
  1. 新复方党参片防治高原脱习服的临床疗效

    Therapeutic effects of the new compound codonopsis tablets against deacclimatization to high altitude

  2. 目的:探讨银杏叶片、复方红景天、复方党参和刺五加片对高原脱适应者自由基代谢的影响。

    AIM : To investigate the effect of gingkgo biloba , rhodiola , ciwujia pian and compound dangshen on free radical metabolism of patients with de-adaptation to high altitude .

  3. 方法利用水蒸气蒸馏提取党参挥发油的方法,分别提取党参片、米炒党参、麸炒党参,利用GC-MS联用技术对挥发油成分进行分离鉴定。

    Method : Extract volatile oil from green , stir-baked with rice and bran Codonopsis pilosulaby by wet distillation method , and separate and identify them by GC-MS technique .