
  • 网络consumers purchase decision;purchase decision
  1. 利用Matlab软件,本文建立了三种策略下的消费者购买决策模型以及相应的优化模型。

    Using the Matlab programme , this thesis established purchase decision model and corresponding optimization model respectively for three kinds of bundling pricing strategy .

  2. 第二章对本文所涉及的市场营销战略、市场营销策略组合以及消费者购买决策理论分别进行了阐述。

    The second chapter of this marketing strategy , the combination of marketing strategies and consumer purchase decision theory are described .

  3. 同时,也检验了DEMATEL在研究影响消费者购买决策因素上的适用性。

    At the same time , it proved that DEMATEL is applicable in analyzing the factors which influence the consumers ' purchase decision-making .

  4. 企业环境责任对消费者购买决策的影响分析

    Analysis of Consumers ' Purchase Decision-making Caused by Corporate Environmental Responsibility

  5. 电子商务中产品推荐代理对消费者购买决策的影响

    The Impact of E-commerce Product Recommendation Agent on Consumer Decision Making

  6. 消费者购买决策过程是营销学和消费者购买行为学中核心的研究内容,是消费者购买行为的集中体现。

    Consumer decision-making process is the core content of marketing and consumer behavior .

  7. 价格、品质以及个性化是作为影响消费者购买决策的重要因素。

    Price , quality and personalized purchasing decisions are important facts that affect consumers .

  8. 其中,消费者购买决策的做出是对企业产品认同及接受程度最为直接的表现,消费者之所以决定选择某种产品,是因为他相信该产品比其它竞争品牌能给他带来更大的效用或价值。

    Purchasing decision making is straight behave of self-identity and acceptance of corporation 's product .

  9. 同样,购物网站的设计是否合理对消费者购买决策影响重大。

    So , the shopping websites have an important effect on consumers ' purchase decisions .

  10. 最后论文简要讨论了网络消费者购买决策研究领域在未来的研究中值得关注的主题和发展的方向。

    The paper also discusses the future research themes of network consumer purchase decision-making briefly .

  11. 产品原产地是影响消费者购买决策的重要因素之一。

    Products country of origin is one of the most important factors that impacts customers decision .

  12. 因此购买过程中旅游产品的品牌对消费者购买决策的影响尤为重要。

    Therefore , the process of buying tourism products of the brand on consumer purchasing decision is particularly important .

  13. 怕假心态影响农村消费者购买决策。

    The afraid of buying counterfeit deeply affects consumer 's buying decision making process in the rural areas in Beijing .

  14. 未来的结果。饭店消费者购买决策过程可用名义型决策、有限型决策、扩展型决策来描述。

    Hotel consumers ' purchasing decision-making process can be described as nominal type , finite type , and extended type .

  15. 传统口碑在消费者购买决策过程中所起的重要作用已经得到广泛证实。

    Traditional word-of-mouth ( WOM ) has proven to play a major role in consumer buying decisions by influencing consumer choice .

  16. 前人仅在消费者购买决策领域讨论负性偶然情绪对框架效应的影响。

    The literature discusses the influence of the negative incidental emotion on framing effect only in the domain of consumer purchasing decision .

  17. 而高科技产品领域,受产品特性的影响,消费者购买决策非常慎重,竞争品牌和产品对消费者决策的影响非常大。

    But in high-tech product area , consumers are very cautious to buy and competitive brand and product have great influence to decision-making .

  18. 最后,论文深入探讨了有关的研究结果,分析了旅游在线评论对旅游消费者购买决策影响的理论依据,从旅游在线评论的角度,对我国的旅游电子商务的发展提出了一些创新性的建议。

    Finally , the thesis discussed the results of the study and also suggested some implications for the development of tourism E-commerce in China .

  19. 广告是如何影响消费者购买决策的,前人对此提出了很多有价值的广告受众反应模式;

    Former researchers have already brought forward many valuable models of audience 's response on how advertisement influences the purchase decision of the consumers .

  20. 通过计量分析发现,食品安全风险感知、性别、收入等因素都影响消费者购买决策行为。

    According the quantitative analysis , consumers ' consumption decisions are influenced by the factors of their awareness of risks , gender and income .

  21. 从观望者到购买者&中国旅游电子商务消费者购买决策行为探析国际商业旅行者和代理人联盟

    From " Onlooker " to " Buyer " & Predicting Online Tourism Purchasing Intentions in China ; International League of Commercial Travellers and Agents

  22. 脉络线索是消费行为理论中影响消费者购买决策很重要的因素,但国内外研究却是罕见。

    The context cues are the key factor that affects the consumer to purchase in the consumer behavior theory and still lack of research .

  23. 作为影响消费者购买决策的心理营销途径,服装网络店铺视觉风格研究是网络营销的切入点。

    As a psychological way that affects consumer purchase decisions , the research on the visual style of clothing online shop is a good point .

  24. 品牌组合分子图涵盖了所有影响消费者购买决策方式的品牌,而不管公司是否拥有这些品牌。

    The brand portfolio molecule includes all the brands that factor into a consumer 's decision to buy , whether or not the company owns them .

  25. 网络购物环境中,品牌熟悉度、临场感和信誉机制为对消费者购买决策有重要影响的启发式线索,三者与消费者在线信任和购买意愿均有正相关关系。

    In online shopping context , brand familiarity , presence and reputation mechanism have positive relationship with consumers ' online trust and purchase intention . 2 .

  26. 研究显示,更多的消费者购买决策是在购买的时候做出的,而且花在每次购物活动的时间在减少。

    Studies show that more consumer buying decisions are being made at the point of purchase and that the time spent during each shopping trip is decreasing .

  27. 消费者购买决策是一个信息加工和处理的过程,在此过程中,过多的信息和备选方案使得消费者对决策结果的满意度下降。

    Consumer purchase decision is a process of information processing , during this procedure , overload information and options makes consumer feel lower satisfaction to their decision-making .

  28. 而网路口碑的说服性取决于网路评论的内容、图片与评论者本身的专业度,并对消费者购买决策和产品销售量具有显著的影响。

    The persuasion of online word-of-mouth is determined by contents , pictures and expertise of reviewer and has significant effects on consumer 's purchasing decision and product sales .

  29. 包装在通常的生产和物料搬运过程中是重要的环节,在消费者购买决策中也起着重要作用,它需要工程、生产、图形设计和广告等部门的协同工作。

    Packaging is an important aspect in overall production and material handling and requires the cooperative work of various departments such as engineering , production , graphics designing and advertising .

  30. 间接影响反映了在线评论的渗透效应,影响消费者购买决策的常规路径:在线客户评论→品牌知晓→品牌评价→品牌决策结果。

    Indirect impact reflects the penetration effect of online review , influencing the conventional path of consumers ' purchasing decision : online consumer review → brand awareness → brand evaluation → the brand decision-making results .