
xiāo fèi ɡé mìnɡ
  • consumption revolution
  1. 以市场为取向的经济改革带来了中国的消费革命,这场革命的重要标志是消费者自主地位的确立。

    Meanwhile , a consumption revolution is caused by the market economy .

  2. 推动能源生产和消费革命,支持节能低碳产业和新能源、可再生能源发展,确保国家能源安全,建设节约型社会。

    Promote energy production and consumption revolution , support for low-carbon energy industry and new energy , renewable energy development and ensure national energy security , and building a conservation-minded society .

  3. 中国把这看作第三次消费革命的征兆。

    China cites these facts as evidence of a third consumer revolution .

  4. 而在20世纪90年代的第二次消费革命中,则轮到了电子产品。

    In the 1990s , electronic gadgets were signs of prosperity in the second revolution .

  5. 消费革命则导致了生活方式的改变,由此纵容了个体权利与欲望的发展。

    Consumer revolution leads to the change of life way , which encourages the development of individual power and desire .

  6. 在大约20多年前出现的第一次消费革命中,自行车以及家用电器成为了抢手货。

    In the first revolution , which occurred more than two decades ago , bicycles and household electrical appliances were hot commodities .

  7. 然而这种消费革命的情况还有疑问,三个关键的问题是:消费者是什么人?

    While the fact of this consumer revolution is hardly in doubt , three key questions remain : who were the consumers ?

  8. 服装面料的创新与进步是服装创新与升级的最重要物质支撑,服装面料的进步加速了服装的流行和消费革命。

    Innovation and development of fabric are basic foundations for upgrading of garments , and accelerate introduction of fashion and revolution of consumption .

  9. 第三次消费革命的巨大后果,要求在将经济和环境影响相结合的城镇规划上采用创造性的方法。

    The enormous consequences of the third consumer revolution require creative approaches , which integrate economic and environmental concerns , in the planning of towns .

  10. 然而,他们在城市中不再仅仅是生产者,而且是消费者。中国正在经历一场消费革命。

    However , they are not only producers , but also consumers in the city . " China is launch a revolution of consumption " .

  11. 在改革开放和全球化的大背景下,中国社会发生了一场消费革命,历经了从生活必需品时代向耐用消费品时代的转变,商品经济高度发达、大众传媒日新月异、消费主义日渐萌出。

    In the context of opening-up policy and globalization , China witnessed a consumption reform . The society stepped into the era of durable consumer items from necessaries of life , commodity economy highly developed , the mass media changed rapidly and consumerism has rose from that time .

  12. iPod是苹果(Apple)的音乐播放器,正是这款小型电子产品开启了现代消费类硬件的革命。

    Apple 's music player was the gadget that launched the modern consumer hardware revolution .

  13. 三星公司正与VerizonWireless合作,这样有助于加快和促进消费电子产品的革命化,可以通过LTE技术提供更丰富、更强大的用户体验。

    Samsung Mobile is collaborating with Verizon Wireless to help accelerate and revolutionize consumer electronics to deliver richer , more powerful user experiences through LTE technology .

  14. 中国的消费观念和消费行为呈现了一定的消费主义文化倾向,消费革命正在悄悄来临。

    Consumer behavior and concept in China have a certain tendency to consumerism .

  15. 大众消费阶段的到来,不仅标志着中国实现了由传统节俭型消费向现代享受型消费的转变,而且迅速发展的消费变革,预示着再一次消费革命的发生,即实现向发展型消费的转变。

    Similarly , the change of consumption model from traditional frugality to modern enjoyment symbolizes the arrival of the phase of the masses consumption in China . Another consumption revolution to development consumption will be brought by rapid changes of consumption .