for school students . Many are governed by the Education Ordinance .

  3. 《教育条例》(第279章)规管学校教育服务。

    School education services come under the Education Ordinance ( Cap . 279 ) .

  4. 学校应同时参考和遵循《教育条例》、《资助则例》和《学校行政手册》内各相关章节的条文行事。

    Schools should also refer to the relevant sections in the Education Ordinance , Code of Aid and School Administration Guide for reference and compliance .

  5. 该校属直接资助计划学校/《教育条例》附表3指明的学校,预计开课日期为(日期)。

    The school is a Direct Subsidy Scheme school / a school specified in Schedule 3 of the Education Ordinance and its scheduled opening date is date .

  6. 职业资格标准是教育条例(企业)和框架教学计划(学校),它们是教育培训和考试的依据。

    Occupational qualification standards in Germany are the education ordinance ( enterprise ) and framework teaching plan ( school ), they are the basis for education and training and examinations .

  7. 近来政府似乎更站在猫爸的一边:根据中国官方媒体的报道,今年上海出台教育条例改革,使竞争极为激烈的民办幼儿园和民办小学的入学面试报考人数减半。

    The government also seems to be more on Cat Dad 's side these days : changes in official education regulations introduced in Shanghai this year halved the number of children interviewing for slots in highly competitive private kindergartens and primary schools , according to state media .

  8. 各级学校得遴选优秀运动人才担任专任运动教练;其任用依教育人员任用条例之规定;其资格,由中央主管机关定之。

    Schools may invite outstanding athletes to be coaches according to the educational personnel employment act and the qualification requirements will be prepared by the responsible authority in the central government .

  9. 解读《民办教育促进法实施条例》&以合理回报问题为切入点

    An Interpretation of Byelaw to Law of Promoting Civilian-run Education of P.R. China & From the Point of " the Rational Repay "

  10. 《教育奖学基金条例》(第1085章)则为管理由蒥民捐助的奖学金制定条文。

    The Education Scholarships Fund Ordinance ( Cap . 1085 ) provides for the administration of scholarships donated by members of the public .

  11. 《2001年教育(修订)条例》于六月生效,使法例更能符合学校和教育署现时的运作需要。

    To better meet the present-day operational needs of schools and the Education Department , the Education ( Amendment ) Ordinance 2001 took effect in June .

  12. 从建立合作教育法规出发,建议制定中国产学研合作教育条例作为高等教育法的单项性法规。

    Draft regulations according to policy of cooperative education , and make it the stipulates of higher education .

  13. 针对民办高等学校,教育部专门出台了《民办教育促进法实施条例》,指出:民办高职院校要明确办学宗旨、培养目标,加强师资力量、教学条件等方面的建设。

    The Ministry of Education issued the " Regulations for the Implementation of Private Education Promotion Law ", requires a clear mission Private Colleges and Universities , training objectives , strengthen the faculty , teaching conditions , and other construction .