
  1. 今年去参加我所属的党的州党员大会真是浪费时间。一切都是老一套。

    It was a waste of time to go to my party 's state convention this year .

  2. 美国参议员拉马尔·亚历山大在州共和党初选中抵抗住了茶党支持的州议会众议员乔·卡尔的挑战。

    US Senator Lamar Alexander has fought back a challenge from Tea Party-backed challenger , State Representative , Joe Carr in that state 's Republican Primary .

  3. 美国执政党在俄罗斯杜马州的代表SergeiMarkov表示,他也听说了交换间谍的传言。

    Sergei Markov , a in the Russian State Duma from the ruling United Russia party , said he has heard the rumors of an exchange .

  4. 他和JacquelineSteiner为老的音乐填词,支持美国进步党候选人竞选马萨诸塞州波士顿市长。

    She and Jacqueline Steiner took old music and wrote new words a Progressive Party candidate for mayor of Boston , Massachusetts .

  5. 美国众议院少数党领袖、俄亥俄州共和党众议员博纳(JohnBoehner)对CBS表示,在一个经济前景极不确定的时期,最不应该做的就是加税。

    ' At a time of great economic uncertainty , the last thing we want to do is raise taxes on anyone , 'House Minority Leader John Boehner ( R. , Ohio ) told CBS .

  6. 在将左翼党重新送进汉堡州议会时,德国选民们确定政治立场向左。

    German voters confirmed their swing left when they returned the Left Party to the state parliament in Hamburg .

  7. 周二,茶党在得克萨斯州取得了两场选举胜利,他们成功地替代了两名现任共和党议员的席位,这两名议员支持增加保守政党候选人数。

    The Tea Party scored a pair of victories in Texas Tuesday ousting two Republican incumbents in favor of more conservative candidates .