
xūn dài
  • ribbon;lanyard
勋带 [xūn dài]
  • [lanyard] 功勋饰带

  1. 具体而言,原本专供军队的威迪恩饰带、勋带、肩带如今也成为了娱乐明星的装饰品。

    In particular , Wyedean 's braids , ribbons and sashes that used to serve armies now adorn actors .

  2. 假使他有一条勋带,马吕斯还会说:“这是个退伍军官。”

    If he had worn a decoration , Marius would have said : " He is an ex-officer . "

  3. 但我妈妈却说这和我哥哥以前的研究“摇滚乐有害于青豆生长”根本没差只不过换汤不换药我倍受打击于是把勋带退了回去

    But my mother pointed out that it was just a rehash of my brother 's earlier " Do Lima Beans Grow Worse to Rock ' n ' Roll . " I felt so guilty , I gave the ribbon back .

  4. 但这可能是问题所在我举个例子吧我8岁时我的一个项目“古典音乐有助青豆生长”在科技展上得了奖授予了我一条勋带

    But it could be part of your problem . Let me give you an example . When I was eight , I won a ribbon at the science fair for my project , " Do Lima Beans Grow Better to Classical Music . "

  5. 分队服,勋带和大部分球队的训练装备,都是时尚界“Normcore潮流”的新品,这使它突然间具备了走秀的价值,甚至连运动衫都值得称道。

    Netherlands substitutes in Normcore bibs . Photograph : Jean Catuffe / Getty ImagesThe bibs , lanyards and training kits of most teams are very on trend for the current normcore moment in fashion , where function is suddenly catwalk-worthy and the sweatshirt is something to swoon over .