
  • 网络Education Department;Educational Department
  1. 学校可为教师报读教育署开办的训练课程,或领取现金津贴,自行安排校本训练课程。

    Schools may enrol teachers in training courses commissioned by the education department or arrange their own school-based training using cash grants provided .

  2. 升学就业辅导教师证书学生辅导组〔教育署〕

    Certificate in Careers Teachers Training Student Guidance Section [ Education Department ]

  3. 教育署必须下降,因为联邦政府批准的国家认证机构的法律学校的ABA和教育团体为目标的空间。

    The Department of Education must drop the ABA as the federally approved national accreditor of law schools and make room for objective educational bodies .

  4. 教育署主要根据家长的意愿以及学生的校内成绩分配中一学额。

    Allocation is based on parental choice and internal school assessments .

  5. 教师组/非本地课程注册处〔教育署〕

    Teachers Section / Non-local Courses Registry [ Education Department ]

  6. 教育署宣布上午校和全日制学校停课。

    Education Department announces closure of morning and all-day schools .

  7. 教育署工业教育及训练职员协会

    Education Department Technical Education and Industrial Training Staff Association

  8. 教育署实验室助理员及技术员协会

    Association of Laboratory Assistants and Technicians in Education Department

  9. 教育署现正制作教学软件,以协助推行资讯科技辅助的教学及学习活动。

    Education software is being developed to assist IT-facilitated teaching and learning activities .

  10. 政府秘书职务人员协会教育署官立院校非教职人员工会

    Union of Non-Teaching Staff of the Education Department , Government Colleges and Schools

  11. 清洁学校运动〔教育署和民政事务总署合办〕

    Clean School Campaign [ jointly organized by Education Department and Home Affairs Department ]

  12. 教育署目前正收集许多有关谈判规则的公众意见。

    The department is now collecting public comments on a number of negotiated rules .

  13. 教育署已为120所学校各提供一名资讯科技统筹员,以开展及推行校本资讯科技计划。

    120 schools have an IT co-ordinator to develop and roll-out school-based IT plans .

  14. 此外,教育署亦就学生训育事宜向中学提供支援服务。

    Support services are also provided to secondary schools on matters relating to student discipline .

  15. 此外,教育署亦以合约方式为所有公营学校提供技术支援服务。

    Furthermore , contract technical support service is being provided to all public sector schools .

  16. 教育署会尽量安排有特殊教育需要的儿童,入读普通学校。

    Children with special educational needs are integrated into ordinary schools as far as possible .

  17. 也寄副本给教育署。

    Copy given to education department .

  18. 农村字符,教育署及派驻刺猬,汤姆鼠,黄兔,獾。

    Countryside characters , Ed and Edwina Hedgehog , Tom Mouse , Sam Rabbit and Badger .

  19. 正式定名为『心光书院』并于教育署注册。

    Formally registered as the Ebenezer School and Home for the Blind under the Education Ordinance .

  20. 政府制定了表现指标,作为学校自我评估和教育署视学时评估学校表现的依据。

    Performance indicators were developed to provide a basis for assessing schools'performance in schools'self-evaluation and inspections .

  21. 上海市浦东新区第四教育署学生历史学习现状调查研究

    Current Situation Research for Students History Studying in the 4th Education Department of PuDong New Area

  22. *教育署应把更多职权下放给学校,藉以改善学校管理。

    The Education Department should devolve more responsibility to schools with a view to improving their management .

  23. 此外,由一九九七至一九九八学年起,教育署也为内地来港学童提供全日制的短期预修课程。

    Since the 1997-98 school year , short-term but full-time preparatory courses for NAC have also been provided .

  24. 教育署在未来四年会再提供70000个各级程度的培训名额。

    A further 70 000 training places at various levels of competencies will be provided in the coming four years .

  25. 互惠分组教学在女生体育教学中的运用与研究学位分配组〔教育署〕

    Study on utilization of Reciprocal Teaching and Learning Divided in Groups ; School Places Allocation Section [ Education Department ]

  26. 教育署致力加强学校自我评估及校外评估机制,促进优质幼儿教育的发展。

    The Education Department enhances the development of quality early childhood education by promoting school self-evaluation and external monitoring mechanism .

  27. 教育署署长掌管教育署,负责推行幼稚园、小学及中学的教育政策。

    The director of education , who heads the education department , implements policies at kindergarten , primary and secondary levels .

  28. 教育署制作了一套英语自学套,分发给有关的学校及非政府机构,供内地来港儿童使用;

    A self-learning package on the English Language has been produced and distributed to schools and NGOs for use by NAC .

  29. 在教育署服务达三十五年之久,最后出任之公职为教育署高级助理署长。

    He had been serving the Education Department for35 years , with his last position as Senior Assistant Director of Education .

  30. 由一九九八至九九学年开始,教育署在中一至中三的课程加入新的公民教育科。

    Since the 1998-99 school year , a new subject of civic education has been introduced at Secondary 1 to 3 .